Saving the hero?

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Tobe's pov:

I walked up to Garu's home, I had to pull off this plan perfectly or else I won't be able to save Pucca. The villagers were all hiding and prepared to overpower Garu if he tried to escape, while my ninjas were in the trees ready to trap him. As I reached his door I hoped they wouldn't fail me like they have countless times. This is for Pucca, not some silly revenge.

I knocked on his door. "Garu! We need to talk." I said, as I waited for some response a thought came in my head that I've tried to over look this whole time. What if I can't beat Garu? Yeah I have all the villagers and my ninja's but what if they aren't enough? How can I save Pucca if I can't defeat Garu?

No time to think of that. I just have to save Pucca, even if it kills me. Garu still hasn't answered. I pounded on his door now, basically breaking it off the hinges. After a few seconds the door opened to reveal Garu as if he just woke up. He signed while having a small yawn.

"What now Tobe? Don't let this be some dumb plan for revenge. I thought we got over it." My eye twitched in nnoyance.

"Garu you know what we have to talk about. Now where is she?" I looked him dead in the eyes. His sleepy face morphed to an annoyed.

"Things were fine they way they were Tobe. You ruined it, I hope you know that." He signed.

"If by fine you mean Pucca blindingly chasing you and getting rejected constantly, no it wasn't. And our fights were childish. Now I don't like to repeat myself. Where is she?" I said in a more menacing tone. Straightening my posture to show I'm serious. He looks at me and smiles, it sends chills through my spine at how off put it is. And he does what I never expected, he spoke.

"She's mine. And I will have to simply get rid of you to have things back to the way they were." He then lunged at me, having me fall back. I kicked him off and got up. He spun in the air and landed on his feet. I ran toward him aiming to punch him, unfortunately he dodged. I quickly send the signal for Ching and Abyo to go into his home and look for Pucca. I had to distract Garu long enough for them to find her.

"See Tobe this is like old times, you still can't beat me. I am the great hero who always wins, and you're the pathetic villain that can't do anything right." He sneered at me and he landed a punch on my stomach. I kicked under his legs and kicked his shoulder, having him roll on the ground for a few moments. He stood up and frowned at me, then lunged my way. I dodged him and jumped back as he tried to hit me again.

I knew I would lose, but how can I keep distracting him?

Pucca's pov:

I woke up again from multiple footsteps above me. My wrist and ankles had dried blood caked on them, and my stomach was aching. I tried crying out but my voice didn't come out more than a mere squeak. I was doomed down here, I felt as if I was going to cry but no tears came. I had to leave, I can't let fear take control. If anything I have to use it to be stronger. I fought against the rope again, this time breaking free. I instantly got up and felt my way to the door. Some kind of metal, with the lock on the outside.

"I'm tired of being held down here in fear." I said to myself and was able to find my strength again, enabling me to rip the door off the hinges like they were made of clay. I marched my way up the staircase in front on me, breaking down another door which was hidden some furniture. I couldn't make out what it was once it was in pieces. I heard running from the room next to me coming my way. Still unable to see clearly in the dim light of what I assume is the night I punched the first figure I saw. Earning a gasp from the other person, just as I was about to hit them they spoke.

"Pucca oh thank goodness we were all looking for you." Ching said.

"Thanks for the warm welcome Pucca." Abyo's voice came from the direction I punched the person from.

"I'm sorry." I said making my way toward him. He was laying face first on the ground, a dent of him was in the wall he hit.

"Pucca you have to go help Tobe, he was distracting Garu for us to come find you." I didn't say anything, I ran out to the front and saw Garu on Tobe trying to strangle him. I looked around and saw villagers hiding in fear of the fight. Soon anger filled my blood as Garu kneed Tobe's chest.

"Garu!" I yelled, my voice hurt but I didn't care. I stomped to him as he glared at me. "Let him go." I said coldly.

"Get back to your cell." He said. Tobe was still trying to stop Garu. "I said back to your cell!" He yelled at me.

"Make me." Was all I said as I ran at him. I punched him off Tobe and kept punching him into the ground. All my anger and fear went into the punches. He had tried to get me off but soon went limp.

I felt a pair of arms pulling me away an a head lay in between my shoulder and neck, a warm breath on my skin. With a familiar musk that calmed me down. Garu laid in the middle of a small crater, not moving. Santa rolled to the crater and checked his pulse.

"Ho ho my dear. He is alive, but you did let it out didn't you?" I nodded not feeling like talking anymore. My body then was in much pain, and my vision blurred. Tobe carefully picked me up bridal style and started to walk in the woods as I curled up closer to him and fell into a better slumber.

Tobe's pov:

Pucca leaned closer to me as she fell asleep. The villagers started to follow as my ninjas tied up Garu to take him to wherever the jolly old man needed to deal with him. Ching and Abyo stayed close to watch over her. Ching would occasionally sniff as tears of joys as to see her friend again, with Abyo comforting her. I held her closer and let out the first few tears I had held back.

I finally had her back in my arms and I wasn't going to let her go again. I kissed her head and took in her scent. Once we had made it into the village everyone went home. I was able to convince Ching that I would keep Pucca safe. Her uncles had told me that I could stay in a spare room at the Goh-Ron near her. I was glad they were more open toward me, I gently laid her on her bed. Her lips were bruised and a bit around them. Most likely from a gag being put on too tight. I lightly touched the bruises, causing her to flinch.

I had to hold my breath to not yell in anger. He hurt her. I pulled the cover over her and let her sleep. I went to the spare room next to hers and fell on the bed. Even though the sun was rising I was so tired.

So? Did I do good? This isn't really my forte. The nest chapter should be the last and maybe a little epilogue if you guys want. It all depends on you and 1.9k view!! That is the most 've ever gotten for a story I had online! Thank you guys so much. I will try to update sometime in the end of this or next week. All depends with work really. Sault!

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