Easing the pain

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Chapter 7

Time has been passing by so darn slowly over these dreadful couple of weeks. The pain that's numbed my heart, has been re surfacing over and over again, I don't know how much more I can take!

I can't bring myself to go anywhere outside Maggie's flat, each time I have tried and failed. Little things, anything, reminds me of Connor, that arsehole, he can't be erased from my memory even though how much i want to forget him and that he was ever a part of my life! Remembering my old life with him is like I'm suffocating, all the flash backs and the echoes fill me with numbness and my heart feels like its breaking all over again.

Why can't I forget him?

My phone vibrates and I quickly roll to the side of my bed to see who has texted.

1 new message: Zayn


"Hey Vivienne, how are you going? Please let me talk to you, stop shutting people out, it doesn't help ease the pain. Trust me, I know!

Please let me in!"

Zayn xx

He understands my pain, Zayn's been through it.

But it's not the same, Perrie ended it with him because it was too hard for them to be together, she did the right thing for both of them.

Zayn wasn't cheated on! He didn't feel the pain of not knowing why?

Why did he cheat on me?

Wasn't I good enough for him?

What did I do wrong?

A knock on the door interrupts my troubling thoughts.

"Hey Viv how are you feeling today?" Maggie's asks worriedly.

I can tell shes lost in how to help me with my grief, but she hasn't tried to push me at all, which I'm grateful for, i will talk when I'm ready and when I am she's always there.

That's what friends are for right?

"I'm okay." I say bluntly but I can tell Maggie isn't convinced. She ducks her head back around the door way and whispers to someone.

Anxiety claws at my belly, who's there?

Maggie turns to me again, smiling sadly.

"You know Vivienne this exact day, Sunday 20th of December had been planned by us for a long while now!" Maggie's begins sighing.

What's she talking about? who planned it?

"...And now it's not going to be as special, because of what's happened..." Maggie's trails off. "But anyway, hopefully it's gonna cheer you up a bit! Christmas is in 5 days, just so you didn't forget!" Maggie's laughs. And your presents... your 3 big fat noisy presents arrived a little early, would you like to see them now?" Maggie's asks, her eyes are bright and she looks like she's about to break into a laughing fit!

She's talking crazy to me, but there's the tension in the air where something mad is going to happen, and that makes me smile widely!

"What's going on? What early presents?" I say excitedly, while tying my hair up in a messy bun.

"Do you want to see them?" Maggie's winks.

"Uh... Yeah I guess?" I reply, wondering what the presents could be.

"Okay, i will go get them..." Maggie literally yells running out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I flop onto the bed, sighing. To be honest I'm not really up for celebrating anything, let alone christmas! But if Maggie, and who evers else involved, has planned this for me then I'm going to put on a brilliant big happy face and try to suck up my sorrow, at least until I crack.

I hear stomping and laughing coming my way. I stand from the bed and stare at the door, waiting expectantly for something to happen.

The door opens a slither and Maggie walks out, she then stands in the middle of the bedroom and just looks at me.

"Yes..." I ask raising my eyebrows. "Did you get the presents?"

"Yeah they're here!" Maggie giggles.

I scan the area in front of Maggie; nothing. Whys she talking crazy?

I frown, I'm not up for games!

Maggie starts laughing.

"Come on Viv, life's not all that bad!" Maggie tries."Not when you have your friends to celebrate it with!" Maggie smiles from head to toe and stares at the door.

What? Don't tell me? But they can't?

Answering my muddled questions my four excited friends run into the small bedroom and we all start screaming with pure joy.

"What are you all doing here?!" I scream, while crying with happiness.

Maggie, Violet, Miley, Eliza and I are like scream 12 year olds, hugging and crying like there's no tomorrow.

"How has everyone been?" violet asks. Wiping her tear smeared face.

We all catch up on the latest gossip, while siting in the lounge room.

I am so glad to have my friends back together, but the numbness in my heart is slowly creeping back, no matter how much I try to hide it, I don't want to seem the downer while we are all back together.

"I'm going to check my phone..." I announce, walking to where I left it in my bedroom.

Obviously it was just an excuse, I sit on the end of my bed and put my hand in my knees.

"Are you okay Viv?" Violet asks worriedly, siting beside me on the bed.

"I'm sorry Violet, I'm so happy to see everyone again, it's just... I feel empty..." I mumble.

"No one, no one should go through what your going through now, Vivienne!" violet says. "but it happened, and what he did can never be changed, he stuffed it up for himself, I hope he gets the hell he deserves!" Maggie balls her fists.

"But your not alone!" Eliza runs in and hugs me. "If you ever need to talk, one of us will be here to listen!"

"Cheer up Viv!" Miley screams loudly, jumping onto the bed. "You bloody met and talked to Zayn Malik and Harry Styles!" Miley yells slapping my arm.

Maggie finally joins us and we sit together in my bedroom, smiling and enjoying each other's presence.


Hope this chapter makes you smile, a little sadness is kicked in there too!

One Direction are just around the corner, so please vote for a quicker update for the next chapter!

Charlotte xx

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