The Festival (part 1)

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Ugh writers block sucks. But I'm trying. Though not many read I still am happy seeing that some one read it. Well enjoy..... I hope.

Pucca pov:

~The next morning~

Waking up from the sun shining in my eyes I stretched feeling relaxed. Ching was coming over at noon to help me get ready. I wanted to change my look once and for all. I had my buns to be similar to Garu and his pigtails. But I don't know how I feel about keeping my hair down completely. I'll have to talk to Ching about that, it was very long from years of not cutting it.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom and brush my teeth and shower. The festival was at noon so everyone in town was either getting ready for it, or just getting ready for their day inside their homes. After my warm shower I dried myself off and put on my dress, putting my wet hair up wrapped in my towel ready for Ching.
Once she came a few minutes after she let my hair down towel drying it.

"What will we do with my hair?" I asked Ching.

"Well I know you don't want your hair down .... How about braided?"
"Yeah. Maybe a fishtail?" I suggested. We had quickly agreed. I sat on my bed while Ching kneeled to start braiding my hair. We giggles and talked as always while she did my hair.

"Are you nervous?" She asked once she finished the braid and was now loosing it a little. Blushing I nodded, admitting I was anxious.

"I mean what if it's all a ruse? But what if it's genuine. I don't know which would be worse!" I said biting my lip.
"Pucca you need to calm down. Wether it's a plot or real you should at least enjoy it don't you think? You had finally let go of Garu and can now move on with your life! And if it's a ruse I'll cut Tobe down for doing it to you." I couldn't help the giggle that escape my lips.

"I can take care of myself, we both know this. Especially against Tobe." Ching had finished my hair and was now getting out my small amount of makeup

"True but it's no fun for me. Anyways let's put just a natural look, you don't need a lot anyways." I let her apply the light pink eyeshadow, blush and red lipstick. "Done. What do you think?" She handed me my mirror, lifting it to see myself I was surprised. I never really wore makeup but this looked nice and natural. The blush and eyeshadow brought my pale skin some color and the red lipstick made my lips pop and become very noticeable. But not tacky in anyway.

"Thanks Ching, I look great!"

"Well I am good but in truth you are already beautiful to begin with. I just brought more color." I hugged my friend happy she wasn't giving me a lecture like my uncles had about going to the festival with Tobe. Hugging back she said her goodbye and went to get ready herself to meet up with Abyo.

I looked in my full length mirror, my heart was racing. I was over Garu, and going on a date. I was nervous, but Ching has helped me the past week to realize that from all that Garu put me through I do deserve a real relationship.

Tobe's pov:

Today was the day. I had bought a casual outfit, yes bought instead of stole I didn't want to to ruin the date with being chased by the cops. Date.... When she had returned my mask she signed that she was happy and couldn't wait for our date, so she thinks it is. And I was relieved that she thought of it like that as well.

I was getting dressed in my navy blue polo shirt, dark shorts and navy sneakers. It was casual, I didn't want to over or underdress. I had decided to simply put my hair up in a ponytail and went off to Pucca's home. It was almost noon when I reached the Goh-Ron, I opened the door which led me to the dinning area. There wasn't many people there, a few having a full meal before going to the festival.

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