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Vivienne's POV

My fingers brush over the smooth base of the silent, inked pen lying alone on the rough surface of the wooden table.

My gaze travels to the hanging calendar positioned neatly against the cream coloured wall. I steady my breath as the first shaky gasp escapes me.

Today's date printed clearly in the little square box of the calendar.

Nerves and anxious questions flood through me, threatening to devour every last remaining pieces of hope.

It's been two months. Two months since my heart left me.


A thunderous cloud of anxiety booms against my head.

What if he doesn't come back?

Maybe it was what he intended all along. A way for him to easily slip out of my life and not have to bare the breath of a goodbye.

"I don't care!" I breathe out with frustration.

This is a normal working day, I have a life, I can't be waiting around until prince charming appears on his devoted steed.

It's a normal day. If Zayn doesn't show... well then I just don't care! If he's forgotten me then I will eventually forget every last memory of him. If that's how he wants things to be, well fine!

Why did I ever let myself get into this? What did I actually expect? Happily Ever Afters don't exist in reality.

I move on to fixing my sleep deprived appearance with a thin layer of makeup. I tie my long strawberry-blonde hair into a tight bun, when I'm satisfied I slip on my scrubs and grab my car keys.

Pausing one last time at the big red circle around the date on the calendar, I shrug off the disappointment that I might never see Zayn again. I knew it all along, so why am I so surprised?


The veterinary clinic is quiet with only the faint barking of one of the patients. I flick on the lights and get all the tools and appliances ready for the days busy arrival.

At least one dream has come true for me, I've finally opened up my very own Veterinary Clinic right here in Bradford, England. It's been my dream for longer than I can remember and I feel like I've finally given back and helped animals sick, injured or in need of a little TLC.

Placing my laptop in the waiting room I find myself distracted by my phone. I swipe it on and instantly my messages with Zayn pop up.

How long since we talked?

The last message Zayn sent me was three weeks back. But it's seemed like forever ago.

I smile weakly at the text.

"Agh get a grip!" I yell at myself, shutting the phone off and discarding it out of my view.

"He's not coming back."


I rap the poor abandoned ginger kitten into a lush blanket made of pure wool and gently place her fragile, drooping figure onto the scales. Weighing frighteningly close to nothing, malnourished and severely dehydrated puts this poor ginger fur-ball into a dangerously bad condition.

*Ding ding*

The bell of the front door sounds, meaning a patient.

I place the now sleeping kitten with the woollen blanket carefully into the suitable cage, and lastly place her on a drip to keep up her fluids.

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