|Chapter 12| The Case of the Bleeding Fairy (Part 1)

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Ciel's Pov (- _ O)

The full moon was already risen in the black sky, illuminating the night with its silvery glow. I was currently looking through some of the paper for companies new toy product, the rainbow mouse. It was a plush mouse the size of a full grown alleyway cat, and bright, cheerful, rainbow colors. Its fur was specially made with silk and faux fur. And the shiniest black button eyes, a signature detail in the funtom plushies. I sensed Sebastian coming, suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I mumbled a quiet, 'Come in'. As the Butler clothed in black stepped into my office I knew instantly it was a letter of sorts by the tray he was using to carry it. When he came over, next to my desk, he handed me the letter. I could tell it was from the queen by the print that was used to conceal the contents of the letter. I opened it carefully, not wanting to rip what was inside. I pulled the letter out and began to read it, 'Dear my Guard Dog, Have you ever gone to the sweets shop by the side of Clartons Toys? They make the most delectable apricot tarts! They especially go good with some Rosemary tea...' I signed as I read that paragraph, knowing she always wants some dirty task done when sending a letter starting with remarks of some sort of food or beverage. I read on, 'Now then, I'm sure you know about the sudden murders around the outskirts of town, correct?' I think back to the newspaper I was reading this morning, here were three adult females killed just near where Y/N's mother lived.  'Well, I simply can't have anymore of my citizens dying on me now, can I? I expect you to take care of this.      P.S Their Earl grey Tea is pretty decent as well!   ~The Queen' I sighed once again. "Sebastian." I said, looking straight at the red eyed demon who was beside me the entire time, waiting for an order. "Yes, My lord?" He questioned. "Tomorrow we're going to the outskirts of London and finding out more of this case." I handed him the letter as he skimmed through it. He smirked that annoying smirk, "Yes, My Lord" He said while bowing with his hand on the place where his heart is supposed to be. As he turned to leave, carrying the tray with him, I stopped him. "Bring me some tea, I'm parched." I ordered while turning back to my paperwork I was looking at before he came in. "Of course." And with that, he left.

Your Pov (O~O)

-The Next Day-

I got up early that Tuesday morning with a skip in my step, I was unreasonably happy. I made my way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The Earl always liked the scones that I made, I guess I made them more creamier than Sebastian. As I walked in through the door the other servants were already there, chatting away, waiting for Sebastian's chore list for the day. Only a few moments after I entered, so did he. He got to work on the Earls tea, Earl Grey, His personal favorite. My theory was always that it was because of the Earl in 'Earl Grey.' He was an Earl afterall. I chuckled a bit, thinking of my little joke with the name. "What's so funny, Y/N?" Finny asked, while watching me whisk the scone batter. "Oh, nothing." I replied, while giving him a soft smile. As I finished with the thick batter, I began to make some folds with the it. I liked making them look like croissants but taste like scones. Haha, that sounds weird doesn't it? I put the croissant shaped scones into the oven. I leaned my back against the counter and listened to the fellow servants conversation, it was about, murders? "I read the newspaper, yes I did! And there's a murder in the outskirts of London, yes there is!" Mey-rin, added to a comment from Bard. I chimed in, "The outskirts? Thats where my mom lives.." To be honest I don't know why I still think about her, she was a terrible person. But I guess she was just sad. Meh. Suddenly a ring sounded. Sebastian must have set a timer for the scones. I took the bread out and set them on a silver platter along with other treats Sebastian had baked. Before he left with the cart full of treats he gave us our chore list for the day. Since I was the Earl's personal maid I followed Sebastian till I got to bathroom to prepare a bath. I turned the faucet on and let the warm water flow through my fingers while adjusting the temperature. I then poured some bath salts and soap into the tub. Once it was filled i turned the faucet Off and Awaited for them to come.

Ciel's Pov (- _ O)

I awoke to the bright sunlight shining across my eyelids. I groaned, and sat up unhappily. "Good Morning, Young master." Sebastian said cheerfully, walking back from the curtains. "What's so good about it?" I asked, as I took my tea from his gloved hand. "Everyday awaits a new adventure, does it not?" Without waiting for my reply he started listing off what was for breakfast, "Today we have some muffins, fruit tarts, and some scones made from Y/N." Looking to where the scones were located I realized they were in the shape of croissant. I took one from the tray and began eating. Once I finished I asked, "Why couldn't I take a bath last night? Why must I take one in the morning."  "Well My lord, Mey-rin forgot to heat up the water for your bath and so it was ice cold." He explained, while taking the teacup from me and setting it gently down on its glossy plate. "I see." I mumbled.

