Chapter 27 - Camping

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Vivienne's POV

Now I'm not the best girl at wildlife survival, but I'm not completely clueless either. I know how to pitch a tent, I know how to light a camp fire and best of all I know first aid!

For me that's pretty darn impressive!

"Hey Viv would you get over here and help me put up this tent!" Liam calls, obviously struggling.

"I'd love to!" I say gladly. Now I can put my skills to the test.

My feet crunch on the bark and leaves below. Native birds chirp away in the tall trees above. We are really in the wilderness here.

I help Liam with the tent and we have it up in less than a minute.

"Wow, is that it?" Liam sounds astonished.

"Yup!" I state proudly.

"Great job you two, now just four more to go!" Harry laughs.

"Well maybe you can help us then if you find it so funny!" I raise an eye brow.

"Fine...teach me then!" Harry orders, picking himself up off the rocky ground.

"Pardon me?" I say, hands on hips.

"Teach me!"


"Hmmf!" Harry sighs. He rolls his eyes, finally understanding what the problem was.

"Can you please teach me." Harry asks correctly.

"Course, that wasn't so hard now was it darling?" I smile smugly.

Harry's dimples show as he grins slightly, I turn my back to his plotting face. From the corner of my eye I see Harry reaching down to the ground, grabbing something.

"Vivienne run!" Maggie squeals.

I spin around, Harry's mischievous face grins evilly. From the smeared clues on his hands, this crazed boy has a fist full of mud.

Before I have any time to react Harry lunges forward, aiming the clump of mud straight at me.

The wet, gooey dirt collides with my figure, plastering oozy brown mud down my face and shoulders.

I stand there, hunched over. My eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, still registering what just happened.

My strawberry-blonde hair is now a sickly dark, blotchy brown. Cold droplets of the goop run in rivulets down my cheeks.

The eyes of the group lay on me, no one dares speak.

Harry's scream breaks the silence, his wail rings out, echoing around the forest.

Zayn returns the favour to Harry, he slaps a fist full of sludge into the back of Harry's neck.

That bastard deserves everything he gets!

A smile soon radiates from my face, with only a few splatters of mud on him, Zayn seems satisfied that he's done good.

"Probably a river near by right?" I say to anyone.

"Maybe." Maggie shrugs.

I turn my back to the group and trudge awkwardly down past the tents.

"Vivienne where are you going?" Harry calls.

I purposely ignore him.

"She's going to the river." Violet replies for me.


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