The day before!!!

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I will try to update as much as I can but with my exams and work. I truly just want to use my free time for sleeping. But enjoy. ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
~A day prior to the cherry blossom festival~
Pucca's pov:

Tomorrow is the cherry blossom festival. In the past week I've only talked to Ching and my Uncles. I have even avoid any contact with Garu when he went to the Goh-Ron. I had bumped into Tobe at the town a few days back and returned his mask as well as the handkerchief his kind ninja let me use. Seeing him though made me feel warm, not with the burning heat I did with Garu, more of a comforting loving feeling. Ching and I have already went shopping for my dress.

I like it very much, and we had redecorated my bed and room

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I like it very much, and we had redecorated my bed and room. More of a grey with some black and red. I lay on my bed tossing and turning unable to sleep.
(A/N: her bed cause I lazy hehe.

Isn't it pretty?)All I could think about was Toby, why did he ask me to go with him? It wasn't out of pity, he wouldn't pity someone

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Isn't it pretty?)
All I could think about was Toby, why did he ask me to go with him? It wasn't out of pity, he wouldn't pity someone. Does he like me? Will tomorrow be a disaster or success?

Sighing at my restless mind I got out of bed, the cool wooden floor sent chills up my spine. I walked to my window, opening it, letting in the night spring air. Almost all of the trees had blossomed for tomorrow. A few petals even fell into my room by the breeze.

Staying like that for a few more minute looking at the fair moon, my mind relaxed and I could finally feel myself grew if tired. Closing my window I went back into my soft bed and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter I'm trying really I am. But sleep!!!! And food.... Mainly food. Fishy gone ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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