The Return of Harry

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I panicked. What was I supposed to do? Harry was back! And he was safe! My joy had overwhelmed me - but I really should have kept a lid on it.

Next thing I knew, Liam, Zayn, Niall and Lena came charging into the room.

"What's going o--" Liam began, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Harry - who was covered in dirt, blood and bruises with ripped clothing and carrying a dirty old drawstring bag - and his identical (but clean) copy, 'Harry'.

The next few seconds felt like time had stopped. I scanned over 'Harry', who sat casually on the couch as if nothing was happening, then Harry, checking for bad wounds. Next was a collective scan of the terrified and stunned Liam, Zayn and Niall. Each had their eyes and mouths wide open, with their eyeballs dancing between the Harrys.

But what really interested me was Lena's reaction. She watched Harry through slits for eyes, anger boiling deep inside her. Her fists balled up until the knuckles turned white.

She wasn't just watching Harry. She also glared at the bag. Did she know about my spell?


Zayn's P.O.V.

Harry... and Harry...

What the heck was going on?

I opened my mouth to speak, but my lower jaw hang loose so I felt almost unable to speak. So, instead of trying, I waited what seemed like an eternity for someone else to utter the words to cut through the silence.

Niall, ironically, looked like he'd seen a ghost. He'd turned paler than usual. Slowly, he lifted a shaking finger at Harry.

"Wh...who's that?" he stuttered.

"Uhh..." Louis stood up and placed himself between the guys and Harry, seemingly slightly afraid of what they might do. His eyes darted between the guys and the Harrys, until, eventually, he began to explain.

He held his hand out behind him to gesture towards Harry, keeping his eyes focused on the us. "I know this looks freaky," he admitted slowly, "but it's quite a simple explanation. You see, I was working on a copying spell and so I asked Harry to help me. He agreed so I copied him and tested it out on you guys to see if you could tell the difference. Did it work?"

We all relaxed in turn with sighs of relief. We smiled casually, but realisation of what Louis had just said swept over me.

"You just told Lena!" I hissed.

Louis smiled non-chalantly and gestured loosely to Lena, who wss frozen in her pose of surprise - though I'm sure it was mixed with frustration; maybe even anger.

"She's in a time lock," Louis explained. "She's even poseable. Can you guys take her to her bed and tell her it was a dream after I drop the time lock whilst I get rid of Harry's copy?"

We all nodded and went to pick up Lena. She was surprisingly light. Niall helped direct us to her bed - and stop us from accidentally hitting her head against anything. We dropped her down and stood above her.

She didn't seem as pretty as once she was. Was it just me? Maybe it was. I could feel my feelings for her slightly diminishing. I didn't know why. I guess we just weren't working out.

Oh well. It's not like there was a shortage of girls who liked One Direction!

A/N Had to rush this chapter as I've been a bit busy FREAKING OUT this week, what with exams and my Britain's Got Talent audition on Monday, so sorry if it's not as good as the usual.

So, I don't think I'll do a sequel to this book. I think when I finish this I'll move on from fanfic and try another genre, like horror or fantasy. Sorry for you fanfic lovers!

This chapter is dedicated to @Norcy_Noall_Shipper for being my ninth follower! Almost 10 now :D

Hope you enjoyed the update, guys! Until next Saturday!

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