Looking for a honest living?

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HELLO!!! I have come back from my week long family vacation. It killed me, I'm dark as heck!! Anyways I've been trying to write as much as I can. Little shorter than usual but reality kicked in when I came home so little harder. I will try to update weekly but no promises. Now onward!!'n

Pucca's pov:

I had a sense of fight or flight the moment I felt the hand. But what stopped me from flipping the stranger was when they spoke.

"Pucca, what are you doing out here so late?" The voice instantly relaxed my nerves.

"Tobe don't sneak up on a girl when it's so late." I said jokingly, turning to see him in the dim night. "What are you doing here anyways?" I asked. He took his hand off my shoulder and was blushing slightly.

"I-ugh... I saw you walking out here and just wanted to make sure you got home safe." He stuttered scratching the back of his head. I felt warm hearing that, usually I would've complained that I was fine but it felt nice to know he cared for me.

"That's sweet of you. You do know I will be fine though, right? I would win against you for Pete's sake. I'm sure I can handle normal people." I said, kissing him on his cheeks. I could feel my own cheeks heat up but I simply hooked my arm around his. "But I could let you walk me back home." I suggested.

"Yeah. That would be nice." He said, keeping our arms linking he kissed the back of my hand and then we started walking back to the Goh-Ron. "So how was your day?" He asked, practically glaring at any man who turned in our directions.

"Oh it was fine." I didn't really want to bring up with what happen with Garu. But I didn't want to keep things hidden with him. "I had to deliver to Garu, he had Ring Ring with him. Nothing really went down. I just spoke with her for a minute. She didn't seem to believe that I stopped obsessing with Garu, she seemed more surprised that I was with you.

"I am hoping I could possible be friends with her now that we don't have a reason to hate each other." I told him, I laid my head on his arm.

"I see. Well that is good, new friends are always good." He said, I only hummed back in response enjoying being with him. We walked a while more in peaceful silence, when a question entered my mind.

"Tobe, what were you even doing here? Your home is in the forest, not near this part of the village." I lifted my head from his arm and looked up to him. The dim light of the moon seemed to highlight his scar on his face. Never once had it ever frighten me, while others seemed terrified of him. Just from the X across his face.

"Ah- well I was...." He stuttered then mumbled the last part too quietly for me to hear, even in the seemingly quiet night.

"What was that Tobe?" I asked again, worried. He wasn't still doing crime was he? We never talked about it, I just assumed he wouldn't do anymore bad things.

"This might sounds strange, but I was looking for a job all day." He said, the red tint on his cheeks barely visible.

"A job?" I was surprised. "Why would you look for a job Tobe?" I ask, we were a block from the Goh-Ron now.

"Well... I don't want to be in trouble from stealing things. So I thought I could get a job and get paid so I can buy things. And..." He bit his lower lip, I have his arm a soft reassuring squeeze. "And I want to be able to take you out without having to do dirty jobs to get cash." We were now in front of the Goh-Ron. It wouldn't close for another few hours.

"Come in. We can talk more." I opened the door, as we walked in the small amount of customers were looking at us. I ignored them as I walked with Tobe up to my room. I know my uncles wouldn't be very happy but I was a grown woman, I can make my own decisions.

I felt him tense up when we where in front of my bedroom door. I giggled as he stood awkwardly at my door as I entered my room. "I won't bite, just relax. I want to talk to you about finding a job. I could maybe get my uncles to hire you, or at least pull in a favor from some friends that might need new workers."

He looked at me surprised. He came in my room and closed the door. "Really?" He asked.

"Well yeah. Your trying to make a honest living. Why not help?" He gave me a soft smile, he wasn't as bad as the villagers had always said. And my folkish love toward Garu blinded me on how sweet he really was. Closing the small distance between us I kissed him softly, which he responded almost instantly.

After a few minutes of kissing we pull away to breath properly. His face was flustered which I found very cute.

"It's getting late. I should head back to home or the ninjas would mess up the entire place." Giggling I gave his cheek a light kiss.

"Alright. Come back tomorrow at sunrise. We can talk to my uncles about finding you a job."

"Thank you Pucca." He said, bringing me close to a hug. I felt so nice warm, we held each other for a moment enjoying each other's company. "I have to go now. I will be here by sunrise." And with that he left.

I did my nightly routine and fell asleep. Tobe ran through my mind before I fell into my peaceful sleep.

Well I'm tired but I hope you enjoyed. As I had said I will make it a little longer but I will try to get to the good parts soon. And hopefully I don't mess up on writing them. Fishy saying bye!
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

Pucca x Tobe Where stories live. Discover now