Chapter Seventeen

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During the weeks it took to get to Pushade Scarlet worked on getting her strength back. Every morning and afternoon she'd train in the training room, exercising till she was drenched in sweat and her muscles protested. In-between session Cherry was a constant companion eagerly taking in everything Scarlet told her about the ship and how to run one.

Zion and Ryaki became as thick as thieves and the shaking of the ship from explosions have doubled since his arrival. But, Scarlet had to admit as she stood watching as a blackened Zion swept up spilt chemicals and glass that had been knocked over from the latest explosion, they were making interesting creations.

One creation being a small, stopping about hip high, robot that was running around the room almost faster than what a human eye could track. Is was silent as well, every step with its thin plastic legs barely made a sound even on the metal floor. Scarlet wanted to test it out on actual terrain since it would be a good scouting tool.

"I'm so sorry about this captain," Zion apologised once again once he finished sweeping up and dumping broken glass from off the ground.

"You're fine Zion. Accidents happen and your work does produce results," Scarlet lifted up her prosthetic left arm that, now instead of working off a battery, used her own blood to warm a small motor within it that he came up with. It worked a lot smoother now after constant tweaking from the four creators of it and over the time she's had it, the synchrony of the computer in her brain and in the prosthetic, was at eighty per-cent. Meaning there was little lag between the time she wanted to move the arm to when it actually moved.

He blushed lightly and nodded his head while a happy smile showed on his face.

"Captain, we're nearing Pushade," Lyanna said over the ships com.

"On my way," she replied through the panel beside her on the wall, "Ryaki make sure that little bot is ready for ground testing."

"Yasser- god damn it! Balls and shmack!" Zion and Scarlet turned to where she was just out of sight and the sound of multiple things hitting the floor followed her reply.

"Right," Scarlet stated before leaving and heading up to the bridge where she found Lyanna at her desk, Cherry in her chair and Lilly standing beside her looking out of the large windows. "Any sign of Lucas' ship?"

"No, not yet cap," Lyanna replied.

"I just received a call from him," Amber announced while walking onto the bridge, "he'll be arriving just after we do."

"Good," Scarlet nodded her head and with an easy lift, had Cherry off her chair and in her lap. "Has there been any signs of the alliance coming or going around the planet?"

"Not at the moment, but I do know they have a representative on the planet in the main city," Amber answered while Lucille appeared.

"What happened with the mad scientists?" Lucille asked coming to stand beside Scarlet on her other side.

"Just a small explosion from mixing wrong chemicals together," Scarlet answered distractedly while screens appeared in front of her and Cherry.

"I hope they're all right..." Lilly commented worriedly looking towards the hallway.

"They're fine, I made sure," Scarlet assured her while she studied the screens.

"What are we looking at?" Cherry whispered up to her as one screen showed strange swirling patterns over a map, another showed another map of some red and green dots, some larger than others, and another was showing a real-time video feed from inside a building.

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