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Chapter 5

My thoughts are buzzing around my head like a swarm of bees.

I fluff the cushions up behind me and lay back down on my bed. My head is aching and I feel as if I've been punched repeatedly in the stomach. Connor must have bunked out on the couch for the night. I roll over onto my side and peer at the clock on the bedside table; 2:30am. I groan, sleep has never felt so far away.

Each time my eye lids drift shut Zayn's hurt and confused face shines through like a night light, and bam I'm instantly awake. Why would Zayn care if I'm dating Connor? Why did his eyes look like they were burning with such hurt and heartbreak.

The close contact between Zayn and I yesterday at the clinic was only us offering support for each other, Zayn was grieving over his dog and his hurt face just tore me apart. My emotions got the better of me!

A sharp pain pierces my stomach and I groan again. My confused thoughts dim and I fall into a uneasy sleep.


I'm waken by my iPhone buzzing on the cabinet. I quickly shuffle to answer it.

"Hello." I state sleepily.

"Oh, god are you asleep?!" A high voice wails.

"I'm not now!" I reply shakily.

"Sorry Viv, it's the afternoon over here!" She says. "Down here in Australia!"

"Violet, why are you ringing me?" I say a bit grumpy from the little nights sleep.

"Oh, I just thought I haven't spoken to you in a few weeks, and you know I miss my friend...sometimes!" Violet laughs.

"Oh haha, now tell me the real reason why you called?" I state, slowly siting up on the bed. "Did Maggie ask you?"

"No, no, no..." Violet begins. "Okay...well maybe she just said that you might need to talk to someone." There's a slight pause then Violet begins again. "Are you okay Viv, do you won't to talk about it?"

There's silence for a minute, then I begin.

"Oh Violet, I don't know what to do?!" I wail.

"About Zayn Malik?" Violet wonders. "Viv what's happened?"

I explain everything from the first meeting with Zayn, to the confusion about yesterday and about the tragedy of Niall the dog.

"Niall!" Violet starts laughing, but soon grows serious again.

"I'm so confused Violet." I sigh.

"You think Zayn likes you?" Violet asks.

"I don't know, you see it's stupid! Why would he like me?" I scream. "He's a famous pop star and I'm just a boring girl working in a Veterinary clinic!" My eyes brim with tears and they soon free fall down my face.

"Oh Viv, if I could I would give you a big hug right now! Cheer up, you met Zayn Malik for crying out loud! And now he might even like you Vivienne!" Violet says. "Back in high school you would have probably died if you even saw Zayn!"

I giggle and grab a tissue, wiping down my tear smeared face.

"I know Violet, but its different now. I have a boyfriend, and Zayn's married still, isn't he to Perrie Edwards?" I ask.

"Nah...I thought you knew Viv..." Violet begins her voice quiet, not knowing how I will react. "...Uh...Perrie divorced Zayn last year, she said it was too difficult, that they never see much of each other and it would just be easier. She was nice about it, she didn't want to hurt him, but she said it was for the best for both of them!"

Shock freezes my body, when did that happen? Why didn't I hear about it?

"How come I didn't hear about it? How did you find out?!" I question.

"It was all sort of hush, hush, not many people knew about it until a few months later, I found out from Eliza, you know how she always here's about everything!" Violet says laughing.

My heads burning up again, I just wish the ache in my head would block out the pain in my heart. That's why Zayn looked so hurt yesterday, the whole thing with Perrie probably surfaced again for him. He loved her so much and that's why I was so jealous, but she decided to end it.

"Viv are you still there?" Violet asks.

"Yeah sorry...I... I need to speak to Zayn!" I reply my voice shaking a little.

"Are you sure thats a good idea." Violet asks worried. "For you I mean."

"I don't know, but one things certain, Zayn needs someone to talk to, for support, like I needed you just now!" I say. "Thanks for ringing Violet, I miss you like crazy!"

"Oh I know, hopefully the summer break will bring sometime to catch up!" Violet speaks. "If I come over there you gotta promise me that you will get the real Niall to visit!"

We both start laughing and talk about the lads for a while. Just thinking of them cheers me up!

"Okay well good luck Viv, keep me in touch on how the talk with Zayn goes!" Violet says.

"You bet Violet. See ya." I say hanging up.


"I don't think that's a good idea Vivienne." Maggie says siting on my bed. "Not until you get better, Zayn would understand!"

"I can't! I have to see him, make sure he's okay, that's all." I mumble, half to myself. "Zayn's face, his face when I walked out with Connor yesterday, I can't stand it! I feel terrible. Did he say anything to you after I left?" I question.

"Nah, not really, he seemed really down and upset but Harry and I presumed it was because of Niall." Maggie replies fiddling with her bracelet. " hugging him!"

"Uh, yeah...he was upset, we are just friends Maggie, seriously, what did you think we were doing?" I state irritated. I glare at her but she doesn't reply. "Maggie!" I persist.

She slowly looks up and stares at me worriedly for a few seconds, then sighs.

"I don't want to see you get hurt Vivienne!" Maggie starts. "Zayn likes you. I can see it and so can Harry. He said he hasn't seen Zayn so happy since he was with Perrie. Your a lucky girl Viv, anyone would wish for Zayn Malik to look at them like he looks at you, I just don't want to see you get hurt." Maggie repeats again.

Her words take a while to fully sink in. Does Zayn really like me? Why? What do I have that other girls don't? Why did he choose me? My heart flutters, thoughts swirling around in my head. My smile shines but I quickly conceal it from the view of Maggie.

"Then what do I do?" I say looking up at my best friend.

"Nothing, what can you do? Zayn's gonna like you no matter what?" Maggie speaks. "But the question is do you like him? Viv?"

I stare down at the blanket, not meeting Maggie's eyes. I tie my hair up in a messy bun, giving me time to think.

"I don't know! What can I say Maggie?" I ask. "I'm dating Connor!"

"Do you still like him?" Maggie says.

"Of course I do! Maggie, just because of this isn't gonna make me like Connor any less!" I state, defending myself.

"Okay, okay, well...go talk to Zayn then. Ask him if he likes you! It's the only way!" Maggie says.

"I guess your right...I'll go today." I reply smiling.


Got it in, just before the weekend like I promised!

Sorry this chapter wasn't very exciting, but I promise the next chapter is gonna be heated with friction and excitement!

Charlotte xx

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