Louis's secret

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Chapter 22

Maggie's POV

"I...I..." No words escape my mouth, I'm to stunned to talk. what are the chances of taking refuge from the rain in Harry Styles grandparents house. I'm sure any girl would have cried with happiness from meeting Harry Styles, but the tears that were threatening to spill down my face were tears of shock and pain.

Harrys eyes are locked with mine, he looks at me which such anger and disgust, I can't take it!

I turn to Kelly and Paul, who are looking at us both with confusing.

"I...i think I will just leave..." I say heading for the door.

"Don't be silly child!" Kelly demands. "it's still rain out there, you're about an hour from the city and you have no transport on getting back!"

"I...I'll walk..." I mumble, but I know I have already lost the argument. Kelly an Paul are too caring for their own good.

"Harry, what's the problem with you?" Paul says. "Why are you being so rude!"

Harry looks away in disgust. Not that long ago he used to look at me like I was the only girl he wanted, he used to look at me with...with love!

He will never look at me that way again, and it's killing me!

"Do you mind if I go to the spare room?" I ask Kelly quietly.

She tugs my arm, and I follow her away into the hall.

"Here you are! make your self at home!" Kelly says kindly.

"Thank you." I say bluntly.

"I'm sorry love, I don't know what's gotten into that boy!" Kelly said holding my shoulder.

"Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah..." I reply. "...I guess, you could say we were...once...good friends..." I trail off.

Once good friends!

It was only a couple of days ago that we were inseparable!

And now it's like it pains him to even look at me! He hates me!

"Oh dear, I'm sorry, if you really want I can drive you home?" Kelly says.

"It's fine, I will be okay!" I say putting on a fake smile.

"I will leave you too it then!" Kelly States. "dinner won't cook itself!" She walks out of the room, gently closing it behind her.

The room is small but cosy, it has a very homely feel.

I pull out my phone and notice that there is still no reception, fantastic!

The girls are going to be sick with worry all night.

Gosh I'm tired! I lay down on the bed and listen to the soothing sound of the wind howling and the rain pattering outside in the growing darkness.


Miley's POV

"It's 7 o'clock, where's Maggie?" I say worriedly pulling back the blind to peer out the window.

"What if she had a car accident? what if she's injured, what if she drove into a lake or off a cliff, oh holy Jesus what if she's dead?" Vivienne says anxiously, siting at the dining table.

"Calm down Viv!" Violet says slapping her arm. "She's probably gone somewhere, like a hotel or something?"

"I hate this, she's not even replying my calls or texts!" Eliza complains siting on the couch.

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