|Chapter 6| Elizabeth's Visit

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  I put a small white het on my head to conseal my ears as I worked. Then I went to help Mey-rin get the fine-china down for Elizabeth's visit. Her, being taller than me, got on the stool and was currently reaching for it. Me, being the kind person I am, held the stool steady for her. Eventually she got them down without tripping or anything! "You did it!" I cheered. "Yes, I did!" She exclaimed and put the Tea set on the small table behind her. I helped her carry it to the kitchen were tea was currently being made. Sebastia was there making some treats for the couple. "Y/n, when its time. Do be of some help and bring the young master his tea." Sebastian said leaving the kitchen to, most likely, help Elizabeth out of the carriage. I could smell her flower-scented perfume or whatever the heck she was using to make her smell like flowers. "You know something we should make..." I started off examining the cupboards (Another word for cabinet except bigger). "What should we make?" Bardroy, who Im gonna now call 'Bard' asked. "We should make a pie! We have all the ingredients, Flour sugar, and the other stuff needed." I went on. "But what type?.." I trailed off. "OH! We should make Banana meringue, yes we should!" Mey-rin said. "Alright!" I started first with making the crust, (Im too lazy to write the procedure-)
Once I finished, to make it extra sweet, I put some chocolate sauce on top. Of course along with the reddest cherry there was! "OH wow, that looks delicious...." Bard said, while staring at it. "Yes it does! Now touch this delicious looking pie, and I'll chop off all your toes!" I said while looking at them with a closed eye smile. "She can be a bit scary yes she can!" Mey-rin whispered to Bard. But since I have demonic hearing I could hear her. "Yes I know!" I said while setting the pie somewhere to cool a bit. After I put it somewhere I fixed up the tea sets onto a silver tray. Then put it on a cart along with the other sweets Sebastian made. The pie was going to be for later. As I was leaving with the cart I said one last thing to the chief and maid, "Remember! Touch that pie and say, 'Bye-bye!' To your toes!" I shut the doors. I made my way to the drawing room, where Ciel usually is with guest. Once I was there I lightly knocked on the door. Almost exactly as I did it a light, 'Come in' Was sounded. I made my way into the room. I noticed the two playing chess. Ciel was obviously going to beat her considering she only had a mere 2 pieces left. I pulled the cart up to the table and began pouring tea for Ciel. As I handed it to him I asked Elizabeth, "Tea, Lady Elizabeth?" "Yes please!" She chimed. I poured her some and handed it to her. "The sweets Sebastian had prepared for you would be, some miniature cookies, lemon dessert bread, and some blue berry muffins." I told them. Once the got what they wanted I took the cart back to the kitchen to help prepare dinner. Once I got into the kitchen the amazing smell of meat filled my nostrils. It wasn't cooked, in fact, it was raw. But in all honesty, I don't care. "Now Bard, remember not to use the flamethrower to cook the food. It ruins the taste." I warned him, while he cut up the meat. "Yeah, Yeah, I got 'it" He said.

"If I may ask, where is Sebastian?"

"Uhh. I believe 'es outside 'elping Finny with the plants."

"Thank you."

