Dangerous Angel

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Pucca's pov:

I woke up to see the sun setting, I was in my bed with my day clothes still on. Sitting up, pain filled my abdomen and my lips felt sore. I shed a few tears as I remembered what had happen. It was awful but I was so glad to be home once again. It has been an interesting month. Slowly sliding off my bed I made my way to my dresser and picked out a nice red nightgown. I got some undergarments, laying them out on my bed then grabbing my towel to go and get washed up. Walking down the hall I heard a bed creak in the room next to mine. A guest room we used when we have close friends from somewhere far visiting.

I don't think anyone was visiting. I would've been told a week in advance to clean up the room. I slowly turned the nob and open the door. There was Tobe laying in bed fast asleep his hair all over the pillow and his mouth slightly open. He looked so peaceful. I creeped closer to him, glad to see him so relax. I lightly kissed his forehead and continued to make my way to wash up. 

~Time skip~

I made my way to my room, feeling refreshed and calm. The door to my room slammed opened before I reached it an revealed Tobe with his hair loose and all over the place. His face was angry until he saw me, it soon melted into relief.

"Pucca I thought something happened to you again." He sighed, breathing raggedly. I smiled at him and held his cheek in my hand.

"I'm safe now. Thanks to you." I kissed him softly. "You don't need to worry anymore." He smiled softly, a small blush on his face. "Now let me get dressed and we can go to your home and let you freshen up."

His face soon turned red as he realized I was simply wrapped in my towel, still wet from my bath. "I-I'm sorry." He stumbled and made his way to the guest room, covering his eyes. Running into the wall at first then felt for the door. Smiling I made my way to my room to change.

Tobe's pov:

I closed the door as fast as I could. I can't believe I didn't notice her attire at first. Her uncle's would be very upset if they ever found out. My heart was racing as my face felt warm. I decided to fix the mess I left on my bed and do my hair that most likely looked so wild.

Once I fixed the sheets and my hair I walked out of the room, Pucca was in front of the door waiting. Dressed with damp hair and smiling sweetly.

"Let's go Tobe." She said, we held hands as we left her home and walked to mine.

~Time skip~

It was later in the next day. Pucca and I were walking around town to see everyone while trying to forget what happened the day before yesterday . The villagers all greeted us kindly and would occasionally pull Pucca into a small chat to catch up. I didn't mind, she always held my hand or leaned on me to show she knew I was still there.

Soon the sun was setting and we made our way back to her home. We had already spoken to Chung and Abyo who says the town has sent Gary away. Banned and shamed for his actions. He is to never set good in our town. Though Abyo looked down from the lose of his friend I offered to hang out sometime if the girls ever wanted to be alone. He cheered up and they went on to relax the rest of the day.

Pucca held my arm as we walked, I could tell she was tired from everyone else's energy. As we walked inside the resturant was busy as always, Dada running trying to get dishes done, per usual he slips and drops two high piles of plates. Though after so many years of him working Pucca has convinced her uncle's to get more sturdy plates, she has personally made though their material is unknown to me. The plates fell and clashed but did not break, much to Dada's relief.

Pucca giggles at the sight, then looked at me. "Yes?" I asked.

"I just want you to know I am very grateful for you saving me, as I could tell the whole Sooga village was too." She said, smiling at me so kindly I think my heart would bust. I have her a small kiss then but a farewell so she could sleep and work tomorrow.

As I walked back home to my no long secret hideout, I thought of all that has happen. Pucca had left Garu, and is with me. Who knew she would fix me and care for me? She is something amazing, and I hope I can be with her, even if not in a relationship but friends. She shines a light on everyone she meets, she is truly an angel......

That can kick some butt.

HELLO!!!!! Anyone miss me? No? Oh well.
This is the end of the story! I might make a epilogue. Still questioning it, but I hope you all have enjoyed this story that (wait for it) has hit 2.54k views!! Thank you all and I hope you live long and love living!! Chao!

Btw: not my drawing. Credit is to LittleKidsin on Deviantart. SO CUTE!!!!

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