Your Pov (O~O)

Once the Earl was done with his bath and dressed he headed towards his study, beckoning me to follow. Once he was seated in his chair he asked, "You once lived in the Outskirts, correct?" Without waiting for my reply, he carried on. "I need you to come with me on a task." He said. "And what might that be?" I questioned. "Solving a murder case, considering you're from there I would assume you might know who the murderer is. And you might know the best places to look." He replied while looking through the newspaper. "Alright..." "Another person was killed last night," He mumbles, but due to my demonic hearing I could understand what he had said. "When shall we leave?" I asked uncertain. "Tonight." "Whys that?" "I believe I know where the next murder is going to be at. It all seems as if one big Triangle. If i'm not mistaken, it should attack right here." He beckoned me to his side, as he pointed at a place on the map. "The abandoned hat shop?" The hat shop was abandoned due to lack of customers, same as every shop. "Correct," He replied. "Now, go get ready." I looked out the window to notice it was at least 1 in the afternoon. "Get ready for what?" I asked. "We're still going into town. I need to investigate the crime scene to see if my theory is correct." he said briskly. "Yes, Young master." I bowed, and then left his office to prepare.

-At the crime scene-

I flinched at the sight before me, there was blood splattered all over the walls. As Ciel and Sebastian began looking around, I stared at the blood stained place. I studied every little drop of blood. "It looks like a picture..." I said aloud. "Of what?" The Earl asked with curiosity. "Im, Im not quite sure..." I said in a low voice. Soon we left to go to the Undertaker's shop to examine the bodies. As we entered the pitch black room suddenly became light with a few candles lit. "Ah, it's been a while, Earl~" Said a voice. I turned to my right to see piercing green eyes boring into mine. "Hello, Undertaker. I believe you know why I'm here." The Earl said quickly, refusing to waste any needed time. "OF course~ But you know my price...hehe" The Undertaker laughed a bit, covering his mouth with his slim fingers, with that huge grin on his face. "My Lord,-" Sebastian started, but was cut off from his master. "I'll tell the joke." Ciel said, determined. "I do hope you've improved from last time.." Undertaker said as he reflected what happened when he tried to get him to laugh before joining the circus. "Of course." Ciel smirked. He started, "What happened when you breed a cat and a dog?" He asked. The Undertaker smiled, "What?"     ... "A Cod." Ciel answered, almost laughing at his own joke. Everyone deadpanned. "Let me do it, jeez." I said. "Bu-" Ciel started, "SHHHH... Now now, YO MAMA SO STUPID SHE MISTAKENED

DEER CRAP AS CHOCOLATE CHIPS!" I exclaimed, while pointing at the Undertaker.  The whole place shook with laughter. "AHAHAHAH-AH-AHAHA!" He screamed while falling to the floor in tears. "A-alright they're in the back..." He laughed. "Y/n, stay here." Ciel ordered as he went to the back room. I walked over to a jar filled with bone shaped  biscuit. I took a bite of one, and realized it was actually pretty good. "So, you like those?" Undertaker asked, while taking one from the jar as well. "Yeah, -crunch- I got used to this kind of food a long time go.." I spoke through a mouth full of the biscuit. "Of course.." He mumbled while chewing the stale treat. In no time both Sebastian and Ciel were back from examining the bodies. "I do believe my theory is correct. We will go tonight." Ciel told me as we entered the carriage. "Of course."

-12:00 at night-

       We were seated on the rooftops of nearby buildings, waiting for a sign to enter the abandoned shop. All was still in the night. The only sound that could be heard was the wind softly blowing my hair. It felt as if we were there for at least an hour before we heard a high pitched scream. 'How could they have gotten past us?!' I screamed in my head.  We jumped down from the building and something abnormal happened. It was as if we past through a barrier of sorts. What shocked me the most, was the scene before us.  Blood was everywhere, and a limp body laid right in the center of the narrow alley leading to the shop. A body that was all too familiar, My mothers.

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