A fight in the trees

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Well thanks to the bit of support I got I've been able to write more. And I might make it longer if things go right. (The preview part is here just so you know)

Tobe's pov:

"I think you are a great guy that everyone just pushes down. Maybe from a mistake or a misunderstanding. I don't really think your so evil." Her cheeks flushed as she said this. I held her close, maybe I should just let go of my grudge on Garu. I have someone with me right now that makes me want to be better.

She was sweet, caring and beautiful. Giggling she leaned back on me as we waiting for the fireworks to go off. Everything was quiet, waiting for the colorful explosives to fill the air.

"Also, I think your a better man than Garu." She whispered, if not for the quiet night I would've missed. Leaning my head down I placed butterfly kisses down her neck. Smirking as I felt her neck heat up.

"And I believe you are a goddess who was fooled by a mere mortal man with the wrong intention. Your heart is pure and you deserve someone who sees your worth." I say down her neck, feeling her shiver from my breath. She turned around and we both leaned forward. Just as our lips touched the fireworks went off, I could barley see the colors from behind my eyelids as we were so close.

(Now the rest of this chapter!!!)

She shifted her position to be facing me now. Everything seemed perfect at the moment, but as my bad luck usually had it, we heard a loud crack and the tree shook. She pulled away and held onto me, fear in her eyes. We both looked down and were meet with a seething Garu.

If the fireworks hadn't been shooting I don't think I would've been able to see one of Garu's hand bleeding, or the enormous hole in the tree. I could hear Pucca's gasp at the sight, but she stayed by my side, most likely still angry with Garu.

"Garu go away!" She yelled, her voice wavering a bit as she was getting upset. Garu just shook his head and glared at me. If looks could kill. I would've be killed right at this spot. He quickly started to jump on the branches of the tree to reach us.

I stood up ready to fight as Pucca stood up fixing her dress. As Garu reached our branch Pucca had her arm folded and was glaring at him. The same one she used to look at me with when she saw us fighting. I felt my heart warm that she now was unhappy at him wanting to hurt me.

"Pucca I can handle this." I said wrap if my arm around her hip. She looked at me with a concerned face. "If I need help I'll ask. I will admit if I need help, I'm not ashamed to ask such a wonderful strong women to save my ass."

"Fine, but be careful still." She said giggling. Quickly she went on the tips of her toes and kissed my cheek. With that she jumped a few branches back to watch but ready to fight if needed.

I faced Garu and put my guard up. I had a real reason to win a fight with him. Pucca. She doesn't deserve to be lead on for many years. Her affections must be returned. All the single men in the town would admit to finding her enchanting, but everyone knew her heart was set on Garu.

Now she's free, and willing she choose me. Garu gained my attention by growling and tried to pounce at me. Motivated by the presence of her and knowing she wants me safe I quickly dodged him. Jumping to another branch I gained my balance. Garu then pulled out his katanathat I hadn't even realized he had with him.

"Garu that is an unfair fight!" Pucca yelled. She was right, I had no weapon with me. I didn't even bring my ninja stars which where always my back up. He simply smiled, one that didn't settle well. It was a maddening smile while his eyes seemed to have lost its sanity.

He charged at me read to swing his katana at me. At that moment I hear the branch under me slowly snapping at my weight.

Pucca's pov:

"Tone get out of the way!" I yelled as he just stood there. Garu was going to cut him! No I can't let this happen. I was just about to jump toward them and stop Garu when he swung his katana faster. My heart stopped as time seemed to slow. Just as the tip was about to touch Tobe's neck he jumped away from Garu.

Right when Garu stepped on the same branch Tobe was on he fell down. Tobe and I both carefully jumped down to where Garu laid on his side. His katana was lodged in a branch some feet above him. He groaned but got back up, he spit out blood and wiped the remaining off his mouth. Signing he said Tobe wasn't right for me. That he was using me to get to him.

"Garu I've had it. Leave now. I won't argue, I won't raise my voice. I was having a peaceful date with Tobe and you come here and ruin it." I sighed, I threw one of my flats up at the branched where he katana was lodged in knocking it out. Catching both items I placed my shoe back in and tossed his katana at him. I grabbed held of Tobe hand and pulled him close to me.

The night air was getting chilling but I didn't say anything as goosebumps run up my legs and arms. "I will say this only once. Leave our sights. If either of us sees you I will not hesitant to hurt you." Tobe said, his voice if even possible got deeper.

"And Garu," he looked at me, the wicked fire behind his eyes seemed to dim. But my own fire was just heating up. "If you dare try to pull any stunt I will report what you have done. And you will forever bring disgrace and dishonor to your family." I knew it was harsh, his family had all passed. His father from war, his mother from disease. They never had another child since their first born was a son. But I couldn't take anymore.

He signed that we would regret it and disappeared into the woods. The fireworks had stopped and people were heading home.

Hehe well that's all I got for now. I will go on to the next chapter. Saulte (a way to say goodbye in French hehe)

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