Chapter Seven

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It took a little over a week for the Vyner Brooke to make it to Stragua from where it had appeared out of hyper drive. During that week Cherry managed to gain the hearts of everyone on the ship. Every one of the crew found Cherry's bubbly and childish nature to be a good reprieve from always being around adults all the time. But Cherry got along the best with Scarlet who would allow the girl to sit with her on the bridge and listen to the child ramble on about anything and everything. During that week Scarlet was able to actually sleep a whole seven hours before waking up to find the girl in her bed beside her.

Lilly didn't mind her sister getting so close to the captain because, she had to admit, it gave her the chance to explore on her own and not have the total responsibility to look after her as well. Being alone also gave her the best opportunity to start her studies once again since they were put on hold because of the sudden moving of planet to planet after the attempted murder of her father.

Lilly walked out onto the bridge to find Cherry and Ryaki were playing a card game on the floor while Scarlet was sitting at her chair looking at multiple screens in front of her while typing away. Lilly watched the other woman work and was amazed by how attractive she actually was, and intimidating. Lilly swallowed softly in nervousness before walking over to her sister and Ryaki.

"God damn it girl, I swear you've gotta be cheating or something!" Ryaki moaned as she slapped her handful of cards onto the ground while Cherry cackled evilly.

"I'm not! I'm not!" She laughed at the older woman who started to pout. Cherry finally saw her sister standing beside them. "Lil's!"

"Hey, Cher, what are you two up to?" Lilly asked with a soft smile.

"I'm kicking Ra-ra's butt!" Cherry exclaimed and started laughing again making the older woman glare at her playfully.

"She's cheating I swear, how can a seven year old beat me when I'm the best at this game on the ship? Not to mention I literally just taught her how to play it not too long ago." Ryaki whined before sighing loudly her shoulders drooping.

"There there Ra-ra you'll win one day." Cherry giggled as the cards they were playing with disappeared. "What are you doing today Lil?"

"Well, I've actually started my studies again but since I'm on a pretty large ship I'm sure there's a medical bay, which would be a better place to study than in my room. Do you know where it might be Ryaki?" Lilly answered then turned to the other woman.

"Ahh..." Ryaki frowned and looked thoughtful. "I actually have no clue where it is or if we even have one. I mean, no one gets injured that often and of we do Captain is usually the one to patch us up here on the bridge."

"We do have a medical bay." Scarlet spoke up as she stood from her chair and stretched lightly, having been sitting down for a while now. She turned to the small group while leaning against her chair. "I'll show you where it is, though I warn you, no one's been in there for a long time."

"Oh! Thank you." Lilly smiled softly nervous about being alone with Scarlet.

Lilly followed the mysterious captain off the bridge and headed towards the lower parts of the ship where the hanger and engine rooms were. But instead of going towards either of those rooms Lilly followed Scarlet down another hallway she hadn't been down before yet, though during the week she's had many the chance to explore the whole ship.

"The bay is off of the hanger because just in case someone is brought in injured it's the quickest route to the bay." Scarlet explained while walking down the brightly lit hallway.

"Oh, that's smart." Lilly commented but was more focused on watching the woman in front of her than where she was actually going. Lilly found that this captain was actually very good looking and Lilly has never felt an attraction like this with another woman before in her life, though she's never felt it with a man either. All week Lilly's mind kept replaying the nearly naked body of this red headed beauties body when the were escaping Ironhaul. It was a slow torture for her since her mind was playing games by showing her visions of Scarlet's slim muscled body and dark eyes she could get lost in.

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