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I don't really know what will happen but it will stay pg-13 for swearing only. I can't do anything bad with this show, it's too cute.

Pucca's pov:

His lips were soft and it felt nice kissing him. Our lips moved a little sloppy at first, mostly from me not used to being kissed back. But then we got into a rhythm. His hand that was on my cheek let go, going down my side and rested on my hip. While I had both my arms on his neck, pulling me closer to him.

It felt so sweet and gave me a warm feeling all around my body, he then pulled me closer to his body.

"PUCCA!! TOBE!!" I heard Ching yelling. Tobe and I pulled away, our breathing was uneven and my lipstick was slightly on his lip. Giggling I let my arms fall from his neck to his chest. His eyes seemed glazed has he looked at me. "There you are! GUYS I FOUND THEM!" Ching yelled again.

We both looked to where we heard Ching. I picked up my panda and dusted off some dirt, I looked back to Tobe and he was smiling widely.

"You have some evidence on your lips." I said giggling gesturing to my own lips. He grinned and wiped off the lipstick. I went on the tips of my toes once more and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. I heard footsteps coming closer so I stood in front of Tobe and leaned on him, he wrapped his arms around my abdomen. I held the panda by it's neck in one hand and placed my other over his hands.

"Pucca! There you are! I was so worried when we couldn't find." Ching said as she practically dragged Abyo with her.

"See I told you she was fine. She can handle herself and she has Tobe with her. Now can I go back to playing?" Abyo whines trying to escape her deathly grip on his wrist.

"No, now stop whining." She said to him and looked at us. I felt a blush raise as she seemed to scan my body. Her eyes soon widen and she gasped, which then turned to her squealing. "You guys were kissing!!!" She squealed, pulling Abyo into a death hug as she jumped happily.

Tobe laid his head on mine, I could feel his breath on my neck which send shivers down my back.

"W-what are you talking about Ching?" I said stuttering, not really wanting this conversation with Tobe still here.

"Oh don't try to hide it, your lipstick is a little smeared and I see a print on his cheek with some still on his lips. So you two were kissing!" She said giggling, releasing Abyo from her grip, he went behind her and whispered in her ear. Her eyes went wide with her mouth making an 'o' shape. "I interrupted didn't I?"

"Yeah you kinda did." Tobe replied, now just resting his chin on my head.

"Oh well we'll go. And let you to it." She said winking at me. She walked off holding hands with Abyo, before she went to far she turned backed. "Don't have too much fun!"

I hid my face behind my panda and muttered how I'll have to get back at her later. Tobe had brought me out if my thoughts by kissing my head. "Let's finish our date, you can get back at her later."

"Alright." I said and we went back to the festival hand in hand.

~Time skip because I don't know how people act on normal dates~

It was night time. We had walked all over the festival, played more games. We won many prizes that I had to go home and drop all of the prizes to relax for the firework show. People had gathered within a clearing in the forest, the fireworks were set to go off at midnight. Many couples were out in the clearing or under a cherry blossom cuddling. Not truly caring for the fireworks, but enjoying the others company.

"It's a little crowded. How about we go up?" Tobe suggested when we reached the opening. He pointed up to the trees to gesture what he meant.

"Alright. Let's find one that we can easily sit on." He grinned and jumped up high, grabbing on a branch steady himself. I followed and we both jumped from tree to tree until we found a thicker tree at the top of a hill where the clearing was just a few feet away from. His ninja train paid off as he sat down at the beginning of the branch leaning on the trunk. I had thankfully learned from chasing Garu how to do the same and sit in from if him leaning back on him.

My legs were in a mermaid sitting style to prevent any sight from under my dress. He laid his head on my shoulder, staying silent as we looked at the night sky waiting for midnight to strike.

Tobe's pov:

Pucca smiled softly when I rested my head on her shoulder. As weird as it may sound but I was able to smell her, a mixture of ramen and her natural sweet aroma. Her soft hair in it's braid moved with the small breeze and have it touch my neck along with my own hair.

I was very surprised to hear her speak, I heard it went around quickly in town. Many think she has dishonored her uncles and her family name. But she still holds her head up high. Though her voice seemed so soft and sweet. I don't think many in town remember her voice anymore.

I wish I could be with her like this more. Her in my arms and smiling constantly. (A/N: again I suck at guys pov >~<) But I knew I had to ask her. The whole point if taking her out. I was nervous, what if she took it wrong as if I was using her? 'That was  your first intention nitwit.'

I felt guilt settle on my shoulder but I knew I had to word it right. Or else she would be upset and maybe never want to see me again. I knew I couldn't live like that. Not since I've been with her all day, seen her sweet personality and been in her happy presence.

"P-Pucca." I said trying to make my voice even. She turned to me, her eyes reflecting the stars out in the sky making her eyes sparkle. I take a deep breath to calm down. "I-I was wondering how you felt about... A-about..." I was scared of asking her.

"About who?" Her eyebrows scrunched together and her lips seemed to pucker a bit.

"A-about me." My heart was pounding. 'Really smart guy?! What she thought about me!?... Maybe I can pull this in the right direction. Yeah maybe.'

Welp there's the next chapter! Hopefully this goes well, i have an idea of where this is all going but the story tends to go on it's own route ^.^
But hope you all like. And 224 views? Holy hades that's how much I used to get in it feel nice to see that people at least look at this. Farewell!!! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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