I went outside to help some. What I saw was something I can't believe I've never noticed before. A giant flipping dog! Not that I minded dogs, but this one was like 20 or something feet high! Finny was running around, chasing it. I went over to Sebastian to find him crouched near a bush. I could smell a cat, I mean, I was a cat demon. I peeked over his shoulder to see, a small grey-sh black tabby. "Hello there." I greeted the cat, crouching down next to Sebastian. He meowed a gentle greeting back. "Hello." "What did he say?" Sebastian asked, while rubbing his stomach ( the cats ) "He said hello." "What are you doing out here, If I might ask." Sebastian said, still playing with the little bundle of fur. "Oh, well I brought the tea to the young lord, and being his personal butler, should you be with him?" I questioned. "Ah, being his personal maid should you be with him?" He retorted. "Since when was I his personal maid?" I asked. "The moment you became a worker here. Isnt it natural to have a demon as the main butler, maid, chief, whatever the purpose they were to do in the house?" "Well, I suppose since most of the time demons can be superior.." I trailed off. "Well, I suppose im off then." He carefully let the little cat down and started brushing himself off as he got up. He walked back to the manor to do whatever he was to do. I also got up and watched Finny play with the giant silver dog. The dog seemed to notice, somehow, me started and come running over with Finny yelling, "Plu-Plu!" As the dog approached he sat right in front of me and started licking me. My hat seemed to fall off and my ears twitched with annoyance for getting wet with his slobber. "Plu-Plu stop it!" Finny cried as he near. He jumped on the dogs back and started practically strangling him. Eventually he let go and the dog turned into a human. A naked one. "Da fauq?" I questioned out loud. Now that I realize it, he most be a demon hound. 'How stupid of me..' I said to myself. This, 'Plu-plu' sat obediently, staring at me. I wiped some of his slobber off my face. "Well, bath time for me I guess." I mumbled out loud. I walked up to the now human hound and kneeled down in front of him. I began petting his head and ruffling his hair in the process. "Who's a good boy?" I repeated. He began smiling and sticking his tongue out, like a dog, in the process. "Whats his name?" I asked Finny, still petting the hound. "His names Pluto!" Finny said enthusiastically. "What a nice name." I said. I got up. "Well, i'll be going now." I told them as I walked off to take a quick bath.

~After the bath around dinner (You be warring a spare maids outfit that fit you)~
First I put a new hat on to, once again, hide my ears. The rest of the staff new, but not Elizabeth.
I helped set all the silver-wear and plates up. Mey-rin made a beautiful rose and lily centerpiece. While Sebastian and Bard helped set up the food. Once It was all done Sebastian went to get Elizabeth and Ciel. They all sat down and began eating. Us being servants, either eat whats left or make a small meal. And eat after they have finished. "This is delicious!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she dug into her food, in a polite and mannerly way. For that night we had made roast beef covered in a special sauce along with some lettuce and a certain seasoning. Some fruits and vegetables as a side. Along with mashed potatoes. Sam, my cat/butler thingy, was by my feet. He for some reason goes off during the day to do something then returns as dusk. Once they had finished the meal I ran into the kitchen and brought out the lovely looking pie I me Bard and Mey-rin. made. I set it on the table near the two. "We made you a pie!" I said. "Its Banana meringue, yes it is!" Mey-rin said looking over my shoulder. "Along with some chocolate sauce for extra sweetness. Do you wish to eat it?" I asked. "Yes! It looks simply delicious!" Elizabeth said, fawning over it. I could see a sliver of drool almost escape Ciels mouth. "Yes." He said, quickly licking the sliver away. Sebastian came over and started cutting equal pieces for them. Elizabeth shoved the small piece she had cut off into her mouth and chewed it, 'mmmm'ing in delight. Ciel, on the other hand was hesitant, as if he was afraid something was wrong with it. Well, he has ben living off Bard and Sebastian's cooking for a fairly long time. Once he ate it, his eyes seemed to widen and glimmer for a second. Then return normal again. In only a few minutes they had finished off there piece. Sadly, well I didn't mind it that much, Elizabeth had to leave. She said her 'Good-byes' As did we. As soon as she was off we all went back to the manor. I helped clean up the dinner that was left and headed to bed. For some strange reason I wasn't all that hungry. As I got to me sleeping chambers, Sam appeared in his human form. "Milady, I visited your father today and he said to give you this." He handed me a small black box. I opened it to find a small inside. "Would you like some help putting it on, milady?" "Yes, please." I lifted my hair so it would be easier for him to put the cat-like collar on. "Is that where you go during the day?" I asked him. "Yes, Milady." He replied. "Alright." I went to my closet and got out a long white . I got into bed and so did Sam. But in his lovely dark blue cat form. After awhile I drifted off to sleep.

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