|Chapter 3| Memories

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  A guy who looks as if he was 18 or something. "Hello, Lady y/n." He said. Greeting me with a smile. He had dark blue eyes and short black hair as well. "Uh.....How do you know my name?" I asked him, a bit freaked out that a stranger knows my name. What freaked me out even more is that he has cat like eyes, black ears and a tail. "Forgive my rudeness, My lady. My name is Sam." He introduces himself. "Sam...Funny I have a bunny named Sam." I compared him mentally to my bunny and they were nothing alike. 'Sam' Smirks a bit. His tail swished a bit behind him as he walked towards me. "It seems you don't know remember me. Well, it was so many years ago. Not to mention you've change..... quite a lot princess." He said. 'Ok, now this is freaking me out a bit...' I said to myself. "I don't remember you at all.. And what do you mean by... princess?" I asked him. "Allow me to unlock your memories~" He said as he put is index finger in the center of my forehead. A light blue glowing light emitted from it and everything turned dark.

~100,000 years ago~

The castle was servants were running around like mad men. I mean, who wouldn't? The little princess of hell was about to be born. The servants were doing everything they could to keep the mother who was about to give birth, calm. Of course, the king of hell, Satan, was right by her side. Once the little princess was born everyone crowded around to see their leaders daughter. "Whats her name, your majesty?" One of the servants asked. It took the queen a second to figure it out, then it came to her. "Y/n" She replied simply. Little y/n already had some hair growing. Dark blue hair. Once she opened her eyes they could tell what type of demon she was. A cat demon. She had darkish blue eyes, (If y'all questioning why her demon eyes in the story are fuchsia its because every aspect of her was erased. Other then the part about her being a cat demon.) along with a black pair of ears and a tail. One look at her, and a majority of the servants there could tell she was going to be trouble. Mainly because, there was a glow in her eyes.

~15,000 years after birth~
Age-15,000 aka 15

Little y/n was defiantly a trouble maker. Constantly causing trouble and killing slaves. Everyone though she was weak. Thats why she did it. To prove to everyone and her father that she was not. But one day, she took it too far.


I walked around the castle with my trusty pet cat, Sam. I heard there was trouble going on around in the bad parts of hell. So that's where im heading currently. I headed to the bad part of hell. Father was having trouble keeping it in check, don't worry father. I'll fix that for you. My swords glimmered in the fire surrounding the place. Me and Sam walked down the path and into the small place. Once I got there everyone turned to me. "Oh. Look at the cutie we got here guys." One of them said. They all started saying random crap but I didn't pay any attention. I ran towards the first guy about to slice him. He caught the blade but was not aware of my second one I wielded. I quickly killed him. Sadly, some blood got on my little dress. By the time he dropped everyone came after me. I smirked to myself and started killing a bunch of them, one by one. I sucked up some of their souls and continued fighting. By the time I had finished I was covered in blood. When I looked around I noticed Sam was gone. "Sam?" I called out. I heard is meow and ran towards his direction. He was inside a small building. I kicked open the doors and my eyes weren't prepared for what I saw. Sam, laid lifelessly on the cold floor.
*Flash back*
I was walking around the castle. I had recently just been called a baby. Sure I wanted them dead, but only by my hands. I was to weak to kill them myself. I sat in a corner and cried to myself. Then I heard a small meow. I looked in the direction and saw a dark blue cat with designs on him come up to me. "What is it child?" He asked. I knew what he was saying because I could talk with cats. "These jerks keep bulling me. B-But I want to kill them! But im to weak.." I explained. "I can help you with that. In return for making you stronger, be my master." He said. "Deal." I was my reply. After I killed those other kids, I was a bit feared. I could practically taste my rise to recognition.
My expression turned dangerously dark. I looked to the person who did it. He was extremely buff. I didn't care. I lept at him without analyzing him first. Little did I know I would soon pay the price for it. I slashed my swords at him but he continuously blocked them. He got a hit on me, which drew some blood. I kept fighting him, I couldn't even get a single scratch on him!! My energy was running low, and I was panting. "Run!" I heard a voice in my head. It was that of Sams. I stopped dead in my tracks which got me a fist to my face. "Sam!?" I yelled. "Run!" He yelled back in my head. I quickly got up and dodged the next attack. I ran away. After running a bit, I looked behind me, out of breath to see him take out a sword and slash my leg. 'Dangit!!" I yelled at myself. I had no choice but to fight. I could tell he was a dog demon and a bunch of demon hounds came from nowhere and started scratching and biting me. "AAHHH!!" I screamed in pain. Then I blacked out.
I woke up on the dirty ground. Sounds echoing everywhere. But I saw the eyes of my mother. She was crying. I looked to my left to see my father. He was shocked/angry/sad all in one. I could feel blood being drained from me. And I could see servants working on patching me up. But their efforts were useless. "Im sorry." I said, after that I coughed up blood. sound was coming back to my ears which twitched atop my head. "Baby don't say that!" Mother cried. "Im sorry... I was never really strong...-Coughs up blood- it was all just an act that was taken-cough- too far. I-I just w-wanted to fi-it in -hacking- My vision started blurring. "Y/N!!!" I recognized that voice... it was Sam. "Im so sorry! I should've told you weren't ready for this!!" I heard him cry. I didn't have enough energy to move, but just listen. I could feel tears stream down my cheek. "Sir!" Someone cried. "Sir! there's a solution! But, im afraid for these wounds it would take thousands of years to heal. We can put her in a human egg. She will heal over time there. But her traits will no longer be that of now, but of the person who is withholding her!!" He screamed. "Do it!" Father yelled. And that's when everything went dark.


"AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed as my flashback was going on. Blood was falling from my eyes. I could sense Ciel and Sebastian coming, but I could stop. All these memories, they were hurting me. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I continued screaming. "What the bloody hell did you do to her!!?" I heard Ciel yell. "Just showing her, her old life." Sam replied. I stopped screaming. And the blood stopped dripping from my eyes. "Im....The princess.....of...H-hell?" I asked. Now tears streaming down my eyes. "Yes." Sam replied. I fell on my knees.
Ciel and Sebastian both gasped at this. Sam bent down to my height and wiped the tears and blood  from my eyes. "I've missed you y/n." He said while pulling me into an embrace. I hugged him back as well. "S-sam!" I cried in his chest. "There, there.." He said quietly. "Now that I found you my princess, I'll never let you go." He said. "I don't understand." Ciel said. "There was an accident thousands of years ago to the princess. She had to be healed for thousands of years. And when she was born into this world she finished healing. This is the long lost princess of Hell." He said.

Ciel and Sebastian both dropped down in a bowing manor. "Now, y/n. You need your rest. Now that you have your memories back. Your powers will come back to. In order for this transition to occur." Sam said. "Wait!" I yelled pulling away from his chest. "Is the ball over?" I asked both Sebastian and Ciel. Sebastian was about to reply to which Ciel cut him off. "I was about to open my presents but then heard you scream. I made an excuse and here I am now." He said. "Well come on! I want you to open Me, Mey-rin, Baldroy, and Finny's present to you!!" I yelled getting up and running back to the manor. Once inside I got up to the present table to get a front row view of him opening the presents. Mey-rin and the others were right beside me. Once Ciel got back he started opening them, saying, 'Thanks' afterwards. Eventually he got to the second to last one. Which was wrapped in pink. He opened it to find a bright pink suit inside. "Happy Birthday CIIEELL!" Elizabeth screamed and hugged him. Then he opened our present. Me and the other servants beamed at the expression on his face. It was a shocked one. "How did you afford this?" He asked us. "We made it, yes we did!" Mey-rin replied. "Thank you." He said. He then got up and walked to the top of the stairs. Then made an announcement. "Thank you all for coming to my Birthday party. I'm weary now, so i'll be heading to bed." He said and started walking away. Everyone started leaving one by one and I helped clean up the ball room. Once I finished I went to my servants quarters and into my room. I changed into my nightgown and went into my bed. I was about to grab Sam, then I realized he was now a human/demon cat thingy. Then a random cat jumped on my bed. I recognized him from my memories. "Ah, Sam." I said. Sam curled up next to me and fell asleep. Soon after, I did too.

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