|Chapter 4| The Feline Demon

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  "Milady. Its time to wake up." A voice said, drawing me for my sleep. I slowly sat up only to have light pouring into my small sleeping chamber. "Huh? Sam what happened?" I asked while yawning. "Milady you-" "What time is it!!!??" I asked while jumping out of the bed and searching for my maids uniform. "Ah. Milady, I already took care of your chores." Sam explained. "OH...Thank you" "You're very welcome. I hope you had a nice rest, it seems you are now full demon." Sam said with a small smile on his face. "Oh yeyy.." I replied. "And with that, being a cat demon, comes cat ears and a tail." He replied smiling. "Wh-what??" I questioned, while feeling the top of my head. Indeed, there sits something fluffy. I looked behind me to see a piece of what looks like a black tail poking out of my nightgown. "Why is it so black, it doesn't match my hair color (Sorry if your hair is black in dis. If so imagine it a different shade? xD)" I replied, while staring at my tail. "I'm not exactly sure, milady. But when you were a demon back in hell, you had dark blue hair. Maybe that's why. Again, im not exactly sure." Sam answered. "Alright." I replied. "Now that you've got your memories back, your father will be wanting to see you again." Sam said while bringing a tray of cookies and some tea. "Thanks, and I don't wanna go...." I said while whining like a child. Suddenly the door slammed causing me to jump from the loud noise the door created and making me spill tea on my lap. "OWWWWWWW!" I screamed while grabbing a cloth and beginning to wipe at it causing it to hurt more. "Milady! Please do not do that you're worsening it!" Sam said while taking away the cloth. "Oh, Im terribly sorry." Sebastian said from the door coming to us with a damp towel. "Here is a cold wet cloth. It should ease the pain." Sebastian said. Sam took it and started to dab and the tea stain left on my nightgown. "What were you thinking when you slammed open that door!!?" Sam asked. "Well, the young lord was wondering where y/n has been. Considering she was to be cleaning the hallways near his office. He asked me to get y/n to begin cleaning." Sebastian replied. "But Sam said he already finished cleaning." I said. "Yes, I watched him do it last night. But that was over 10 hours ago and dust has began forming on the tables again. Also some dirt was tracked in." He explained. "Ah. How carless of me to realize this. I apologize Milady." Sam said. "There, your wound is all fixed up." Sam said while getting up from his crouching position. "How?" I asked. "You're a demon now, demons can regenerate faster then humans can." Sam told me. "Ah, okay." "Ah, it seems I have just noticed your ears and tail, y/n. They're quite exquisite." Sebastian said while rubbing my ears with his thumb and index finger. A soft purr emitted through my throat. "Well Milady. Its time for you to get ready. If you will Sebastian, leave please." Sam said coolly, but seemed to glare at him. "Alright. But afterwards please do take on your chores. We cant have a maid that refuses to work, now can we?" He said as he left. "Milady, I picked out your outfit for the day. Please do look your best, while you get ready I shall take on your chores. Also, remember to bathe." Sam said as he left as well.

~Timeskip to after yo done~

I stared at myself and my outfit  it was a beautiful red shiny dress with the bottom being black. The straps were black as well. There was a knock at the door. "Milady, are you ready to leave?" Sam asked while walking in. "Yes." I replied. "Very good. I have gotten some of the cat demon underlings to help us with this journey. Now, let us go so you can be back, hopefully, by sunrise." "Alright. Lets go." I said while walking out of the room. On the way towards the door I noticed Ciel walking back and forth. "Young master, what are you doing?" I asked him. "Just wanting to know where you've been all day. I understand that your going to visit your father yes?" He asked. "Well, yeah." I said. "Well. Goodbye. I expect you back by working hours." Ciel said, going up the stairs back to his office. "Yes, young master." I said to him beginning to go back downstairs again.  

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