|Chapter 11| The Blizzard

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A few days have passed since the vist with my mother.  The date you may ask? The 14th, aka Ciels birthday. Today, a blizzard hit. Luckily, we were all inside when it struck. But sadly, the manor is dark. Due to the fact that there is a terrible snow storm outside. I suppose we have a shortage of candles, perhaps even that is why none was lit. We each get one candle to last us this entire snow storm. Sadly, mine is about to go out. And, to be honest, im afraid of the dark. So that leads to what im currently doing. Following the sent trails of someone nearby. Aka Sebastian. I recognize his sent as roses. Ciel smells like chocolate. Mey-rin, cherries. Finny, sunshine. How? I dont know. Bard and Tanaka both smell like tea. Bard, green and Tanaka, rosemary. Yep, thats all the smells. OH! And Pluto smells like steak. My candle flame is about to go out for its reaching the end of the stick. Finally, I see the black suit back of the butler. Good timing too, for my light just extinguished. "Sebastian!" I called out. He turns around. "Yes?" "My candle went out.." I explain. "Hmm. Would you like to walk with me then?" He questions. "YUS."  "Alright then. Help me with dinner preparations." He said as he left, most likely to go to the kitchen. "Alright." I replied quickly, following after him. Once we got to the kitchen I could smell Bard chopping up some vegetables. There was at least 3 other candle sticks in the room. Sebastian set his down near what looks like some meat. "Y/N, do please wash the potatoes." Sebastian said, while beginning to cut the meat.  I did as I was asked and washed the potatoes, while Bard skinned and cut them into squares. But considering potatoes were round, it wouldnt be a 'perfect' square.  Once dinner preparations were done, Sebastian shooed us away so we wouldnt get in his way. I followed Bard around because I didnt have a candle. Eventually we made it to the dinning room were Sebastian was all done setting up the dinner. All that was left was to go get Ciel. Which Sebastian always did. Once Ciel came, he slowly began to eat his dinner. OF course the other servants hadnt noticed his shortage in eating, but he did eat whenever he could. He still has his sweet tooth, so he would eat a cake slice per day. Once Ciel finished I brought out something I made the day before. It was a special sugary sweet. I called it, the frozen cake. I set it down in front of him and put small candles on top. The candles were far to small to carry around as a light source. I lit them and everyone gathered around to sing the song that was commonly sung on birthdays. "Happy birthday to you~" We all started, with our best singing voice we could possibly muster. "Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday Our young lord~ Happy Birthday to you~" As we finished, Sebastian began to cut the cake. I noticed a hint of pink on Ciel's cheeks. Most likely because of embarrassment. Once everyone got a slice of cake, they all dug in. Well, except for Ciel. He was a bit skeptical of it. Examining it as if it were something from a science laboratory. "Whats in the middle?" He asked. "Homemade ice cream!" I exclaimed. "How did you make it?" He asked. "Out of the snow, all I had to do was get some, add some vanilla extract and voila!  Vanilla ice cream"  explained. He looked down at it again, and slowly took a bite of the cake. His eyes widened a it before he practically showed the entire slice in his mouth. "Im glad you like it, Young master." I said with a happy smile. I was a bit worried the snow would melt and make the cake soggy, but it seems that putting it into the freezer helped it turn into actual ice cream. Sort of. Once he finished Mey-rin handed him a present. It must've been from her and all the other servants excluding Sebastian since he had his own to give. He took the present and walked to the living room with us following after. Sebastian led the way holding both his and Ciels candle stick. Once we got there, a nice smell filled the air. The smell of fire burning in a fireplace. Just now did I realize the manor was freezing. Ciel sat in his chair near the fireplace and began opening the present. It was a nice black hat with a royal blue ribbon tied around it. Along with a long jay feather sticking out. There was also a homemade card inside. He took it out and read it outloud. "Happy Birthday young master! We made this hat ourselves. From, Mey-rin, Finny, Tanaka, and Baldroy." He finished reading. Next, I handed him my present. It was still in its original boxing I had gotten at the fair. He opened it and started at what was inside for a moment. "This tea set is beautiful. Sebastian, next time you make me tea use this set." He told his butler, who bowed and said, "Yes, My lord." He looked more and the box and found the tea I had gotten him as well. "Hmm? I've never seen this type of tea before.." He murmured. "Yes, its kind of commoner tea so it isn't that popular with the nobles.." I explained. He nodded his head and picked up the card. Then my mind went blank. He isnt supposed to read the card out loud! Before I could even blink he read it. "Happy Birthday Ciel! I do hope you have a wonderful one. Ever since you brought me to this manner I felt like this was my real home. I can hardly believe it was almost a year ago. Thank you for everything, bocchan~" He finished. As if his mind hadnt processed what he just read, a moment later he turned completely Crimson. I myself was red cause everyone was looking at me. "Thank you, Y/N" Ciel finished as he got up and traveled back to his office. Once both he and Sebastian were gone, things turned weird. "We're also happy to have you here y/n!" Finny exclaimed. "Yes! You like master, dont you? Yes, you do!" Mey-rin shouted afterwards. "Who knew he would react like that.." Bard said while rubbing his chin with a weird smile. Almost like a smirk. "Im going to go to bed now..." I said as I went to my room.

