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(A/n: Hey guys, I bet your really mad at me but, you have to understand, I have a life outside of writing and this book though it is a priority it is not my first. School has stared again and this year I have had more responsibility than ever. Not to mention band. But I will keep trying to do my best, and I know I most likely sound like a broken record but please comment it truly helps.)


I feel my body slam onto the ground with hard force. I open my eyes and immediately close them again from the bright sun. The ground underneath me is dry and hard. I open my eyes again but look down this time. Once my vision clears I see that the ground is practically a desert. "You still alive?"

I jump as Jack's voice asks behind me. I turn around and see him sitting there. "Do you know where we are?" Jack asks. "The portal opens at the edge of the rose field, so we should be there." I reply. "But there isn't anything here," I finally get a good look and the ground is cracked from the shear heat. Dead weeds litter the ground but other than that there is nothing here.

"Where are the others?" I ask. "Probably somewhere around here," Jack responds. A scream pierces the air. "And that sounded like Lizzy," Jack groans. "It was a good two minutes of peaceful silence," I sigh. We both stand up and take off running toward the sound. As we get closer I hear the clashing of metal against metal.

What did they do now?

I see multiple figures on the ground and they appear to be tied up. There's one person standing over all of them. A very tiny person, and that's coming from me. As we approach I hear what the person standing up is saying. "-and that's why I need the flowers, so if you just tell me where you put them I'll let you go and-," "Hey!" Jack calls out.

The person turns around, but has a hood on so we can't tell what they are. "Back off," They growl, "These are my prisoners." They're green hood blows off and reveals a girl. She has dirty blond hair loosely pulled into a messy braid, but her eyes are covered by a pair of, are those goggles?

"Look we don't want to hurt you, but if you don't let our friends go we will," Jack growls. "So you can get to the flowers first?! I don't think so!" The girl calls back. "Look short stuff-," Jack starts but I cut him off. "What flowers?" I ask.

"What do you mean what flowers? That's the only reason people come out here anymore." The girl pauses, before gasping, "You must be from Megan's group. Those girls are always trying to take my stuff!" "I'ma guy," Luke groans from the ground. "Shut up," the small girl calls back.

"Well then why are you here?" she turns back to me. "We are the Dragonborn." I respond. The girl freezes. Silence weighs down heavily. Then she starts laughing. "Dragonborn, that's a good one, and they say I'm crazy." "Wait, if you don't believe we're the Dragonborn at least believe that the five of us are the heirs to the Storms, Autumn, Spring, Winter, and Summer Kingdoms." Jason calls out.

She looks around at us suspiciously. Then sheaths her knives, after cutting the bonds of everyone on the ground. Smiling brightly as though she wasn't just about to kill my friends. "I'm Shezana Zorra, but you can call me Zan."

"Okay Zan, then what exactly are you doing out here?" I ask. "Trying to find the flowers, I am one of the best at it after all," she says grinning to her self. "But why?" I ask. "Later! We have places to be and lives to ruin!" Shezana exclaims, running off.

Jack who had been cutting the ropes around the others till they were all free stands up, along with the others, and we take off running after her. "Shezana!" I call out as we chase after her.

When we finally catch up to her she's standing at the edge of the wasteland. The mountains that surround this use to be field are so tall that we can't see the summits. Shezana turns to us and exclaims,"Hold on to the person next to you and don't let go." She grabs Jason's and Lizzy's hands while saying this. "Also seeing as what we're about to encounter is bit of a bumpy ride, please do not throw up until we've reached our destination. Get it, got it, GREAT!" She exclaims.

The ground beneath us jumps up and practically swallows us whole. We're inside of this vortex like ... um ... thing? I really don't know what this is. "Guys quit closing your eyes. You can't see the pretty colors with your eyes closed!" Shezana exclaims.

That girl has a screw loose I swear.

Suddenly the 'ground' spits us out and I look around. We are now in a luscious green forest. "We have arrived- Oh flower!" Shezana drops down onto the ground. Is she petting the flower? I don't even want to know anymore.

"Hey psycho," Luke calls out, "Where are we?" "Well I thought it'd be obvious, I mean look at the surroundings. Doesn't it just scream-," "Spring? Yeah it does." Jason interrupts, "Why did you bring us here?"

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