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Pucca's pov:

It has been 3 years since I finally let go of Garu and moved on. And it has been my happiest years that I can remember. Tobe and I are having a private dinner to celebrate our 3 years. My uncle's have lighten up to Tobe and have even opened a new restarunt in the next village over with all the ninjas working there. It seems they couldn't be real ninjas but make excellent ninja cooks. All trained by my uncle's of course.

Tobe has stayed with us at the original resturant, he's even living with us. Though my uncle's set a curfew for when we both have to be in our respective rooms I sneak into his room at night sometimes to just cuddle and sleep. Sneaking back to my room before they wake up. He would worry the first few times but soon he just went along with it.

We had out date at our resturant which for some reason was empty besides Tobe, my uncle's, Dada and me. Dada was carefully taking bring out food and refills on drinks. While my uncle's were busy in their kitchen, they wouldn't tell me what they were busy doing.

"Pucca? Are you alright?" Tone asked. I looked at him and nodded.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I told him, happy to spend time with him. For the past few weeks he had been acting odd, along with my uncle's and Ching.

"Today is our 3 year anniversary. It out time to relax and let reality just skip away." He said taking my hand. I smiled at him.

"You're right. I was just thinking of how much has changed though. It's so sureal but yet it's so reliving." Tobe smiled at me warmly.

"It is. I would've never thought this could happen. That I could leave the life of a villain and actually become a villager." He reached across the table and held my hand. Stroking my knucles with his thumb. "Pucca, I want to say that the past three years have been the best years of my life. I wouldn't ask to change a thing that has happened. And I want to ask if..." he paused and took a deep breath, and I did too. My heart was pounding by what he said and tears were at my eyes. Then my uncle's came out of the kitchen, them Ching and Abyo all held a cake. Red icing decorated with white flowers and navy blue writing, spelling out the words that Tobe was going to say.
"Pucca, will you marry me?"

I stayed quiet. I was trying to regulate my breathing to answer. This is what they have been planning. My uncle's must've giving him their blessing. Tears soon fell when I finally responded. "Yes of course!" He grinned at me and pulled me into a embrace. Once he let go he gave me a small kiss then showed me the ring. It was a simple gold band, the middle held three gems. Two dark blue that surrounded a ruby. He placed it in my ring finger and I couldn't contain my excitement.

I jumped and hugs him, in the process he lost his balance and we fell down. But neither of us stopped smiling. We soon got up and celebrated with our close ones. As I talked about wedding ideas with Ching I could help but look at Tobe. He was smiling and talking with Abyo and Dada. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

HELLO!!! I'm not dead! Surpised?... No? Okay well I hope you enjoyed it. And the I you all I can't believe I'm at 3.5k! Thank you all for sticky with me and my poor writing and such. And I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (don't celebrate well enjoy the holidays and relaxation!!!) Farewell!

Pucca x Tobe Where stories live. Discover now