6. Bonding

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess,because like in a game of chess, The Queen protects the King - Unknown.


Setting: The New Malfoy Manor.


"Draco." Came a timid, sleepy voice of Hermione Malfoy.

The only answer she got was shuffling of her husband's body against the duvet and the silky bedspreads, as he brought her closer to him. "Hmm."

He had muttered, before continuing his 'sleep of handsomeness'

"Wake up, Draco. Wake up." She said, as she tried shaking her husband away from Sleep's arms.

The fact that it was the autumn season; and her handsome husband has got the nerve to put a cooling charm on the room; and the duvets were comfortably warmer than every other day - didn't help her the least.

"Shhh, my Love." He had told her, before pulling her by her wrist and into his arms, as he used his built arms to hold her squirming form to his body.

"Harry and Ron will be here anytime. Wake up. Let go of m-me, Malfoy!" She said in between her breaths, as her husband tightened his grip on her body, and pulled her flush close to him.

"Take a chill pill, honey. They'll be here for the lunch and not for a dawn breakfast." He had chuckled at his own joke, as he left at trail of kisses down her neck.

Never the one to turn down an offer, his hands roamed all over her body, whilst his cold lips did its job.

"Mrs. Malfoy.. You don't know how much I've missed you. Do you?" He husked and she shivered as his husky voice and his nickname for her jostled her body into the much needed romance.

Draco had to go for a business trip in Scotland for over a week, and she had stayed home since she had her own job to do. She had missed him. And, it's a well known fact that he had missed her, a lot too.


After their ceremony of love, they had seated themselves in the dining room. Draco read the newspapers, whilst Hermione helped the house elves to do the breakfast.

"Hey, look at what I've found, Love!" Draco exclaimed, which attracted Hermione's attention, who then slowly made her way over to her husband, clearly sore from their activities.

He smirked as she walked over to him, but stopped when she glared at him, and sat on his lap to see what had freaked her husband.

"They published it so soon! I thought it'll be up in the market by the next week not this week!" She cried out, as she saw the cover of the famous weekly magazine, The Witch Weekly, which has witches going wild for many decades

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"They published it so soon! I thought it'll be up in the market by the next week not this week!" She cried out, as she saw the cover of the famous weekly magazine, The Witch Weekly, which has witches going wild for many decades.

A few weeks back, the Witch Weekly senior reporter had caught up with the couple when they were away for their much needed quality time. And, they had promised to give her an interview on the weekend.

"I'm sure that they've done this to promote their business. The Malfoys are always popular amongst the public." He smirked, and his wife just rolled her eyes at him.

Without another word, she opened up the right page and started reading about their interview.

"Hey, no one has the right to see this but me!" He cried out as he saw the first two pages of the interview that contained nothing but wordings and pictures of his wife

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"Hey, no one has the right to see this but me!" He cried out as he saw the first two pages of the interview that contained nothing but wordings and pictures of his wife.

Even though the pictures were quite decent, he found that as a very atrocious behaviour on the magazine officials, when he had particularly told them not to take sexy pictures of his wife. And, in those pictures. She looked completely beautiful. Not that she wasn't right now.

He need not be reminded that she has the whole male population, leaving for a few, of the Magical World after her. And, there are people who are planning to take her away from him because they don't what him to lead a peaceful life.

Hermione rolled her eyes at her husband's behaviour. "Don't be jealous, Drac. I love you. And, I won't fall for anyone else." She reminded him. Even though Hermione constantly reminds her husband that she loves him, it is in his genes to be jealous and over protective of his wife, so the constant reassurance isn't enough.

"You know that I won't fall for any one else other than you. Like how I had, the second when I met you." He let out a long sigh as he reminisced all of his golden memories.

He was dreaming about the way she had punched him in slow motion, when she shook him for his thoughts and dreams. "You have a serious issue of day-dreaming.." She stated, and he huffed indignantly. "I do not!"

"Yes, you do. Now, let go of me." She ordered, as she tried to wiggle her way out of her husband's arms, but in the end failed to do so.

"You'd later thank me for the bonding time we're gonna have, if you won't get away from me.." He told her, or stated in a matter-of-factly.

She rolled her eyes, at him.


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