The next day, I looked out my window to see some sun shinning through. As if magic happened half the snow was gone! Leaving only 2ft left. Every week, on Sunday we'd all get a day off. So today was most defiantly going to be a day of play! I got on some winter weather clothes and woke everyone up. While Ciel was eating his breakfast I said, "We should all go play in the snow!!!"  Under my skirt my tail was swishing with happiness as Ciel nodded his head. After breakfast everyone got ready for the snow fun soon to happen. We all went outside, Finny and Bard were touching the snow and making snowballs. While they were doing that I was running around like a mad woman. I jumped in the snow and made a snow angel. I got up and admired my work. As if copying me, everyone else did the same. Except for Sebastian and Ciel. For they had no sense of fun. All they were doing was just standing around watching everyone. I felt an evil smirk coming on along with an idea. I made medium sized snowballs and hid behind a bush. Very quietly, I threw a snow ball at Sebastian. Of course he caught it, buy it crumbled in his hand, the snow falling onto Ciel's face. "Bloody hell! This is cold!" He shouted as he wiped the remaining snow of his face causing some irritation marks to appear. I snickered to myself. "If its a fight you want, then its a fight you'll get~" Ciel murmured. But since I have awesomely amazing hearing I could hear him. I made a bunch of snow balls, and got ready to throw them at Ciel but he beat me to it by throwing one directly in the center of my face. "MEROW" I shrieked, moments later Sam was by my side. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Im fine." I replied. I got up while holding my snow balls and threw them all at Ciel. He was out in the open so I figured it would be fair if I hid away like a scared little kitten. He dodged a majority of the but some hit him as well. As we were throwing them at each other we were also running closer to each other. Why you may ask? Well its easier to aim in closer range. Eventually we both ran out of amo, and the only way to finish this fight was to beat the other. Since it made since in my head I went with my plan, which was tackling him and making him say 'uncle.' I pounced on him and he lost balance causing him to fall on the sparkling powder snow. "What are you doing?" He asked, struggling to get out from under me. I grabbed his arms and pinned them on his forehead. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but he was a red as a tomato! I grabbed his leg and pushed his knee to his stomachs. "Say uncle~!" I said with a smile. When he didnt say anything I moved his leg so t was slowly going over his face. Say UNCLE~!" I repeated. "N-never!" He said.  This carried on for a few moments until it seemed like Ciel had enough and using his demonic strength pushed me off. And he did the same to me of which I did to him. "Now then, Be a good little girl and say Uncle."he said in a unusually calm voice. "Never in your wildest dreams!" I laughed. "Dreams always come true." He said as he stretched me legs out. It felt as if I was in one of those torture chamber things where they stretch your limbs out till the come off. "OW OWOW OW!! Uncle!" I pleaded. "Good girl." He smirked and slowly got up. Heading back inside, everyone gathered around the fire to drink some hot chocolate, and pray they haven't caught a cold.

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