Christmas Day

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Please don't get confused with who's POV it is, just remember to check at the start of each chapter, because I know sometimes it can get a little confusing!


Plus to erase a bit of confusion, none of the lad or girls are dating...yet!

Liam's taken, obviously and so is Louis, I won't to try and make it as realistic as possible. Cause let's be real here, if they all fall in love and get together, well it's just predictable!

So yeah, everyone's just friends for the time being:)

Chapter 12

(Christmas day)

Eliza's POV

"Wake up, wake up everybody Santa's come!!!" Louis screams running into our room and jumping on all of our beds by turn.

Screams reply to the lunatic, that is Louis.

"Louis! what time is it!" Miley groans, pulling the sheets over her face.

"Who cares it's Christmas day!" Louis screams, pulling the sheets off of Miley.

"Argh! Louis!" Miley snaps.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Niall shouts running into our room, half naked, only wearing boxes!

"NIALL!" Harry shouts from the doorway. "Put some clothes on!"

"It's Christmas Day, I'm going free today!" Niall laughs, hoping into Violets bed. I vaguely look up and I can tell Violets cheeks are bright red from here.

I flop a pillow over my head, trying to block out the noise. Everything grows quite, either this pillow actually works to block out sound or I've gone deaf. What the hell?

Someone creeps up to the side of my bed, I can hear that much. Then without warning strong arms grab my curled up body from under the covers and swings me out from my bed.

I scream and laugh, while my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. A grinning Liam appears in front of my eyes, his muscular arms swinging me around.

"That's one way to get someone up in the morning!" Liam laughs. "Merry Christmas babe!" He kisses me on the cheek, if he hadn't been holding me I think I would have fell back onto my bed. Nothing can beat being waken up by Liam Payne.

"Thanks babe! But do you mind putting me down?" I ask laughing up at him.

"COME ON EVERYONE!" Louis yells running out of the room. "I WANNA OPEN MY PRESENTS!"

The rest of the lads leave us girls and we all quickly get ready for spending Christmas Day with the biggest boy band in the world.

"I can't believe this is actually happening?!" Vivienne yells, while putting a light amount of makeup on in the bathroom.

"We are all here in Louis Tomlinson's house spending Christmas with One Direction!" Maggie squeals.


Vivienne's POV

"Wow!" I say in disbelief as I spot the Christmas tree surrounded by a pile of presents. "who got all this?"

"Santa silly!" Louis yells, siting in the middle of the pile like a little kid.

"Who are they all for?" Eliza asks, searching through some of the presents.

"ME!" Louis yells.

"Now, now, honey you have to share!" Miley says patting Louis head.

"Come on everyone!" Maggie says calling from the kitchen. "come eat a breakfast feast then we can open presents!"

"Something smells good!" Niall says licking his lips.

"Everything smells good to you!" Violet says nudging him.

"Even you!" Niall replies laughing, pretending to sniff Violet.

"This is so good!" Eliza says, eating her first mouth full of pancakes.

"Best... pancakes...ever!" Liam mumbles with a mouth full.

"PRESENT TIME!!" Louis yells as he finishes the food on his plate.

"Okay, shall we go?" Liam asks, Eliza nods her head. They grab hands and run into the lounge room, Louis and Miley follow, linking arms. Harry carries Maggie out, and Niall and Violet run out screaming like lunies with excitement.

Sometimes it's like we are all little kids again.

"Need some help washing babe?" Zayn asks, kindly.

"Okay sweet cheeks, thanks!" I reply.

"It's the least I can do!" Zayn smiles.

"I don't think I can call you my Bradford bad boi anymore!" I say staring up at him.

"Why?" Zayn asks.

"Cause your such a sweety!" I reply laughing.

"Oh really!" Zayn replies. He pulls me to his chest and we stand there, electricity buzzing through my whole body. Zayn leans in closer, he's going to kiss me! Zayn Malik is going to kiss me!

Do I want him to kiss me? A million thoughts a second run through my head. I have two words for that question; hell yes!!!

Zayn has a cheeky sparkle in his eyes, his lips are inches away from mine. This is it, Zayn's going to kiss me, on Christmas Day! Can it get any better!

Right at the last second, Zayn smears honey from the pancakes on my face.

"...You...!!!" I scream. We both start laughing hysterically. My cheeks burn red with embarrassment.

"Oh dear! Sorry...honey!" Zayn jokes.

"That's not even funny!" I scream at him. I grab a wet cloth and start rubbing it off, but it's impossible when you can't tell where the sticky stuff is!

"Here..." Zayn says, he takes the wet cloth and starts rubbing it gently off my face. I look up at him and give him a cranky stare. Zayn chuckles and finishes wiping my face.

I find a mirror an notice a big red mark left across my face from the cloth!

"Great!" I hiss at him. "Look at my face!"

"Babe! Your face is beautiful!" Zayn replies and kisses me on the cheek.

"You two come on!" Maggie yells. "If Louis has to wait any longer I think he's gonna hit someone!"

We quickly scramble out of the kitchen. I notice that we didn't even get any of the washing up done.

Everyone's crowded around the Christmas tree, Louis is waiting impatiently in the middle of the presents.

As Zayn and I walk in I feel all stares on me, probably staring at the big, fat red mark smeared across my face. Thanks Zayn!

No one asks, but I can tell I'm going to have to explain later.


Hope this chapter is exciting! please remember to Vote, and comment if you like, I would love to hear some feedback from my chapters.

Thanks, Charlotte xoxoxo

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