Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Stand down!" A soldier shouted at Lucas' people who were pointing their rifles at the soldiers coming towards them. "We're here to arrest the traitors who attacked the Representative's soldiers."

Scarlet stepped forward and waved at the people on her side to lower their weapons. "There are no traitors here sir," she replied easily.

"Bull shit!" the guard who was standing at the fence shouted furiously while pointing at her. "You and that bitch and savage behind you attacked us not even an hour ago!"

"Who're you calling a bitch?" Lucille fumed as she stood up looking royally pissed.

"Calm down Lucille, we haven't even left this quarantine area. They have no proof that we attacked them," Scarlet assured her friend who just crossed her arms over her chest while glaring at the soldiers.

"What do you mean no proof? We literally saw you attack us!" the other soldier who guarded the fence cried out, shocked that someone could so blatantly lie to their faces.

"But we've been here all day, the sick inside and these people can all attest to that. That's over a hundred people, and there's only two men saying we attacked him?" Scarlet unashamedly lied much to everyone's disbelief.

Lilly couldn't help but stare at Scarlet's back in shock, she didn't know Scarlet could lie so well.

"She's right, these three have been here all day helping with the sick," a woman from Lucas' crew stepped forward fully impressed by the Captain. Soon enough the others agreed with Scarlet making the soldiers from the fence infuriated.

"Then who attacked them?" an obviously higher ranked soldier asked with a rage-filled voice.

Scarlet shrugged as she crossed her arms loosely, "we've been framed. We have no reason to go and attack soldiers when we're busy trying to fix something you people caused."

Knowing that the redhaired woman had more people on her side than them, the higher ranked soldier couldn't do anything because there were no cameras on the fence and they only had two people saying that they did it while she had hundreds to say that they didn't. What a fucked-up situation, he thought while turning away from the woman and her people.

"Fine, we'll be looking into this thoroughly and rest assured that the Representative will hear about this," he growled before storming off.

"Bye," Scarlet replied easily with a calm expression.

When they were out of sight everyone started laughing while Lilly just shook her head with a soft smile. "I don't understand how you can act so calm like that."

Scarlet shrugged, "having them snooping around will be a good thing, while they're concentrating on trying to find a fault in us, we can save these people while Lucas deals with all the political stuff."

"That was hilarious," Ryaki stated as she came forward with a vial.

"Is that it?" Lilly asked excitedly looking at the vial.

"Yup, this little thing when introduced to the poisoned patient will slowly change their immune system to start being able to defuse the poison," Ryaki answered proudly while handing it to her.

"Thank you!" Lilly smiled brightly, "how many do you have?"

Ryaki frowned then thoughtfully, "not enough right now, but I've already started to synthesize some more. Right now, I have twenty ready to use."

Lilly sighed sadly, "that will have to do for now."

The rest of the day, which was only another six hours since they arrived, Scarlet spent helping Lilly take care of the patients while getting updates from Lucas about how he was dealing with the Representative and his goons. Turns out, Regal, Pushade's Representative, was keeping the giant Cryogeode a secret from the Alliance and when Lucas informed his boss, (Lilly and Cherry's father) who was a council member, about this he had ordered Pushade to be put onto the planet protection list because of its natural resource.

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