4028 A.D

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It has been thousands of years since humans left Earth and colonised most of the galaxy.

Different species of creatures have been discovered and different environments of planets have been colonised. These planets and species helped in the advancement of technology and answered rare questions about the universe. When these planets were colonised and their natural materials were looted, that's when the wars started. Planet against planet, solar systems against solar systems fighting for control over the most influential planets with the most material that will help people thrive.

That was until the Solar Alliance was formed. A treaty weaved and took hold throughout the galaxy to control the turmoil and destruction of war. The only wars fought now are between politicians and business people over money and power.

But, of course, there was one group that grew and fed off of the turmoil and destruction of war, the Red-ships, or Wrangler slave traders. Their business of selling and training slaves boomed while wars continued. Now though, because of the treaty, they are just pirates that sell slaves illegally. They cause chaos around the galaxy waiting for the chance when war once again blooms so that they can thrive once again.

The Wranglers though aren't the only thing causing mayhem in the galaxy. A piece of space started to fall and become dark a few hundred years ago. No light can penetrate this expanse of darkness, no planet or sun can survive inside it either. Many ships have wandered into this expanse of nothingness trying to figure it out but none have ever come back out. Years of this passed until someone did come out, a man who was ruined by insanity. No one could understand him and soon he became dangerous, killing people for no reason until he was captured. Scientist studied him but none could understand how riddled his mind was with madness, so ingrained this expanse of space had formed into his being that part of his skin was turning a lightless, unreflecting black that matched his eyes and hair.

The Solar Alliance after studying this man for many years until he went truly insane and ended up killing himself by hitting his head against his cells wall multiple times, banned anyone from going near this area of space and deemed it illegal. But what they didn't realise until may years later was that this expanse was actually spreading, like a disease through a person. It couldn't be helped sometimes that a traveling ship had to pass this expanse to get to another planet. Sometimes they'll be swept into the darkness sometimes the passengers of the ship would appear with changes to their appearance and mentality. An unusual amount of black in a persons eyes or eye, or in their hair, or under their nails would be the tell tail sign that they have been touched by this darkness that caused insanity and madness.

A law was placed that anyone who was touched by the darkness was to be locked away because this was the time when murder boomed throughout the alliance and the ones doing the murdering were those touched by the darkness. Many though still roamed the galaxy but were cast out by society with rumours that anyone touched by the darkness would bring bad luck and death to those around them. This expanse of darkness, of madness and insanity, was called by society as The Black.

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