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  You were born different. The only child of m/n (Mothers name) l/n (Last name). You never knew your father, but your mother always blamed you for him leaving your mother. The reason he left was unknown, maybe it was because your mother was impregnated with you. No one knew what you were, you were irregularly strong and fast. You could communicate with certain animals and that's why you were a freak. Because you were different. To be quite honest you were a beautiful young lady, but people never paid attention to that. When you would smell blood, or see someone dying, your eyes would turn a mixture of red and pink (Fuchsia). Often times you would be called the devils daughter. You really had no idea what you were. Considering you were a 'freak' you had to wear unfortunate clothes you found in dumpsters. They were usually white, dirty and ripped gowns that young girls would wear.

You were currently in your room (Which was actually a small closet) playing with a strand of your hair. "Y/N!! Bring me some tea you worthless brat!" Your mother yelled. You quickly exited the closet and made your mother some tea. "Here you are ma'am." You said quietly, pouring some of her favorite tea into the tea cup. Your mother moved the tea cup away, resulting in some tea split on the new rug which your mother had bought. Sadly this tea would stain the carpet. "YOU SON OF A BIATCH! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!!!" Your mother screamed at you. You quickly put down the pot and got on all fours. "I-I'm sorry!" You repeated. But that didn't stop your mother from beating you. "I JUST GOT THIS DAM RUG THIS MORNING YOU FILTHY BRAT! NOW ITS RUINED! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING I HAVE!!!!" She screamed at you, truth be told she was the one who ruined everything but always blamed it on you for her careless actions. You were at the point of tears, but you stopped yourself because you've cried enough. You just sat there, on all fours taking the beating. After an hour of continuous beating she finally stopped and ordered you to clean the house. You did as you were told and cleaned it while your mother went off to bed, for it was 9:00 at night.

After you finished with cleaning the house you went into your closet. "Im done with this." You whispered quietly to yourself. You've been dealing with this ever sense you could walk. That was when you were 3 years old. 12 years later and its still going on. You didn't have many clothes, nor nothing to carry anything in. The only thing you had was a stuffed bunny, a nice man once gave it to you while you were out shopping. It was a nice white rabbit dressed in clothes and an eye patch. It was called the 'Bitter rabbit.' You found this out by looking through the toy shops window. You hid it away as soon as you got home that day and its been safe ever since. As soon as you grabbed it you quietly left the small house. You were in the bad part of London, and considering it was night, there could be some trouble. That thankfully you had your powers. You walked down the dark, musky streets of the outer town. You made it to the more populated part of town, which you've never really been to before. There were few people out on the streets, some walking casually, and some rushing as if they were late to something. After what seemed like hours, you began to feel dizzy, most likely from lack of sleep. You didn't exactly know where to sleep, but you did find a place. It was in an alleyway on top of some cardboard boxes left out. Sure, it wasn't the safest option, but all that mattered was that you could sleep. And that's exactly what you did.

