Chapter Four

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Lilly stared completely shocked at the confident woman as she held onto her seat with white knuckles. Scarlet, uncomfortable in her robe, pulled it off leaving her only in black underwear and a black sports bra. Lilly stared at her smooth pale skin that has been blemished by so many scars, including one on her shoulder that looked like a spider web or cracked glass going out from a circle. A hatch opened on the ceiling above her head and as graceful as a cat she jumped up into the roof of the carrier lying down on her stomach as she activated the large two headed laser gun on the roof of the carrier. She pulled on a helmet that showed a 360 degree view of what was around the carrier and turned the guns and locked them onto the assaulting cannons on the ground.

Scarlet pressed a button on the handles she gripped and sent her returning assault that destroyed one of the four guns on the ground quickly before moving on to the next one.

"We have homers on us captain." Lucille's voice patched through Scarlet's helmet and she looked around and found the small, but deadly, fighters flying towards them their guns glowing ready to fire.

Scarlet finished the last grounded cannon before turning her attention to the homers. As Lucille swerved and dodged attacks Scarlet destroyed as many of the little attackers as possible until Ryaki and Jessie's carrier came into view and they started mowing down Homers like they were nothing.

"Ruddy, protect our back we need to get our load onto Vyner Brooke before they realise we're here." Scarlet said into her helmets microphone.

"Understood Ruddy's got your back." Ryaki replied and Scarlet could just see the woman smiling with excitement.

Scarlet turned her guns off and dropped back down into the main compartment of the carrier. "Ruddy's got our back, get us to Vyner Brooke now." Scarlet ordered Lucille as she sat back down in her seat as Lucille straightened up the carrier and pushed the engine and thrusters to maximum speed. They broke through the planets atmosphere with Ryaki and Jessie in tow as they headed straight for the Vyner Brooke. Lucille landed the carrier into it's place in the hanger and once the ramp was down Scarlet headed straight up to the bridge leaving the others to deal with their new responsibilities.

"Well that was fun now wasn't it?" Lucille grinned as she stood up and turned to the others.

"I am so glad I no longer get sick whenever you do that." Carla sighed looking terrible as she stood up from her seat shaking slightly.

"I think it was fun, I've always liked flight acrobatics." Amber grinned as she walked out of the carrier pulling along Lilly and Cherry's suitcases.

"That was amazing!" Cherry exclaimed happily jumping up from her seat. "That was so cool how you did those flips and spins!"

Lucille smiled happily as Lilly rolled her eyes her heart beat finally calming down from the roller-coaster she was just on. "I don't want to do that again." She said as she walked out of the carrier and into the large hanger.

"Hey Jessie, are you alright enough to see how the engines are going?" Lucille asked as Jessie and Ryaki got out of their carrier.

"Yeah I'll be fine, and we've got to get going too if we're gonna be traced by those assholes." Jessie sighed and she jogged off to the engine room bellow the hanger.

"Ryaki, check our weapons and put them on standby in case we need them." Lucille turned to Ryaki who saluted and ran off.

"Oi! Lucille!" Lyanna came running stopping in front of the group. "Captain says you gotta show our new members around before heading up to the bridge."

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