Chapter Twenty-One

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Scarlet headed to the oval where Lucille, Camilla and Cherry were playing with the other kids, only to find Lucas and Eugene there as well. Cherry was laughing and smiling happily as she played with the other children who were surprisingly tame during the play. Scarlet walked up to Lucas and Eugene as she took off her mask. 

"Captain," Eugene greeted her as they watched the children play on the oval. "How are things with the sick?"

"Getting better, Ryaki and Lilly are treating those they can, I'm here to get Lucille because there's something we need from the contamination zone to create a better cure," Scarlet answered confidently a soft smile on her lips as she watched Cherry kick the ball to Myxy who then shot it through the goal making their team cheer and start hugging the two girls.

"Contamination zone? I thought it was a plague?" he replied in confusion.

"No, it's a poison that's spread from a single source," Scarlet shook her head and explained what they had found out from Akira and the other sick people.

"That damn Regal! He lied to me!" Eugene growled angrily. "He said that the work done at the construction zone would help us get on good terms with the Alliance where we could start getting income that would help our standard of living."

"Did you go and speak with him today?" Scarlet asked Lucas who nodded his head.

"Yeah, I asked him why he hasn't done anything about the plague and he said that he's been trying to get in contact with the Alliance for aid but none have come yet," Lucas scowled in annoyance. "He thought we were the aid he's been asking for."

"What a prick," Camilla scoffed. "Lying right to our faces, we should just go and sock him one."

"Calm down, for now we can use this to get into the construction site," Scarlet told her seriously. "Lucille and I will head there and look for what we need, Lucas if you could get more people and equipment down to help those who're sick would be very appreciated. We have suits that can keep the poison out of their systems."

"I'll contact my ship immediately," Lucas agreed seriously.

Eugene sighed looking very tired, "I hope everything gets sorted soon, the Raakshan Festival is coming up soon and it'll be a great boost to my peoples moral if the sick were cured before it begins."

Scarlet agreed with a nod of her head, "don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon enough. Let's go Lucille."

"Yes, captain," Lucille agreed and with a wave to the others they headed towards the quarantined area to grab Lucille a suit and mask. "Do you think we'll need to fight our way in?"

"No, not this time. That representative himself said that he thought we're here to help. He can't go back on his words now," Scarlet replied while passing her co-captain a chip and mask that she immediately put on.

"Captain Scarlet, Lieutenant," a young teen came running towards them dressed in the villages soldier uniform of leathers and course fabric. A sword hung from his bare back while a spear was held in one hand.

"Harish," Scarlet greeted the boy recognising him from last time they visited.

"I've come to guide you to the construction site at the chief's order," he explained after saluting them.

"Very well," Scarlet agreed and handed the boy a chip and mask, showing him how to put them on, "for your safety."

"Thank you, Captain, it's this way," Harish lead the way into the dense rainforest.

Scarlet looked back at the large hall and managed to see Lilly ordering a few of Lucas' people around. She looked comfortable being in command of so many people, it made Scarlet admire her even more. Turning away, she started to follow behind the boy.

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