He left his mask

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'What just happen?' I thought as I laid on my bed thinking about today's events.
I had made Garu mad, is was unlike him, he had pushed me to the ground, his face red in anger and he stomped on a love note I made him. With that he walked away, fuming, leaving me in the dirt alone in the forest.
I sat there thinking and trying to process what just happen, when Tobe jumped out if a tree. I just stared at him, blank expression, my heart was breaking and I felt like crying but I didn't show any single emotion.
"Dammit, ninjas we are late!" Tobe yelled to the tree around us, a ninja fell down scared and stood there taking in his fury. He ignored me for a moment after he finished yelling, the poor ninja pointed out to him that I was there. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Pucca." He said slowly making his way to me. "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be off chasing your boyfriend?" And with that I finally broke down.
Tobe stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with me just crying. Another ninja came down from the trees and handed me a handkerchief. I tried to dry my tears and calm my breathing embarrassed at breaking down in front of an enemy. The ninja that had dealt with Tobe's anger then gave me a comforting hug until my crying turn to just sniffs. Both ninjas patted my head softly and jumped back into the trees above.
Tobe just stood there for a moment, seemin to have a debate in his head. My sniffs was the only thing heard, then, unexpectedly he walks in front if me and removed his mask. I must admit over the years he's become very attractive, he then cupped my cheek kindly and placed a small kiss on my forehead. "He doesn't know what he just lost, it is truly precious and beautiful." With that he left, leaving behind his mask.
I felt my cheeks blush at the memory. I rolled into my stomach, covering my face in my red pillow. 'Red....' I thought. 'Like Garu.' I frowned at the thought of him. Looking around my room I saw all of the Garu posters I have along with my bed set and plushies I handmade.
'Time to let him go, he doesn't want to be with me. He never has wanted to.' I got a trash bag and threw away all is the Garu posters and my bed set. I ripped all of the plushies and threw them away.
I say back in my bare bed that only have a red fitted sheet and a striped red and black blanket. Feeling a different soft material under my fingers I grasped it and looked at the item. Tobe's mask, I still have to return this along with the ninjas handkerchief once I clean it.
Getting off my bed I saw my clock for the time. 3:32, still early. Thank god it was my day off working in the Goh-Ron. I folded Tobe's mask and placed it under my pillow, taking the handkerchief to clean it so I can give it back sooner. 'How odd though that Tobe comforted me, out of everyone. His ninjas I understood, they just listen to him but they are just big sweet hearts themselves.'

This is what happens when I spiral back into my childhood shows. None stop fanfiction keeping me up late wanting to read as much as I can. Also I just feel like I should say it, don't ask why but I DONT OWN CRAP IF I DID IT WOULD BE ON STILL AND EVERYONE WOULD KNOW IT!!!!
Welp I hope someone likes it.... And well yeah that's all. ϵ( 'Θ' )϶ Later!

Pucca x Tobe Where stories live. Discover now