United we Stand Divided we Fall

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    Jake and I continue to walk down the long, never-ending, path, but now we are hand in hand, rather than single file. "So, can you do archery and all of that stuff?" Jake asks. "I never really had anyone to teach me so I've never learned. But I'm extremely good with knives." I confess. "I have a pair of twin knives on me if you want-," Suddenly a scream pierces the air.

    "Give me those knives," I say to Jake. He hands them to me and we run in the direction of the scream. "Who do you think it was?" I ask. "I hate to admit it but I think it was Jason," Jake says worriedly. The scream is followed by a creepy cackle that echoes throughout the cavern.

    We speed up and turn into a separate corridor of the caverns. I look along the wall and see Jasmine sitting there tied up, as are Luke and Brianna, but Jasmine is the only one who's conscious. I run over and untie her. "Sasha?" she whispers and I nod. "What happened to you?" "I'll tell you later," I whisper back.

    "The strange man took Jason over there," she points towards a separate room. "Untie Luke and Brianna, I'll go help Jake," She nods and moves towards their bodies. "Have your knives ready," Jake whispers to me. We slowly move into the room that Jasmine pointed at.

    I see an insane man leaning over a table with bottles full of chemicals and other things. Jason is over in the corner of the room tied to a table. Jake points to me, then to Jason. He then points to himself, and the man. I nod in understanding.

    I slowly make my way over to Jason. He's looking around the room franticly, looking for an escape I assume. His eyes finally land on me and they shine with relief and a bit of fear. I motion for him to look over at the man. Jason looks over and smiles as he sees Jake about to attack him.

    I slice through the restraints holding him to the table. He practically falls off so I catch him and support him as we start making our way towards the entrance. "What did he do?" I ask. "Injected three kinds of toxins red, green, and yellow. Two stab wounds, lower right calf and left shoulder."


    "This leads to the surface?" I ask Miranda. "Yes," She nods to Paige and I. "To the surface, this leads. Close by, your friends, you will find." "Thank you," I look her in the eyes while saying. Miranda nods in appreciation. Paige begins swimming up, in a hurry to see the others. I'm about to follow when a hand is laid on my shoulder.

    I turn and see Miranda holding out a cracked sea shell. "We will come, should you need us. Keep close, that which I have told you." I take the shell, nodding and follow Paige towards the surface.

    I catch up to her and we both see a break in the water. We start swimming faster. Surfacing we both pull of the magic ... um ... things allowing us to breath underwater. Gasping, I inhale precious oxygen. Paige and I smile at each other until we here a voice. A welcomed familiar voice.

    "Oh please, you should have seen me taking down those red creatures, Rose. You'd have been proud," Lizzy! Paige and I quickly swim to the shore. "Pulling ourselves out we call out, "Lizzy, Rose!" They come into view, along with some more people.

    I pay them no mind however, as I embrace my girlfriend. "Wow Leo nice to know you care about us to." I turn and see Jack there. Paige and Kaveri are standing over on the side hugging. Rose and Jacob are standing beside a girl I've ever seen before. "Just how many people were in your group?" this person asks.

    "Only thirteen," Rose replies causally. "Leo, Paige, this is Kori," she gestures to the girl now identified as Kori. "This is the water branch right outside the village so we're nearly there." Kori says and she walks off. The others begin following so I shrug and follow. Latching onto Lizzy's hand. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow, I just shrug.


    We reach the cavern that Rose and Kori have been talking about and I see the creatures that Kori had been describing. Defiantly mouse hybrids. The ears that they have on their heads kind of give it away. "So do you know where the other six in your group are?" Kori asks. "No, none of us have any kind of contact," Lizzy replies.

    Suddenly a scream pierces the air throughout the cavern. We take off running towards it. Upon reaching the other end of the cavern, we see a large group of the female hybrids surrounding something. One of the bystanders, I assume, walks over to us holding a child.

    "She ran over here playing and found two people lingering here. She was the one who screamed," "Thank you Mrs. Brandywood. Do you know who the two people are?" Rose asks. "Well no, we assume they are apart of your group, but at the same time I hope not, the blond boy is terribly injured-," I tune the rest out. Blond one? The only blond boy in our group is Jason.

    I run over to the group of women huddled around. I see two people in the middle. One is a blond boy, who is covered in blood, who is my brother. "JASON NO!" I exclaim trying to run to him but a pair of arms block my escape. I collapse and begin crying, no not crying, sobbing.

    The arms tighten around me.


    Jack runs over to Jacob to stop him from getting in the way of the medics of the colony I assume. Jacob collapses on the ground sobbing, bringing Jack down with him. I walk over towards them and see Jason. His lower right leg and left shoulder are bleeding relentlessly.

The blond girl beside him looked up when Jacob cried out. She fully passes off Jason to the medics and comes over to me. "Hey Rose," she says. "Sasha ... Blond?" I ask. "Yeah long story," Sasha says. "You were an elf from the sanctuary who escaped when we did," I respond easily.

"Wow you just, okay, so not that long of a story." She says, "But how did you know that?" "Simple, your pointy ears are showing," I reply. "Now what happened?" I point at Jason becoming instantly serious. "He was captured along with Jasmin, Luke, and Brianna, who are all further behind us with Jake. The man was-," "A mad man who experimented on him?" Kori walks up interrupting. "Um, yeah," Sasha says surprised, "And, who are you?" she asks Kori.

"One of the survivors of that man's madness," Kori says glaring viciously at the ground. Sasha nods then looks at me 'Kori,' I mouth at her and she nods. "Details?" I ask pointing at Jason. "He was injected with three unknown toxins and was stabbed in the lower left calf and right shoulder."

I nod and walk over to Jack and Jacob. Kneeling next to them I lay my hand on Jacob's shoulder. He looks up at me, tears still spilling from his eyes. Jack slowly passes him off to me. I clutch Jacob close to me. "He'll be okay," I whisper to him. "Why him? It should have been me."  "Don't say that," I rub small comforting circles on his back with one hand, while the other holds him close to me.

Jacobs sobbing finally subsides to small whimpers every once in a while. One of the medics comes over to us. "We need to move hi-," "Jason, his name is Jason," I say. "We need to move Jason to one of our healing rooms." She finishes. "May Jacob and I come with you?" I ask, but she could tell I wasn't really asking. "Of course," she replies. I pull Jacob up and the medic looks at him. "Oh my," she whispers than looks at Jason, then back at Jacob. "Twins," I say. "Okay, well follow me right this way," She says. I wrap an arm around Jacob and we slowly follow.

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