|Chapter 7| A day off

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I wake up, and surprisingly Sam (Still in his cat form) is beside me. I look out my small window and notice the sun has risin a bit. Usually I wake up around 5am. Hmm? I gently shake Sam from his slumber. He stretches and makes out a faint 'Meow'. "Hmm? What is it Milady?" He asked, still in his sleeping position. "Why didn't you wake me? It seems to be one 7am. And I start work at 6am..." I said, a little drowsily. "Oh, Milady I forgot to tell you. My apologies. But, you don't have to work today. It seems as no one does. I believe its a, 'Holiday'? As they call it." He said, while sitting up. "Oh. No apologies needed, Sam." I replied. I got my new collar from the bed stand and put it on. I got out a nice .I went to the nearby bathroom to change. Once I came out Sam greeted me in his human form with a tray of crumpets. And the tea, from what I can smell is rosemary. "Thank you." I said as I took the tray and sat down. Eating one crumpet then feeling fool. "I only ate one, why do I feel so fool? Sam?" I questioned. "Well, Milady. Being a demon means only finding interest in souls to eat. But you, being part demon at first, had gotten used to regular human food. There for you can withstand it, but only a little bit. Meaning one snack a day." He said while taking the tray away. "Only one?!" I yelled. "Yes. Don't worry you shouldnt feel hungry for at least 24 hours." "Hey Sam.." "Yes, Milady?" "You said it was a free day, right?" I asked. "Yes." He replied. "Well lets do something fun!" I yelled running out of the room. Dragging him by the wrist in the process. "A lady shouldn't run" He protested. "Lighten up." I said while turning to face him and stick my tongue out at him. -sigh-(HIM) I ran around the manor trying to find everyone. Then I remembered I had amerzing sense of smell and smelt the air. 'They're all in the garden? How strange.' I thought to myself. I pulled Sam along into the garden to see everyone sitting around doing nothing. "Hey guys, whatcha doing?" I asked, finally stopping. "Oh yes. I forgot you were new to all of this. 1 day a year we all get a free day." Ciel replied. "And the young master said we could all go to the lake!" Finny practically jumped out of his chair, as he shouted this. "OH. But I don't have a swim suit.." I mumbled. "You can use one of mine, yes you can!" Mey-rin said. "Thanks!" I replied. "Oh, when are we going?" I asked. "When the young lord finishes his morning breakfast." Sebastian replied. It seemed as though Ciel was purposely delaying on eating. I went to the opposite end of the table where Ciel was facing and got on my knees to have my eyes just above the table. I kept staring at Ciel until he finally noticed me and asked, "What are you staring at?" "Im just waiting for your slow arss to finish eating that dang pie!" I yelled in almost a whisper. (Yus. You can do that. : D) He just scoffed and finished off the last bite of the pie. "Everyone, get ready. We leave in a half of an hour." Sebastian said as everyone walked inside. I followed Mey-rin to her room and she got out a pretty . "Thanks!" I replied as I raced out of her room back to mine to change. Once I got it on I followed everyone else to the lake. Well, we all actually got into a carriage and Sebastian drove us to a lake surrounded by trees. "Is this on the Phantomhive grounds?" I asked to no one in particular. "'Es it is. Sebastian found 'it while searching for 'he young master." Baldroy replied. Btw, everyone is like in a robe to conceal the suit and to not be scolded for showing to much skin. PSSH. We all got out and ran towards the lake. Me being like the fastest jumped in first. But as I was jumping I noticed everyone stoped and started. Like watching me reaction towards something. 'shite.' I said as I collided with the water. immediately jumping out and running for the shore. "Was it cold, y/n?" Ciel asked with a smirk. I shivered a bit while rubbing my arms. "N-no.. Its like f-fricking lukewarm!" I stuttered from the coldness that was on meh. "Well than, would you mind going back in?" He said, still with that smirk on his face. "Why don't you try it then. If you don't believe me." I said. He looked shocked for a moment but returned to his normal bored face. "Very well." He said. Everyone was still on shore, watching as Ciel got into the water. He shivered for few seconds. Then he turned around. "You'll get used to it, you big baby." He said. And came back out and sat on a towel Sebastian had laid out for him and began to read. Everyone else ran into the lake and immediately adjusted to the temperature. Once I got back in I realized I overacted like a total idiot. As I was thinking this I got splashed by water. I turned to see it was Mey-rin who did it. I quickly splashed water in her face and eventually it turned to an all out war between everyone. The prize? Nothing xD. I picked some seashells off the floor and started throwing them at everyone. "I will win this!!" I yelled. And everyone retaliated by getting shells and throwing them at everyone. We all dodged are attacks but the first one to go down was Baldroy. I realized when we were all around Ciel that that's how you say his name. But its still Bard. c: Sooner or later all who were left was me and Finny. "You're going down!" I said as I got a giant seashell and threw it at him. He quickly dodged and swam under water. Then appeared in a different spot. "That Is if you can hit me!" He replied. I kept throwing shells at him but eventually he disappeared under water. "Eh?" I said aloud. Then he reappeared underneath me, throwing me in the air. Like 5 feet. "AH!" I squealed. Which made everyone look. Finny threw a shell at me, which I couldn't dodge in time. And before I landed in water he caught me. "You jerk you're not supposed to throw people in the air!" I scolded him. "Ah, Sorry y/n. Just got caught up in the moment." He said with a sweet smile on his face. He let me down and I went out of the water to join everyone else near Ciel. I got up behind him and sat in the sand to see what he was reading. t was a romance novel. "Ah Ciel. You may be 16, but you're ready." I said with a slight smirk on my face. "What?" He turned to me. I could see the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks. But not really that noticeable. "Ah. Nothing." I replied. Ciel turned to Sebastian as if they were having a conversation Sebastian said," Alright everyone. Time to go." He then went and got the carriage ready.

~Back at the manor Dinner time~

I went back in my original dress and watched as Ciel ate like every other night. He put down his fork and looked in my direction. "So tell me y/n." He began. "When is your birthday. I do believe you never told me." "OH um... Lemme think. I don't know. We never celebrated my birthday so I guess I forgot..." I said. "Very well then. Ill make one for you. Your birthday will be tomorrow. April 30th." He stated. "Ah. Thank you young master." I replied. He simply went back to eating
You went to bed and blah blah blah. :P

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