The Festival (part 2)

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A/N: Ello! I'm surprised I was able to write so fast. And so much as well. +1000 words!
So little drama and cursing up ahead just a warning. Enjoy.

Pucca's pov:

The date so far with Tobe has been fun. Winning the panda was great, I never knew how much fun life could be when you aren't constantly chasing someone who would never share the same feeling. Just thinking of him made my smile waver but I pushed it back. I was having fun and I wasn't going to let him ruin it.

As Tobe and I held hands going toward the stage in the middle of the village I heard the distinctive yell of a overly confident ninja. Sighing I slowed to a stop, Tobe followed.

"Something the matter Pucca?" He ask, his brow scrunched and worry written on his face. I shook my head with a small smile and gestured to the area I hear Abyo. He turns to the same direction.

There was Abyo, trying a ring toss and getting frustrated. Ching stood there, clearly angry at how her boyfriend was paying more attention to the game and wouldn't give up, but on the other side of Abyo was Garu. I felt a small pain in my heart, I no longer have feelings for him but that doesn't mean I still don't feel hurt.

Tobe tighten his grip slightly on my hand, he looked over at me with a mixture of emotions I could quite decipher. That's when my attention went back to the trio, Ching had seen me and called out my name. She has been wanting me to stop running away from Garu and possibly confront him. I could never do it because the closer I was to him, the more tears gathered in my eyes ready to fall.

Tobe had stepped behind me and rested his forehead on the back of my head to hide his identity somewhat as Garu slowly turned in my direction, his stance to show his is prepared to run away from me. Seeing he still thinks I'm ready to chase him still makes my blood boil. I'm no longer under whatever spell I was in before, I am my own person that wouldn't be chasing him around.

I turned to look at Tobe, he was biting his lips worried. I placed a hand, that wasn't holding the panda, on his cheek and gave a small encouraging smile. With a small motion of my head I take a small step towards my friends, I lightly tug his hand to tell him to come with. He looked uncertain but nodded to agree. We held hands again and made our way to Ching, she awed aloud having people around turned to see, all eyes went wide at the sight of me with Tobe. But I ignored them, I was having a great time with Tobe an I wouldn't let their opinion ruin that either.

Garu had stayed stricken at the sight, mouth agape and eyes wide. I gave Tobe's hand a small squeeze as I walked the test of the way next to Ching with my head up high. She has pulled me in a tight hug when I was in arm distance of her. Pulling me out of Tobe's grasp.

"Oh Pucca it's great to see you!" I signed back that I was glad to see her as well. She then point out my prize. "Oh it's so cute!" I had signed back how Tobe broke the bottles and let me throw the last one to win it. "How sweet of him." That's when she looked at him, giving him a genuine smile. "Hello Tobe."

"Hello Ching, nice to see you." Tobe replied calmly as I held onto his hand. Abyo had then started to pay attention.
Ching had told him about me getting over Garu, he never believed her though.

"Whoa, and I thought you were joking when you said that." He said, Ching looked at him and tightly held onto his ear.

"And why would I joke about this? You should believe in me and what a wrong with you?! Paying more attention to a game then your own girlfriend." She continued to ramble on how he should be a better boyfriend. Tobe chuckled at her nagging, letting go of his hand I signed that they acted like a married couple at times.

"I see that, very clearly." I linked our arms and rested my head on his arm as I was still a few inches short of being able to rest on his shoulder properly. Garu then cleared his throat gaining our attention. He looked somewhat mad and signed asking what I was doing with Tobe. Tobe quickly replied. "Because we are on a date."

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