You awoke to the sound of horses trotting down the stone road, indicating that the town was up and so should you. Your stomach growled, you felt like it was eating the flesh inside you. You didn't really have any money, so you couldn't exactly buy any food. You knew no one would give you pity because there's hundreds of homeless children just like yourself out on the streets. So your only option was dumpster diving. You went over to where they were located, and at one look, you were ready to throw up. There was junky stuff inside it along with dead animals like rats, and what seemed to be, a rock? You reached out to it, pulling it up to see a beautiful ruby ring with small jewels on the side. "Why would someone throw this out? It could be worth millions!"  You said quietly to yourself. Your mind was having a conflict on if you should keep it to yourself or sell it. It was a beauty indeed, but you needed the money if you were going to get by out on these streets. Who knows, maybe you could rent a small apartment with it? Either way, you were still going to sell it. Once you got to a shop where you could trade jewelry for money you went in and sold it. Sadly, it wast as valuable as you had thought, and only turned out to be 135 dollars. But why should you complain? Thats a lot of money! You quickly ran to the nearest bakery, clutching on to your rabbit which was named Sam. You quickly ran inside and got into line. You were clutching the money you had recently gotten, a bright smile on your face. Some people were giving you looks, for you attire was not to their standards. There was a boy in front of you, which looked like of that of a high status. You could tell this because he was wearing things that was just screaming out, 'Im a flipping noble. Bow down to me.' Well, that was just your opinion. There was also a tall butler-looking guy next to him. He smelt different then of the rest of people. You could feel your eyes change color for a split second. You now noticed that the boy in front of you smelled some-what the same. Time seemed to fly and it was soon your turn. A nice looking woman with beautiful golden hair and bright blue eyes asked you, "What would you like?" It took you a moment to think, then you blurted out, "Can I have one slice of chocolate cake with a some bread on the side please!" You said with a huge smile on your face. "Sure thing hun." She got the things you ordered and put them on the counter. "That will be 12 dollars please." She said, with a fake smile upon her lips. I handed her the money and got my items and sat down. I stuffed the rest of my money into Sam's (The rabbits) shirt. You savored the food in your mouth, for it was the first time you've ever tasted something this good. Once you finished with your food you got up and walked out, still caring Sam. When you walked outside you witnessed the boy from before along with his butler outside talking. You had excellent hearing, there for you could hear everything they were saying. "Sebastian, what was that strange smell in there. It obviously wasn't the food." The boy said. The person which you assumed was 'Sebastian' Replied. "My lord, it was another demon. In fact, she was behind us. And If i'm not mistaken." He paused and turned towards my direction, which was behind a bench. The boy turned towards me as well. "She's right there." He said, while looking directly into my eyes. I saw his eyes turn fuchsia along with the boys. I could feel my eyes turn that color as well, and as quickly as it came, it faded. They both started walking in my direction. Freaking out, I quickly got up and ran in the opposite direction. "After her!" The boy yelled. I'm not sure what they wanted with me, but I didn't exactly want to find out. I continued running, and it seemed I lost them. Just when I thought my worries were over, a familiar, heart racing, obnoxious voice could be heard. "THERE YOU ARE! I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHITE!" My, mother yelled at me. She quickly came over to where I was at, I was to afraid to move fearing the worse. "THANKS TO YOU I HAD TO LEAVE THE COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME TO LOOK FOR YOU!" She yelled directly in my face, her disgusting breath reached my nose making me gag. "YOUR COMING HOME NOW! NO FOOD FOR A WEEK! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!" She grabbed my long (Sorry, you couldn't afford to get it cut x: ) messy h/c hair and started yanking it yelling at me. A tear slid down my left cheek, because, well, who would cry when someone is yanking your hair? I'll tell you one thing, she wasn't being gentile. "Let her go this instant." Said a voice. My mother stopped yanking my hair, but still kept a firm grip on it to see who was talking to her. "And why should I!?" She asked. I looked up as well to see 'Sebastian' and the boy from earlier. "Because I said so." He replied. Not looking fazed by her glares or words. "She's my daughter and I can do whatever the hell I want to do with her you snot nosed brat!" She spat at him. "My my, it seems you don't know who your talking to." The butler smirked. Mothers grip on my hair loosened, but not enough to break free. "I am Ciel Phantomhive, owner of the Funtom toy and candy company. And yet you dare to speak to someone of such a high rank as if I was a peasant." This, 'Ciel' replied back. "I-I-i'm so sorry.. I didn't know." My mother said. "Now, let the lady go or else." 'Ciel' Said A dangerously cold expression washed over his face, which was a calm one. "Are you threatening me? This is my child. There for she rightfully belongs to me." Mother replied. Pulling my hair again. I groaned in pain, im sure some of my hair has already been forcefully yanked out. "A mother doesn't not deserve a child if one treats her the way you are currently treating her. I have every right to call the authorities and get her taken away from you." Ciel said, now with a slight smirk. "Fine then." Mother replied letting go of my hair and pushing me in their direction. "Deal with this, 'Freak' then. One less mouth to feed." She replied before walking away. I clutched my head in pain, dropping Sam on accident. "Thank you, Earl Phantomhive.." I replied, looking in his direction and giving him a small smile, before picking up Sam, sadly some dirt and filth got on his lovely white coat. "Yes. In return for me saving you, you will come live with me, and work as a maid." He said. "EH?! I dont wanna do that!" I exclaimed. "Hmm? Then i'd suppose that money you have is supposed to last you the rest of your life then?" Ciel smirked. "I, I could get a job, and-" "Tell me, who is going to hire someone covered in mud and grime?" He questioned. "I...Fine, I'll come live with you and work as a maid.." I replied. Now that I think about it, I will get a nice place to sleep. Surely the other servants there will be nice! I hope so anyways.. He got into a carriage that just randomly appeared. "This way, M'lady," The butler said before helping me in and going to the front of the carriage to drive us away. "Thank you.." I said to Ciel. "Tell me, how are you a demon, yet a human born to your mother." He asked. "Im not a demon..... Im just a freak..." I replied looking downwards. "Ah, but you see, you are a demon. Only contractors and other demons can figure that much out. Well, there are other beings that can as well, but not humans" He said. "Contractor?" I asked him. "Yes. Demons come from hell to get into a contract with a human to help then do something, doesn't matter what it is or how long it would take, they help them. But only in return for their soul." He explained. "Are you a contractor?" I asked him. "Well. Yes and no. I do still have my contract but you see, im also a demon. I was once human, i'm not entierly sure how this happened to me" He said. "Well, what if i'm like you then.. you were once human and now a demon.." I replied. "Tell me, do you remember selling your soul to a demon?" " but-" I started to reply, but Ciel quickly cut me off. "Then you are not like me." Humph. By the time the carriage stopped we were in front of a beautiful manor. "Oh wow!" I exclaimed. I was about to open the door, leaning forward, till it swung open, which resulted in me almost falling out. But luckily 'Sebastian' caught me. "Ah, thank you." I said as he set me down. Ciel wasted no time in getting out and walking inside. "Sebastian, show her to a room." Ciel said before disappearing down the halls. "This way, M'lady." He lead the way down the halls to a beautiful . "This is where you will be staying for the rest of the time here." Sebastian said. He bowed and covered his heart, "And my name is Sebastian Michaelis.." He said. "And um, my name is y/n" I said. He quickly took my hand and sniffed it. "Ah, a cat demon.. How perfect." He said. "Well that explains how I can talk to certain animals." I replied. Sebastian went to a closet and pulled out a white nightgown and set it on the bed. "A maid named Mey-rin will be here in the morning to help you get dressed." He said after closing the door. I flopped on my new bed, then realizing I had night clothes I got up and changed. I quickly got into bed and snuggled up with Sam.

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