Final day

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Chapter 24

Eliza's POV

The snoring of the other girls echoes around the room, but that's not what waked me.

Today is the final full day we spend with the lads. As much as I try not to think about it, the truth is we will never see them again, I will never see Liam again.

My heart is twisting into a lump of pain, messing with my emotions. I can't believe the summer break is nearly over, it's gone like a blur. Soon Violet, Miley and I will have to travel back home to Australia, we've left out lives behind over there, we have to go back. Vivienne and Maggie are the only ones who live here in England now, they at least might see the lads again.

I pull the covers off my bed and jump out, there's no way I'm getting any more sleep, not when all my brain can think about is Liam Payne.

God damn! What a boy does to you!

Grabbing a hair tie from the cabinet, I tie my hair up messily. I walk out to the kitchen, scanning through the left- overs I manage to find some Greek salad left from last night an start nibbling on the lettuce. I pull a chair up to the side window and stare out, pale rays of the sunrise peak through over the horizon, soon turning to bright fire light in the morning sky.

My phone buzzes on the kitchen bench, sending me back to reality. I scramble to check it.

1 new message: Liam Payne>3

Message: "Morning beautiful!"

What the hell! I have an excuse to be up at five in the morning, maybe Liam couldn't sleep either?

Anyone would think from the way Liam messages me that we were dating, but no, to my complete disappointment Sophia Smith has got the lucky privilege of doing that. Liam and I will only just ever be good friends, even though I would love something more, but having him close as a friend is enough.


Liam's POV

"You're leaving." Eliza sobs. I huddle her in my arms as tears roll down her cheek.

"Not for good." I reassure her.

"I'm going back to Australia, I will never see you again!"

"We can work something out!" I say. An announcement rumbles through the airport.

"All passengers flying to America board now!"

"No!" Eliza wails. "You're leaving me, you're going to leave me!"

"I'm going nowhere!" I reach out to grab her hand but it seems to slip away. I step towards Eliza, she fades back.

"You're leaving me!" Eliza screams again.

I leap forward to try and reach her but her body shifts and keeps distance. I fall flat on my face with Eliza's screams ringing in my ears.


I wake from the nightmare with sweat dripping off me and goosebumps planted on my arms. Better remind myself never to have a full can of coke before bed again. That dream felt all too real, like it was a memory of my past, or the present.

I shudder as realisation hits me, that dream could become reality. The lads and I are all leaving tomorrow, I might never see Eliza again.

As the thought sinks in, i feel my chest tighten.

You're leaving Sophia too! A voice whispers in my head.

But without a doubt I'm going to see Sophia again.

I send Eliza a message, not caring that she probably won't answer me due to that it's 5 o'clock in the morning.

To: Eliza

Message: "Morning beautiful!"

I lay my phone down on the kitchen bench and walk to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. I gulp down the refreshing liquid, my phone starts ringing, startling me, water splashes in my face sending me into a fit of coughing.

Eliza's POV

Maybe he won't answer? He was probably still asleep when he sent the message, yup I'm such an idiot!

As my finger hovers over the hang up button Liam finally answers.

"Hello!" I say.

There's no reply just the distant sound of coughing and chocking.

"Hello, Liam?" I tap my fingers impatiently against the empty bowl that was once full of salad.

"Oh ha ha, very funny Liam!"

"...Sorry...chocking...water..." Liam coughs.

"You're such a bimbo!" I laugh.

"Hey, you should apologise..." Liam manages to choke out. "I'm dying here because of you calling!"

"What weren't you expecting me to reply?" I ask.

"Well no, El it's 5 o'clock in the morning, shouldn't you be asleep?" Liam says worriedly.

I feel a wave of warmness swamp over me, Liam really cares?

Don't be so surprised Eliza! I snap myself out of it. Friends care for each other, Liam's a friend, nothing more.

"Oh Daddy Direction, they don't call you that for nothing, hey?" I say jokingly.

"I'm a caring lad!" Liam boasts.

"Anyways, why are you questioning me? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Bad dream..." Liam mumbles.

"Same here."

After a minute of awkwardness, Liam breaks the silence.

"So are we all meeting up today?"

"Sure, I reckon the girls would all love too...i...i can't believe today is the last day we will all spend together..." I state sadly.

"I know...just don't think about it, let's live this day like it's our last!" Liam cheers.

"Yeah well cause it is our last..."

"Eliza do you want me to come around there and slap you out of it!" Liam demands. "Cause I would ya know!"

"Sure why not!" I laugh jokingly.

"Alright, I'm on my way!" Liam says hanging up.

"Wait...what...Liam!" I say, but he's already gone.

He's not serious, is he? Nah, I recon it's just a joke.

Maybe he's serious!


Haha! I had fun with this chapter! I have big plans for the next, so stay tuned:D

Sorry it took me a while to update, school assignments are driving me insane! Plus I'm sick, so sorry if it's not the best!

Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT! Thankyou:)

-Charlotte xoxo

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