|Chapter 8| Happy Birthday

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  I woke up to the sweet smell of syrup. "Ehhh? Whats with the syrup?" I questioned, while sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I turned to my right to see Sam pouring a bunch of syrup on a plate. "I thought it would be nice to wake you up to the sweet smell of Syrup." He explained, while using his cat-like demonic speed to get rid of the syrup covered plate. And only to return with a single pancake with a lot, and I mean a lot! Of Syrup on it. "Do eat faster, Milady. It will be time to get to work soon." He said while bowing and letting me eat. Once I finished, which was like a bite in, he took the plate away. "It seems you wont need to eat for the next week, Milady." He said while leaving to let me get ready. Once I got finished I headed to the kitchen to help with anything. Once I got there I lightly knocked on the door. It was easy to hear the sound of a small explosion and the sound of him hacking. I cautiously opened the door because, well its barely even sunrise and this duffis is already creating a mess. But before I could look around the room Sebastian came and quickly told me my duties for the day. Which was, as usual, cleaning. I first took a broom and dust pan to sweep the floors. Then I took some polish to polish the stairs and dinning room furniture. Before I could finished with the last chair, I heard someone walking into the dinning room. "Happy Birthday, y/n." I could clearly make out Ciels voice. Even if he was like 20 meters away. (Which isn't that far actually) "Thank you, young master." I replied, while turning around to give him a small smile. I could barley see if, even with my amazing eyesight, but I do believe he smiled for a brief second. After he had left I continued my chores.

~Timeskip brought to you by air, you need it to breathe~

I went to the kitchen once I finished with polishing the chairs and other stuff in the dinning room, I figured they would need help making Ciel his lunch. Once I went inside the kitchen no one was there. So I figured I would make him lunch. "Lets see, how about some Salad, with hmmm, some rice and curry. Yeah! Simple me but meh." I went straight to work on finding all the ingredients. Once I gathered them all I started making the rice. While it was boiling I started cutting up lettuce, tomatoes, and other stuff you put in a salad like cucumbers. By the time I was finished with that the rice was ready. Then I started on the curry. I was never the best curry maker. I know this because every time I made it for mother she would always throw it at me screaming, 'This taste like shite!' Once I finished with the curry, which took longer then planned, I but it all together. Well, just the rice and curry on the same plate. Except I made a small face on the rice with some curry sauce cause I felt like it. The salad was in a smallish bowl. I but everything onto a tray and started walking to Ciel's study. Considering he, most of the time, ate there. Then I remembered it. The tea!! Luckily I wasn't that far out of the kitchen. So I ran back and made some Rosemary tea. Cause why not? Once I was at the door to his study room. I mimicked the knock Sebastian would usually do, to see if he could tell if it was me or Sebastian. A light, 'Come in.' Was sounded, to which I entered. He looked up from his paper work just as I shut the door. "Hmm?" "I brought you lunch....." I said as I approached his desk. "I can see that, but why didn't Sebastian bring it to me?" He asked. "Well, He wasn't in the kitchen. So I decided. Im not waiting for him." I said as I set the tray down in front of him. "Its some rice and curry, along with Salad. Oh! and Rosemary tea.." I explained. "Did you make these yourself?" He asked. "Well, I found everything in the kitchen." "But did you put everything together, is what im asking." "Ah, then, well, yes.." I said. "Very well," He said as he took a bite of the curry along with some rice. "Hmm, this is quite delicious." He muttered as he shoved more food in his mouth, obviously enjoying the flavor. I smiled at this and backed away exiting. I went to the garden to see if Finny needed any help with flowers in such. Considering he tends to kill them quite often. Once I spotted the gardener I ran up to him. "Hello Finny! Would you like any help?" I asked along with a smile. "Huh? Oh, Y/n. Its just you. And sure!" He said while pointing to a hose. "Could you water them?" He asked. "Sure." I said while walking over and grabbing the hose. I started watering all the plants in the garden. 'I must admit, this is quite fun..' Once I finished with the watering I decided to pull out some noticeable weeds. There were very few, but there were still some. I saw an enormous one inside a rose bush and decided to pull it out. I had to crawl some to reach it. Once I grabbed it I yanked it and pulled it out. I crawled back from under the bush to see the ginormous roots it had. Once I had finished I realized I had got some mud and dirt on myself. 'meh' I went back to find Finny to tell him I finished. I saw him around some wallflowers doing something with them. "I finished!" I said as I raced to him. "oh, good job! Well. That's all that really needed to be done. So thank you!" He said, sending me one of his famous smiles. "Anytime.." I replied walking away. Little did I know I had ripped my dress so some of my lower back was showing. "U-uh. Y/n.. your dress is a bit, r-ripped in the back.." Finny said. I turned around and indeed it was ripped. Ripped enough to show my lower back. "Ah thanks.." I said as I raced to my room.

~Timeskip to dinner cause im lazy~

I was waiting beside all of the other servants as Sebastian brought out dinner. But what was different was that there was 5 extra dishes. "Whats with the extra dishes?" I asked. "Well, Milady." Sam said, suddenly appearing behind me making me jump like a scared cat. "Lord Phantomhive has been kind enough to let everyone eat with him, considering it is your birthday." He explained. "This is new, yes it is!" Mey-rin said while taking a seat. To which the other servants copied. I sat on one side of Ciel and Baldroy sat on the other side. "Thank you, Young master." I said as I flashed him a smile. "Its nothing. I figured I should do this with every birthday to come. A new tradition, as you could call it." He said as he began eating. So did everybody else. The dinner that was given was some roast beef along with some soup. But, Sebastian knowing of me being a demon gave me a small portion, as well as Ciel. 'eheh, it seems I forgot Ciel was a demon as well.' Once I bit into the meat, my tail swished happily under my dress. (btw you changed dresses) Once I finished I helped clean up. "Y/n, If you will please follow me." Ciel said, more like ordered. I followed him to his study to which he sat down in his chair. He the pulled something out from under his desk. "Here." He said. It was a neatly wrapped gift. "Oh." I said lightly as I began to open it. I saw a black fluffy thing inside. Once I pulled it out, I realized it was a stuffed almost the size of me! "Thank you!" I practically yelled and glomped him. He stiffened in my grip but quickly relaxed. I let go and flashed him a smiled ad I carried my awesome stuffed panther away. My ears twitching with pure happiness. "Thank you again, Ciel!" I yelled as I made my way to the servants quarters.

Special, Ciel's pov!

(Up to the part where y/n glomped him) 'What the....' I said to myself. 'She's so warm...' I could quickly feel a blush coming to me cheeks. Luckily before my blush surfaced she let go. "Thanks again, Ciel!" She called as she left the room. "Hmmm." 

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