A little help the family.

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Hello as promised! It's just a filler for now until the big thing so yeah. Hope it's good!

Tobe's pov:

I woke up to the sound of crashing in the hideout. The dim light told me the sun hasn't even raised, yet a ninja was most likely up early trying to do something for the rest. Though they can get on my nerves they were like family.

Groaning I sat up and walked out to see what the mess was. As I opened the door another big crash was heard. As I suspected a ninja was up and had fallen with pots and pans in his arms.

"What are you doing? The sun isn't even up." I said rubbing my head that was getting a headache from the enormous noise.

"I-I was just trying to do something nice for everyone." He said meekly. "You know since you are going good everyone's trying to be better. A few of us are even gonna try do some work too." Even with his mask still on I could see him smiling proudly.

I pat his shoulder. "Good, it might be harder than what we are use too but it's better. Just try to be quiet before you wake up the rest." He nods so quickly I worry he would hurt his neck. I walks back to my room to sleep.

~Time skip to the morning~

I woke up later the morning as I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I said groggily. The door opened and a ninja peeked it's head out.

"Someone's here to see you." He said, I swear I see him smirking. I was feeling a little dazed so I simply waved my hand as a way to say let them in. "Alright, but you might want to look decent." He said, before I could ask what he meant he closed the door.

I sluggishly got out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants over my boxer (I felt odd writing that XD) I ran through my hand through my hand trying to calm down the mess it usually is. The door opened slowly, the shadow of the person appeared on the wall, stretched out and distorted some to the point it was hard to know who it was.

"Tobe?" Said the person, the sweet voice echoed in my room. I looked at the door as her face peeked through making me smile.

"Pucca." I stood up and walked to her, my drowsiness disappeared almost entirely. "What are you doing here so early?" I ask. She stepped in with her usual outfit and her cheeks were dusted red.

"Well I know we agreed you come over to my house but I thought maybe we could have breakfast together before we get the day started." She tucked a loose strand of hair that fell from her loose bun behind her ear.

"Yeah that would be nice." I said, I noticed she was staring at me and shallowed as if she had a lump in her throat. "Pucca are you alright?" I ask as I walk to her. Her cheeks seemed to get a darker red.

"U-uh yeah. J-just.. You don't have on a shirt." She said then looks away biting her lower lip. I remembered that I was shirtless, I couldn't help but chuckle. She looks back at me. "What's so funny?"

"If I remember correctly you would constantly see Garu shirtless and was completely fine with that. What's so different with me?" I said, her reaction was very cute. She looked at the ground and fidgeted with her fingers. I lifted her head to look at me, we were very close and I could've help the temptation to kiss her again.

Slowly I brought our lips together, I could feel her slowly relax into it and wrap her arms around my neck. I let my hands rest of her hips as we kissed for a moment. She pulls back giggling.

"It's different because with him I was obsessed and knew no boundaries. With you, it's somewhat rational thinking and boundaries." She replied and gives me a small peck on my lips. "Now get dressed. The ninjas had already eaten so we are going out."

With that she headed out, I got dressed in some more clothes that I had recently bought. Putting my hair up I got out of my room. There was Pucca sitting on the counter in the kitchen with some of the ninjas around her in stools or the ground as she told of a story. They were all looking at her in awe as she explained of a fight she had with Ring Ring.

It's was an amusing sight. Once she finished with her story they all were asking questions it praising her for her strength. She laughed aloud, it rang over their voices. She looked at me with such soft eyes and smiled at me. The ninjas all calmed down and separated to let me through to her. I easily pick her up and place her down on the grounds.

"Alright I will be out with Pucca today. You all take care of each other and remember to be good for those of you who are going out today." I said to them all. They nodded in responds, I offered my hand to Pucca. She giggles and takes it, intertwining our fingers I walked us out of the hideout and into the forest heading to the village.

We walked in a peaceful silence. "So where to eat?" I ask as we approached the village.

"There is this small place that Ching went with Abyo and she says it a nice place to go to. Besides my uncles restaurant." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

"Then lead the way." I said. As we walked to the small restaurant we talked random things. Laughing and just enjoying the other company. It felt nice. Even though some people would stare, the majority of the village has already passed their surprise of Pucca speaking and getting over Garu.

"Here we are." She said as we arrived to a small restaurant with a homey aura to it. We went inside and were seated to a table next to a window. (Going to skip over their meal to get this going a little faster.) We each ordered our food and eat. In the beginning we talked but it went to a nice silence as it ended. After a little arguing on who paid we settled that we would pay our share.

"So before over to your place, I talked with my uncles. And little argument happened but I was able to get them to agree on helping. They said, of course if you want to, they would let you go on a trail run with them for a week. In that week you'll be put to waiter, they will analyze how you do during the time.

"When the week is up they will hand out to their friends, who they know are hiring, and tell you want they thought. A little downside is in the week you do the trail run they will not pay you. So? What do you think?" She says as we walked out of the store and head to her home.

I was silent for a little while. It would be helpful but a week? The ninjas and I would be down in money for that time unless some of them could find work soon. But I can't just pass this opportunity.

"Well the not being paid is a downside but it's worth what it could bring." I said. She smiled widely giving my hand a squeeze.

"Good, we can go tell my uncles then. And I'll be able to help you out during that time." She'll be helping me along? It's got better, I gave her a small kiss on her cheek as we walked to the Goh-Ron.

Well there it is! Hope everyone liked and let's see if I can update on time now. Until then be happy and be safe! 😄

Pucca x Tobe Where stories live. Discover now