IM BACK... Kinda

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I know I'm very late! Just so much things to juggle and having a non working phone sucks when I get ideas away from my home where it's home bound to the charger. Very short but it's getting the story going. I should be able to update soon. But I hope you all like.
Pucca's pov:

It has been three days since Tobe agreed to do a trial run with my uncles. He has been doing very well despite never having any training. Most people were frighten to have him take their order at first until he learned to soften his expression, soon word went round that he was working here and even more people came in to see him.

He had never made a single mistake on the orders or what our daily people got. And like my uncles he would use some of his ninja training to improve his skills. I had over heard then talking already on how he is impressing them and the good things they will tell their friends. I trained him the first day, he was nervous but once he got used to it he become confident.

Now that he can handle it all on his own I was placed to delivery again. It was a nice peaceful day. I tried to hurry as much as I could to go back and see him. I had one delivery left before I could go and see Tobe. My smile fell, Garu.

"No complaining. He is a customer, and it's will be my last stop." I said under my breath as I quickly drove my moped to his home, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. I easily got there and grabbed his food, a felt a cold shiver go the back of my neck.

I look around, seeing if anyone was around watching me. "My imagination." I said as I spotted no one around. I went to Garu door, knocking on it harshly. I wanted to get this over with. The hair on the back of my neck stood high as I felt someone staring at me.

Looking around I still found no one. I knocked on Garu's door again, almost breaking the door. My nerves were hypersensitive, I could feel my heart pick up the pace. Then something hard hit my head, I fell the the floor. My head was pounding, and my visions was blurring already.

With my strength I turned to lay on my back, a figure blocked the sun, if it wants for his hair I wouldn't have been able to tell who he was. He looked down at me, a brick in one hand and rope in the other. He leaned in closer and smiled creepily at me. He dropped the brick somewhere near my head. The vibration of it hitting the wood hurt my head.

I saw many black spots blocking my vision, growing  bigger with the seconds. With the majority of my vision gone I felt his hand carcass my cheek. His deep dark chuckles as the last thing I heard as I fell unconscious.

I'm not good at making suspense. How was it? Crappy wasn't it? 😅 But more should be coming soon. Hopefully. Well see you soon.

Pucca x Tobe Where stories live. Discover now