|Chapter 5| Meeting her father

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  ~Timeskip to when your at the castle place~

"The Princess has returned!" Is what the people were saying around me. Sam was now back into the shape of a cat, traveling by my feet. We made it to a set of grand doors which the guards standing there opened for me. Father was sitting on a throne made of darkening skulls and torches all around it. The entire place looked a bit, gloomy to say the least. "Is that my long lost daughter I see?" Father said, still sitting. "Come, see your father." I walked up to him. "Its been quite awhile since I've seen you, my dearest y/n" I nodded. "Where's mother?" I asked. "Your mother fell terribly ill a few thousand years ago." He explained. "Ah." Was my reply. "Come now, let us have a feast for your return." He got up and lead me to where the dinning hall was. Again, it was gloomy. But there was tons of food spread along the table! "All of this for me returning?! Wow" I said. "Dig in." Father said. I sat down quickly, but gracefully. I picked up a fork on my left and touched the turkey that was in front of me. "Wow this, turkey is really hard." I mumbled as I tried to cut into it. "Don't ruin the spread!" Father yelled/said. "The souls should be coming any minute now." Father said tapping his foot impatiently. "Souls? What about real food!" I asked. "We demons don't eat 'food,' We eat souls. It gives us strength and keeps us going for years." Father said. Just then 2 trays were brought out of a door parallel from the entrance doors. The trays were set in front of me and father. The man opened the lid of the tray to reveille a glowing orb. "What is this?" I asked him. "The freshest, most pure soul we could find." He said, then bowed while backing away to stand in the sidelines. "How do you eat this?" I asked no one in particular. "Just eat it as you would anything else, ma'am." Someone said from the sidelines. I ate it like I would any other food and it melted in my mouth. I felt my eyes glow for a second then went down. "Its, delicious.." I whispered to myself. "Indeed. The finest souls for the king and his family." Father said. Then Sam came in, cat form of course. "Milady, its getting quite late. I suggest we begin leaving.." He whispered to me. Of course no one could understand him except father. Father came over to me and I quickly got out of my chair. "Well, my daughter. I wish to see you again soon." "Yes. Maybe, in a few hundred years or so." I said. "Yes. That would be nice." I bowed to show respect and left.

~Timeskip to back at the manor (On earth)~ Also its the next day

I was at the sidelines watching Ciel eat breakfast, same as the other servants. Sometimes he dismisses us, and sometime he doesn't. The first day I was here he did so. It was quite confusing when he didn't. Then Ciel spoke. "Y/N, tell me. What was your father like?" He asked. "Well. He was kind. But I guess that's just towards close family members." I replied. The young lord stood up and began walking up the stairs. "Lady Elizabeth is supposed to come today. Prepare the manor." Ciel said as he disappeared down the hall. After that we all got to work. Sweeping the floors, creating snacks, polishing the tables. Just as we would any other day.

Yeah. Sorry this was short. Oh well. Christmas special comin up soon! (For me its the 23rd so basically tomorrow)

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