Where can she be?

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Tobe's pov:

My shift was over at the Goh-Ron. I was waiting for Pucca to come back from deliveries. I look at the clock, she's late. I had a thought in the back of my mind that something happened. I quickly shook it away, she could handle herself. She could beat Garu, she won't be in trouble.

Just running late. Her uncles have told me she's usually chats with people and sometimes lose track of time. Or ride around to relax from a day of work. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out to calm down. She's fine. I changed to myself. Soon people were leaving soon, the clock seemed to go too fast. Time speed up, but Pucca was no where to be found.

Soon it was dark out, and she wasn't back yet. That's when I allowed myself to panic. I speed through the village and to my hideout. The ninjas were there relaxing from a day's work. I knew I probably looked like a mess from being careless wile run. I could feel a small branch hanging in my hair. "Ninja's help me look for Pucca! She's gone missing. Get ready and search the whole forest if you have to. I will go to the village and get another search party." They all stood there in shock. "Now!" I demanded as I went into my room to get dressed.

I could hear the ninja's running everywhere to get ready. I felt a heavy pain in my chest but I couldn't let myself drown in my sorrow just yet. I had to save Pucca, even if it took my last breath. I quickly changed to my old ninja suit, it felt right having back on. I soon left into night and made my way to the village. I went to the Goh-Ron to get Linguin, Dumpling, and Ho to gather more villagers to help. I then went to the houses she delivered at if they knew what happen or if she was acting strange. They said similar things.

"She was her normal cheery self."

"Pucca had her same sweet smile."

"I didn't see anyone following her, and she acted like she normally does."

"All she said was how she couldn't wait to get back to you." That one left me blushing but I just kept on searching. We all searched everyone's home, ever building, ever hole in the village. It was now dawn. Everyone was tired and my ninja's had come to join. They didn't have any luck either.

"She couldn't have just disappeared off the face of the earth." Said Linguin.

"Where could our Pucca be?" Replied Ho.

"Who was her last delivery?" I asked Dumpling. He thought long and hard.

"I believe it was...." He looked at me with worry. "Garu."

Then it all clicked to me. Garu, of course. I looked around at the villagers that gathered in the Goh-Ron to rest from the night of searching. I finally found the bright blue hair I was looking for. "Ring Ring!" I yelled and made my way to her. She was in her night robe, as was the majority of the villagers, curlers in her hair as well as a tired look. "You've been with Garu recently. What has he planned?" I ask.

She looked at me wide-eyed, confusion on her face. "I don't know what you're...." Then she just looked at me. "I remember him mentioning to kidnap her to get back at her. I thought he was joking." Ching ran up to her.

"You could've said that earlier!" She said, her eye red from crying, dried tears on her red cheeks. And bangs as well under her eyes already. Her chicken on her head awoke from her yell, and landed on Abyo who held her arm to try to calm her.

"I didn't think he would actually try." Ring Ring said.

"Ching you can yell at her later. Let's get there and look for Pucca and get her home safely." I said calmly. But my blood was boiling, I was ready to rip Garu apart. "Alright everyone, we have to get Pucca back. And I have a plan to get her back." Everyone who was sitting now stood with the rest and were prepared to save the town heroine.

Pucca's pov: (I don't know how to bold letters on my laptop to yeah...)

I woke up on a hard cold wooden floor. I couldn't sit up, my arms and legs tied together. My mouth was hurting from the gag in my mouth, I knew there were bruises there already. I couldn't really tell if I was blindfolded or if the space I was in was just so dark. I tried to move around, but I just ended on my back. I soon heard three clicks, and then a dark on my right opening. I was able to see my surrounding. It seemed to be a old training space, but no windows or even a light source that I could see. I turn my head to the opening and saw Garu there. He was in his normal attire, but his eyes seemed to hold insanity as he walked to me.

He signed to me. "My sweet Pucca, I will make you see your mistake on leaving me. And I will make you remember that you are mine. And no one else will have you." He walked to me and removed my gag harshly, to replace it with his lips. They no longer felt like they did when I would chase him. He tried to deepen the kiss when I bit his tongue hard. He hissed and pulled away, in an instant his palm made contact with my cheek. A long slap echoed in the room as I cried out.

"Damn you Garu!" I yelled, my cheek stung and tears gathered in my eyes. He roughly grabbed my face and brought it close to him. I was so scared, but I couldn't let him see it. He then let my head drop to the floor, causing me a headache. Then he spoke, it was hoarse like mine when I first spoke after so many years of silence but it was deep and still menacing.  

"You will learn Pucca." He kicked me in the stomach, forcing out my breath. "You are a worthless twerp that will only belong to me. And your precious Tobe can't even change that." He kicked me again, which I held back on my cry, leaving soon after. I waited before I cried silently, I tried to break the ties like I have done countless times before but I couldn't find my strength. I soon gave up when the rope start cutting my wrist and ankles. I had to escape, I had to get home. I had to get to Tobe. I started to cry myself to sleep as the thought of never escaping came to mind.

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