16. Revelation

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Quote of the Chapter: There are no secrets that time does not reveal - Jean Racine.


Setting: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft anf Wizardry.


"You can't catch me!" A cackling Hermione Granger said as she ran away from her secret boyfriend through the corridors, leaving him to hunt her down.

"You're so going to get it!" An enraged, well, revengeful Draco Malfoy shouted as he chased after his secret girlfriend.

Almost 3/4th of the school population had returned to Hogwarts to complete their education after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Professor Minerva McGonagall​ had decided to continue her position as the Headmistress of Hogwarts. Whilst, there weren't many changes in the Staff side, but the school had surely lost Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and a few other students to the Ministry.

What started out from a single word 'sorry' for Hermione and Draco, now is running at the three words 'I love You'.

Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy were both appointed to be the respective Head Girl and Head Boy for their 8 year.

This provided them with great leverage as the pair had to share their common room, bathroom and the kitchens.

Their relationship between each other grew from being 'friendly' to 'friends' to 'close friends' to 'best friends' to 'crushes' to 'lovers' to 'betrothed' within 6 months of a year at Hogwarts.

No one knew of this except for the whole Slytherin House, the Malfoys and the Grangers.

After Ron and Harry had left Hogwarts for their training to become Aurors, Hermione was able to spend her time planning out her whole future.

She had learnt many things, starting from the Pureblood Customs to the way the Ministry functions and its connections to the Muggle world.

Since her relationship with Ginny wasn't that good, she started spending time with the Slytherins (they got off their difference and accepted her for who she is) who are pretty intelligent, smart, humorous and very close to each other.

The way the Slytherins functioned immediately attracted her, and she berated herself for not noticing it earlier.

Within days, she became very close to the 8th year Slytherins, more than she had ever been with anyone throughout her entire life. She could laugh/tease and fool around with them and at the same time have deep rooted conversations with them.

Hermione found peace, tranquility and contentment with them. And, she absolutely loved it. She loved every single second that she had spent getting to know about them.

It was on October 29 when Draco and Hermione confessed their feelings for each other, when they both were chilling out in the grounds, next to the Black Lake. It was actually one of the last days of the year, and they were forced to watch the Giant Squid that had one of its tentacles up above the water, doing nothing but to float back and forth.

It was a Lazy Day.

Even for the Giant Squid.

The second their lips touched each other's, they were lifted in the air by the Slytherins who then dumped the new couple smack into the Black Lake. In the month of October! The laugh that everyone shared after that was memorable.

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