A evil plan as an excuse?

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Just stating I randomly switch between point of views but I will say who's it is. Also their ages.
Ching: 19
Abyo: 19
Anyways BACK TO MY SH!TTY STORY! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

Pucca pov:

I went to my bathroom and washed the handkerchief, then hung it to air dry. Once up I decided to walk around town. I hadn't had a chance to see how much the gown had changed in the past few years, but I guess being love sick and chasing a guy for ten years had blinded me of my surroundings.

Tobe's pov:

After the I counter with Pucca my ninjas were behaving weirdly. They would giggles when I had my back to them, and making kissing noises as well. I went in my room for peace and quiet, sitting in my bed. I held my head in my hands. All I could see when I closed my eyes was Pucca, seeing her crying was surprising. I usually saw her either all over Garu with her beautiful smile or charging at me angry.

Beautiful.... That cannot even describe the surface of what Pucca is. Just for a simple delivery girl, she was excessively strong. She could even defeat Garu. At the moment I couldn't help the sinister thought in my head. I could finally get back at Garu, with the very thing he left in the dirt that protected him.

I didn't want to use Pucca, she doesn't deserve that but this could be my only chance to finally defeat Garu and claim my victory. But I couldn't hurt Pucca, I've never had anything against her. Just Garu, I could never try to lay a hand on her.

Well I could at least ask for her help, to either fight with me or just talk strategies. Yeah, wouldn't most girls want to get revenge? I don't know, dedicating my life to get back at Garu.

Sighing I decided to walk around the forest. Silently sneaking pasted my dimwitted ninjas I walked out of the hide out. It was spring, and soon will be the cherry blossom festival. And were the couples are most likely to be on a date while the singles either go out to find their match or stay inside mourning their relationship status.

I let the ninjas go out and enjoy the festivities but I don't do much but stay in my room planning more plans to get back at Garu.... Well maybe I could ask Pucca to accompany me to the festival. I'm sure her heart hurts but it couldn't hurt to try. Or well it could.... She could throw me to the other side of town.

But it could be a chance to talk to her, yes her true emotion if she now hates Garu will show at a festival were couples show their affection, more then normal. If not then she would feel sorrow and may be willing to help.

Yes I must find Pucca, I sprinted around town looking for her. In a matter of minutes I found her walking around looking at the new stores and the empty lots of where old ones once stood. Slowly to a walk I reached behind her. Carefully I tapped her shoulder, jumping back in fear of her punching me.

She turned slowly, her face relaxed with a smile smile which only grew when she saw me. Someone actually smiled to see me, my heart started to race and I felt nervous. More so then usual. 'Pull it together Tobe, this is for the plan!' I told myself. A small voice in the back if my head said otherwise. 'Or do you want to make sure she no longer cries and is upset from Garu treating her like trash?'

She waved in a hello gesture. I almost forgot that she took an oath to stay silent right after Garu did so until he was deemed honorable to be send out to help the world. I don't think I've ever heard her voice before anyways.

I was pulled from my thoughts when she snapped her fingers in my face. She tilted her head with a curious face, her eyebrows knitted together and lips puckered slightly in the cutest form. 'Cute?' I thought. 'Snap out of it Tobe focus!'

"Ah! Sorry," I scratched the back of my neck nervously, my face heated up slightly. "I was just wondering since the cherry blossom festival is next week and all that. If you'd like, you don't have to agree, but if you'd like to accompany me to the festival?" Clearing my throat I decided to be more smooth. "A lovely girl like you should spend it with someone who can at least see how beautiful you truly are and not waste her time upset from someone who never appreciated what he had." I knew I was blushing hard but I tried to play it off.

Pucca looked stunned and blushed by my last comment. She looked to the ground nervously, biting her rosy lips and playing with her fingers. She hesitant looked at me and then grinned widely nodding her head eagerly. My heart was racing again and I felt myself sweating slightly. I let out a breathe I forgot I held in for her answer.

A smile of my own came on my face, causing her to giggles so sweetly. It was so soft and delicate, like listening to sweet golden honey. She gave me a small hug and then skipped off to the rest of the town waving to me.

I waved back and automatically went to the hideout. The ninjas seemed confused on who I returned from the entrance but went back to their activities after I shooed them away. 'I did it, now to ask her thought I would be best to do it a little before the festival ends in case it ruins our date.... 'Date? It isn't a date.... I don't think.' I wen to my room and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. 'Would it be a date?'

A/N: Well I got that done. Now if I could just get my writers block fully off to update my other story. Ugh!!!! Oh well.
Wittle fishy out! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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