Chapter Nineteen

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It was incredibly humid outside with the sun now out and more people about. Though not as many as there should be, Scarlet noticed.

The tour of the city was quick since it was smaller than any other city in the galaxy. They were stopped a few times either from Cherry gawking at a strange bug or fruit showing from a merchant's store, or from a resident stopping them remembering Scarlet and Lucille from last time they were on the planet around three years ago.

"Captain! Captain!" Children came racing from across town the news of Scarlet being there quickly spreading making the depressed feeling of the town lighten somewhat.

A slight smile found itself on Scarlet's face as she was surrounded by children from ages three, who she's never met before but they seemed excited because the older kids were, to around twelve or fifteen.

Letting go of Cherry's hand, Scarlet squatted down to get face to face with the girl who first ran up to her. "Hello, Myxy, I'm surprised you remember me," she greeted the eight-year-old with scraggly white hair that stuck to her dark earthy skin from sweat.

"Of course I remember you!" Myxy squeal-giggled as she jumped to hug her arms around Scarlet's neck making her have to stand up before she fell over from the added weight keeping the little one safe in her arms. "You gave me Casper! He's my best friend and I never sleep without him!"

"That's good, no more nightmares then?" Scarlet asked while she hugged another child to her leg. Soon enough she found herself swarmed and surrounded by little people calling for her attention. A patient smile settled on her face as she listened and tried to give as much attention to the children as much as possible knowing that they needed it during this time of sickness.

Lilly watched in awe at how easily Scarlet spoke and interacted with the children like she's been doing it her whole life. It made Lilly flush slightly as well, she'd make an amazing mother.

"It's incredible, isn't it?" Lilly smirked watching her captain with warm eyes. Lilly looked up at the taller woman questioningly. "From what I've seen, the captain is only ever this relaxed around children, like for once in her life she can just let everything in her mind go and not have to worry about anything. She doesn't have to force herself to be or do anything. She can show herself without any of the repercussions that showing an adult could bring. Like she can finally stop fighting the nightmares that plague her all the time when she's around the young and innocent."

"Cherry," Scarlet called to the little red-head who was watching the other children with slight jealousy from behind Lilly's leg. "Come on Cherry-girl, come here, would you like to play with them?" Scarlet asked with a soft, caring smile on her face that somehow made everyone seeing it relax and smile back.

"Go on love," Lilly smiled reassuringly down at her sister while she pushed her slightly away and towards Scarlet.

Myxy skipped over to Cherry smiling massively. "Come on! Let's go play! You can come with me and be my friend okay? Scarlet's going to play ball with us!"

"I said after we visit the sick Myxy," Scarlet told the girl who rolled her eyes exaggeratedly making Lilly giggle.

"That doesn't mean she can't play with us now," Myxy replied with attitude making Scarlet smile just that fraction more.

"You're right," Scarlet gave in with a nod before looking back at Cherry, "no need to be shy Cherry-girl, they're not going to bite and I'm sure Lucille can go with you to watch and play."

Lucille just raised her eyebrow in a 'really?' type of way that made Scarlet smirk.

"I'll go with you too, how 'bout it?" Camilla asked smiling down at Cherry who was still looking unsure.

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