She speaks!?

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On to the story!!!!!ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

Pucca pov:

'Tobe asked me to the cherry blossom festival! How is it that I'm over Garu so easily?' I ask myself as I walk back to the Goh-Ron, like always Ching was there eating her lunch next to Abyo. Despite his massive ego Ching was able to put him in his place once they started dating. That was three years ago, how happy they seem.

Thinking that tug at my heart and I felt upset. 'Whats wrong with me? Just a bit ago I was so happy that Tobe asked me to the festival but thinking of how happy they are together.... Will I be alone forever?' That thought made me run to my room upstairs and hold a pillow close to my chest, covering my face with it to silence my sobs.

'What if Tobe asked just to use me?' The thought came in my head, no matter how hard I tried to push it away it didn't move. 'He wouldn't.... Would he?' A soft knock thankfully pulled me from my thoughts.

The door slowly opened and Ching's chicken peeked out first before I could see her face. Waving with a sad smile Ching came by my side and asked what happen. I was about to sign what happen, but stopped. I took that oath and would quit once Garu did. I know breaking it would bring dishonor to me and my uncles but without anyone else knowing I did say I would allow to speak before Garu if either Garu fell for me, or if I finally gave up on him.

I got hurt and I deserve to express my full emotion. With a shaky voice I responded. "Im done chasing Garu." My voice was raspy and hoarse. Ching's eyes widen to dinner place and her jaw might as well have fallen to the floor.

She regained her composer after a few minutes. "Pucca you spoke!" She smiles widely. "It's been years!... Wait." Her face showed her confusion. "You're done with Garu!? Why!? What did he do?!" And I told her everything, him tossing me to the dirt and Tobe comforting me. Hesitantly I even told her of how a bit ago Tobe asked me to the festival.

"I can't believe Garu did that, but more so of Tobe. Who knew he had a heart? But that's sweet!" She bounced happily waking her chicken on her head and having it sit on my bed. "Good thing it's next week, we have time to go around and pick out the perfect outfit! Whether it's a date or not you are dressing up, maybe just maybe you will finally be in a real relationship that isn't one-side. I mean every guy would give up their souls to be with you but not all deserve you. And since Tobe helped you in a time of need, he has an opportunity. Not a big chance, but hey still a chance.

But be careful guys here will go nuts if they found out you weren't after Garu. And who knows how they will take you breaking your oath." She held her lower lip between her teeth and looked worried.

"Ching it's alright, I didn't tell anyone but when I took my oath I decided I could end before Garu if he finally gave me a chance, or if I somehow stop chasing him. I didn't tell anyone because I thought they latter wouldn't happen and the former sounds kinda dumb." I admitted, playing with the edge of my pillowcase.

Ching just smiled, "Well let's think about what you want to wear. We can even go and start buying things for you room since I can see you stripped it clean." Looking around my room was bare, a slightly shade if where the old Garu posters were and plushies I never once moved.

"Yeah. We can go tomorrow. Today had been too much of a roller coaster." Ching nodded and left with a hug. I laid down on my bed and let myself fall into a deep peaceful slumber.

A/N: Welp this wittle fishy is happy to have been able to update!! ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

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