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The phone rang with madness, as it usually did on Sunday mornings at the clinic. I quickly walked into the waiting room and answered it.

"Hello, this is Vivienne from the Bradford Vetenary Clinic, how may I help you?" I stated in my friendly tone.

"Hello." It was an older lady, I would say and she sounded very upset and distraught "My beautiful dog, Molly has been hit by a car, please, please help me!" She started screaming and crying, but luckily I have had some experience with these types of circumstances before and I knew exactly what to say.

"All right, okay, now take a deep breath and tell me how far you are from the clinic and if you will be able to get Molly here safely." I exclaimed, trying to calm the owner down.

"About 10 minutes away, I'm on my way now." She sounded as though she was having a panic attack and that is just putting dangerous risk on her life and her beloved pets.

"Dear you need to calm down, for your sake and your dogs." I demand her, she's blinded by her tears and that is going to get her nowhere. "Everything will be fine." I assure her, and with that she hangs up.
I let out a long sigh and collapse into the desk chair.

"Babe are you okay?" My eyes travel to the kind, deep voice and instantly a smile shines on my face. That's Connor my boyfriend for you, always looking out for not only his animal patients but also everyone he meets. He rests his hand on my shoulder and smiles down at me.

"I love you, Connor, you know that right?" I state, smiling back up into his face.

"Of course, but who wouldn't love this?" He says sarcastically pointing at himself. Connor pulls me up from the chair and looks deep into my eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. "But I'm sorry Viv." Connor says looking away from me, I feel my heart drop.

"What? Connor!" I shout, confusion in my eyes, what's he talking about.

His eyes meet mine and he has a twinkle in his eyes, "I love you more!" He says cheekily and I feel my heart warming with pure joy, our lips crush together, sending shivers around my body. In that moment it felt like time had stopped. I love how our bodies fit together like a perfect puzzle and i love how he always knows how to cheer me up, oh who am I kidding, I love everything about him. Yes he's not perfect, he has his off days, but when you truly love someone like I love Connor nothing else in the world matters!

"Excuse me, this is a vetenary hospital, not a snogging shop!" Connor and I break the kiss and we turn to face my best friend, Maggie. I immediately feel foolish and my cheeks feel like their on fire. I completely forgot about everything!

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Maggie!" I apologise. "I just... I...we..."

"Got lost in the moment." Maggie finishes for me. "It's alright there's no need to apologise, I understand its hard to keep off the person that you love." Maggie has been dating her boyfriend, Austin for about as long as I've been dating Connor, 2 years. So she understands that sometimes you just can't help it!

"Your just lucky, no one came in on you and saw you both kissing your hearts out." Maggie says almost laughing, Connor stares at me and chuckles.

"Sometimes Viv just can't help herself!" Connor laughs and I join him, but lucky it was Maggie who saw us, not anyone else.
Then it hits me! Molly, I remember, the dog that was hit by a car. And her owner they should have gotten here by now! Connor sees the worried look radiating from my face.

"Viv what's happened? Are you okay?" He asks sick with worry.

"A patient should have come in by now...on the phone...the dog got hit and the owner was freaking out and...!" I say, anxiously wondering where they could be.

"Where's who Viv? Dear it's okay, calm down." Maggie steps towards me and rubs my arm.

"Molly, the dog. She got hit by a car and her owner was on her way here." I explain, I feel so terrible, how could I have forgotten about something like that! I peer at the clock hanging on the wall, 11:15am.

"What time was it when the lady called." Maggie asks reading my mind.

"11 o'clock, 15 minutes ago!" I reply having a mini panic attack. Connor grabs my hand and bobs down beside me, staring up, trying to meet my eyes.

"Vivienne calm down, she might just be stuck in traffic." Connor exclaims trying to stay positive. "She might even be outside the door any second, so lets get things ready when she does! That dog might be half dead when she comes so we better act fast."
And with that Connor kisses my cheek and rushes off into the operating room, desperately trying to get things ready when Molly does arrive.

1 hour later...

"Now Molly will have to stay here over night, but come back tomorrow morning and she should be fine to go home." I explain to Betty, the lady fretting about her dear dog, Molly.

"Oh thank you, truly thank you, I don't know what I ever would have done without my Molly." Betty cheerfully states. "She's my best friend, you know that!"

I immediately feel sorry for the old lady. But a smile shines on my face knowing that all of us here, Connor, Maggie and I, we saved Betty's best friend and that's one of the reasons I love this job, seeing the happiness in people when they get their best friend back.

"No problem, Molly's one lucky dog!" I state to Betty.

Molly luckily had only suffered a few scratches and bruising, the only thing major for Molly was a sprained ankle. The car, we presume only lightly hit her, and that Molly and Betty, both, probably made a bigger scene than it had to be.
Unfortunately we won't know who's fault it was, that is Molly's or the driver's. It was a hit and run, the driver fled after the incident, not even stopping to help or offer support.
Anger swells up inside me, how could people be so heartless? How could someone be so cruel? I will never understand and I don't ever want to.

"Thanks again dear." Betty mumbles and walks out the door. My anger slowly seeps away and I wave goodbye to the little old lady with a kind heart. If only everyone was as kind as Betty, I think to myself. Connor wraps his arms around my body and pulls me to his chest.

"You were great today!" He says, kissing me on the cheek.

"I know, what would you do without me?" I reply, teasing him. "But your the professionally qualified vet, so I think your always great!" I turn to face him and peck him on the lips. Nothing more has to be said, as our lips do the talking.

"Get a room!" Maggie yells. "Can't I go anywhere without finding you two snogging?"

"Well at least this time we aren't in the waiting room!" Connor tells her, while breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, that's an improvement!" Maggie replies laughing while walking out of the room.

"Come on we better get back to work." I say, his dreamy eyes looking sad.

"Oh okay, but its not my fault. Why do you have to be so beautiful!" Connor says, kissing me before leaving the room. I swear I lose my balance in that moment, I reach out and put my weight on the table before re-gaining my balance, oh that boy! Sometimes he says the most cutest things!


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