Group Tension

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Chapter Eighteen

Zayn's P.O.V.

Harry calmed down the next day. He claimed he was a bit worked up the night before after being kidnapped so he freaked out and started spouting random stuff. I'm not sure if I believe him, but I'm going with it for now. He also said he couldn't remember any of the experience... that made it even harder to believe, in my opinion.

I thought through the days' events in bed that night with Lena. I held her close protectively as I pondered Harry's actions before and after he was kidnapped and his attitude that day. In fact, I was so engrossed in my thoughts, it took me a while to register Lena kissing up my neck and whispering to me.

"Oh Zayn," she sighed. "I love you so much."

I huffed, "I love you too, babe."

"Oh Zayn..." Her breathing was becoming ragged. I knew what she wanted. But I didn't want to; I wasn't in the mood.

"Yeah, Lena," I said, trying to move away from her. "I know. Lena. Lena!" I ended up shouting and jumping out of bed, turning on the lamp as I went. I stood close to the door and talked loudly, not quite shouting, but loudly, "What are you doing? Do you not care about Harry? You hardly seemed bothered by any of the events happening! I feel like my love for you and my friendship with him is tearing me apart! I-I can't do this any more, Lena!" I sighed and turned to leave, grabbing my dressing gown as I went. "I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight." I slammed the door as I left.


Harry's P.O.V.

I didn't forget the experience. I hadn't been rambling mindlessly. But I knew that, if I continued as I was, they'd put me in a mental asylum or something. That would have driven me nuts! Ironic, huh?

I had to find a way to get the guys away from Lena and out of the public eye. Lucy had a plan, and I knew how dangerous she could be. And she wanted Zayn; he was in the most danger - and he was with Lena.

So, the next morning, I launched my plan.

About an hour after sunrise, I crept into the room Louis was sharing with Liam and Niall and used my vampire speed to pick him up and take him into the hallway so we could talk. After I gently placed him on the ground, I shook his body carefully. He woke up slowly, yawned and stretched before his eyes settled on me.

"Oh," he muttered, blinking a few times to clear his vision. "Hi, Harry." He looked around and raised an eyebrow, before looking back at me. When we made eye contact, a flash of fear speared through his eyes, and it felt like a part of my soul had been cut away. I looked away immediately and spoke again without looking at Louis.

"I need to ask you for a favour," I said, looking back at his face which now filled with suspicion.

"What sort of favour?" asked Louis.

I sighed deeply. "I need a break to recuperate from being kidnapped." At this, Louis nodded and smiled in agreement; all his fear and suspicion disintegrated in a moment. Phase 1: complete!

"So where do I come in?" he questioned curiously, obviously enticed by my pitch.

"Well, somehow, I doubt the guys and the producers will agree to a break halfway through the scheduled tour. So I was wondering if the all-powerful Magnificent Louis could whip up some magic spell to 'convince' everyone the greatness of my plan!"

Louis thought for a moment. I saw his face rise and droop. Each tiny movement of his bones and muscles made me tense. My whole plan depended upon my best friend's agreement - if he said no, I don't know what I'd do!

Finally, Louis answered, "OK, I'll help. But there's a catch..."

A/N OK, this is kind of a cliffhanger, but when you find out what the revelation actually is, you're gonna be so mad at me (truth be told: it's not actually that exciting)!

Hope you enjoyed the update, guys! And please drop a comment if you like the new cover! :D Thanks for reading, next update in a week!

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