Seeing a (maybe) new friend?

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Sorry for the delayed update! I was pulled into a week long family vacation 🙄 My gods I forgot how hot Florida was. I tried to update but from the constant driving I was dying from lack of space and no proper service. But here you guys are!! I hope you like!

Pucca's pov:

"Come on Pucca. Let's get you home. I'm sure your uncles will hate me for keeping you out past midnight." He said, I felt more relaxed just being with Tobe.

"Oh they will live. They know I can handle myself, also it isn't as if they don't have a clue of how long the cherry blossom festival is. But we should go." I couldn't help my body shivering or my teeth chattering.

He placed a warm hand on my cheek. "Pucca your freezing. Here let me carry you. We can get there faster." I nodded too cold to argue that I could do it myself. He easily picked me up bridal style, his warmth soon spread around my body. Even with him running and the cool air hitting me his heat kept me warm.

I hadn't realized I dozed off until we reach the Goh-Ron. I helped him open the door and was greeted with a faint smell of noodles. My uncles pquickly rushed to me. Before they could scold at Tobe I decided to speak up.

"Uncles, I love you all and I know you want to protect me. But please don't yell at Tobe. We both had to deal with Garu twice and I'm very tired from it all." They just nodded, whispering among themselves as Tobe carefully set me down. "Thank you Tobe. Despite Garu ruining it twice, it was still a nice date. I hope we can have another." I said batting my eyelashes and nervously biting my lower lip.

"Of course. Whenever you wish I will make time for you." He said, getting my cheeks to flush. He lifted one of my hands and kissed my knuckles. "Until we see each other again Pucca." He bowed to my uncles and then walked out.

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight uncles." I give them each a kiss on the cheek and head up to my room. I stripped of my dress and wiped off my makeup. Lazily I got in a red silk night gown and let my hair loose brushing through the tangles. Once tangle free I laid in my bed and let sleep come over me.

~The next day~

I was woken up by my alarm which read 6:30. "That's right I work today." I said aloud. Stretching I got out of bed and got ready for today and delivering.

~Time skip to later in the day because I'm lazy~

"Thanks Pucca." Said a villager as I delivered their order.

"Your welcome!" I yell back as I quickly drove my scooter to the next delivery. Speeding through the village I looked at my next delivery.

Garu's house.

"Ugh. It's my job I can't let my emotions get to me. Like with Ring Ring." I said to myself. Even if she would try to take away Garu I wouldn't let that stop me from letting her get her food. Thinking of her now, she wouldn't hate me now. She could have Garu all to herself.

I got to Garu's house in the forest. I didn't want to go near him after yesterday. But I have no choice. I held my head high and walked to his door. Knocking twice I stood there with a blank face.

I was surprised when the door opened. There was Garu with Ring Ring in his arms. A smug smile on his face, expecting me to be jealous. I held my tongue from snapping. I had to be professional. Placing a small smile I spoke.

"Hello Ring Ring." I said giving her a small nod in a hello gesture. Her eyes widen and she spoke in her normal high pitch voice.

"Oh so it's true. You are talking now." She looked at me disgusted but turned to Garu and put on a loving face. "Garu, my sweet, it seems you weren't kidding about her." She looked at me questionably. "So is it also true that you stopped chasing Garu?"

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh that made Garu's smile waver. "Yes Ring Ring. I have stopped chasing him. I found someone who returns my feelings. He's all your now." She puckers her lips a bit. Lifting a eyebrow, wanting to know who now holds my affections. "I have been seeing Tobe." I answer proudly.

Her face fell more than when I spoke. "Tobe? Garu's enemy?"

"Yes. He may be Garu's enemy. But he is not mine. In fact he is very sweet, and caring." I couldn't help but remember our first kiss, sighing. I snapped out of it when I heard Ring Ring hum and nod her head. "Well here is the usual Garu." I handed him his food as he roughly placed the money in my hand.

As I mounted my scooter I looked back to them at the door still. Garu frowning, his fist balled up and baring his teeth. While Ring Ring held on to his arm and tried to get him to go back inside. "Bye Ring Ring. Maybe we can go out shopping one day?" I said, smiling sweetly.

"Oh yeah... maybe. Bye Pucca." She said as she finally got him in the house and closed the door. I went back into the village to continue my deliveries.

~Another time skip because I'm still lazy~

I had finished my shift for the day. It was around 9 at night. I was tired from today but I decided to take a walk to make up from my daily exercise of chasing Garu. It was a nice peaceful night. Only a few were out, some going home from work or other ready to party all night.

I sensed I was being followed but brushed it off as my nerves being on hyperdrive. I continued walking as the moon rose and shined down lighting the streets dimly. The air was fresh, cooling down from the warm day. A small breeze blew by feeling nice through my usual attire of my long red shirt and black leggings. As I passed a small ally I felt a warm breath on my neck and soon a hand on my shoulder.

I'm not so good at suspense. I hope it was decent at least! I will try to update as soon as I possible can. Farewell! (^ω^)

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