Chapter Ten

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"How are we going to find them captain?" Carla asked as they walked. "The children I mean."

"No idea." Scarlet replied making Carla trip over.

"Seriously?" She exclaimed gaining back her balance.

"We need to find Lucille and Ryaki first, hear what they've found and then we can talk about searching for the children." Scarlet decided while sending out a message to Lucille and Ryaki asking where they were. She quickly received a reply and immediately changed the direction she was walking in almost making Carla trip over again.

They quickly arrived in a dimly lit area deep down in the mountain where no one really goes. A bar with a flickering light barely being perceptible to read hung out the front of a hole in the wall that was the entrance. Scarlet walked in without a care while Carla stuck close to her back slightly afraid of the bad feelings she was getting from the dirty area.

The bar was dark and partially quiet. Old men and scrappy, dirty looking men and women sat around whispering to each other with drinks in hands. The furniture of the bar were all scraps and mismatched making the bar look even more dingy.

"Captain, Carla." Lucille greeted the two by standing from where she sat beside Ryaki at the bar.

"Lucille, Ryaki." She greeted back and shit a nod to the woman behind the bar who nodded back respectively before leaving them alone. "What have you found?"

"The alliance representative is an asshole." Ryaki stated smoothly making Lucille scoff.

"That's an understatement." Lucille drawled sitting back down and crossing her arms over her chest looking unimpressed. "We've also heard about that there's nothing being done about some missing children."

"Yeah, Jefferson told us about that too. His kid has also disappeared." Carla sighed sitting beside Ryaki while Scarlet stayed standing.

"Shit." Lucille cursed quietly. "Are we going to do anything?" Scarlet just looked towards her to make her understand how stupid her question was. "Of course, sorry. So where do we start."

"First off I want to know if you've learned anything about the rising sightings of red ships." Scarlet started off hands easily sliding into her pants pockets, her whole body at ease while all her senses where on high alert ready to react at a moment's notice.

"Not much sadly." Ryaki sighed placing her drink down. "We kinda got distracted wondering about the missing children and the asshole of a representative."

Scarlet tch'd soft enough that no one noticed the sound of annoyance. There are many things Scarlet hates in this universe, red ship raiders were one of the top. She then let out a barely perceptive whistle between her teeth. The barwoman looked up and headed over to them.

"What cha need Cap?" The woman asked wiping down imaginary dirt or mess on the stained wood of the bar. The woman looked right at Scarlet but she knew the woman wasn't seeing anything, not with her frozen eyes that had ice burns around the socket. That's what happens when you're caught out in a snow storm on Stragua and you don't have glasses.

"Information." Scarlet stated evenly while the others went quiet and watched silently.

"Info means money." The woman smiled slightly.

"Information means getting your grandson back." Scarlet replied wiping the smile off the woman's face. Scarlet has already looked at all the hidden files conserving the disappearances of the children. Like Jefferson was saying, nothing has been done except for the reports of how the three bodies were found, what they looked like and who were missing.

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