|Chapter 14| Feeling Better

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It has been three weeks since the death of Mrs. (L/N). The funeral has already come to pass, and the only people there were the child herself, her fellow servants, Ciel, and the baker that the Mrs's was fond of. Afterward (Y/N) had locked herself up in her room ever. Only ever eating a cookie or biscuit each day. Without the presence of the (H/C) haired female the manor seemed a bit, lifeless. The other servants weren't causing as much ruckus as they normally would, Ciel appeared to be even more grouchy than he usually was. The only one who seemed to have not changed was the demon butler Though, just because he had to obtain his image on the outside, no one could judge him in his thoughts.

~2 days later~

Finally having enough of this 'doom and gloom,' the servants decided to do something about it. "We could make (Y/N) her favorite cake, yes we could!" Mey-rin exclaimed walking around the kitchen, shaking both the chief and gardner till they listened to what she had been saying. "Ell', do you know what 'er favorite cake is 'den?" The chief, Baldroy had asked. "No, but I remember one day her mouth was watering over some (Favorite cake)cake that the young master had! Yes I do!" Mey-rin had already began getting out the ingredients to make the said cake.Of course, them being the most clutzies people you'd ever had met, made a few flaws. By that I mean adding maybe a bit too much sugar, and a dash more (Ingredient in cake, ex: Chocolate) than what was called for. But since they batter smelled delicious once in the oven, what harm could all of that do? "Oh dear, what a mess!" Mey-rin began to panic, the room literally had flour, sugar, eggs and even more stuff splatter around the kitchen. "Sebastian isn't going to be too pleased once he see's this.. we have to hurry and clean it up!" Finny whispered/yelled, trying frantically to clean everything up as fast as he could, as well as his fellow servants. "Before I see what?" Just as if the devil himself had tattled about the mess, Sebastian walked in. "We can explain!" All three yelled in surprise, not because Sebastian randomly appeared, but because he wasn't as mad as they had thought he'd be. "A cake? What for?" He ignored the mess itself and walked over towards the oven. "We thought, maybe making (Y/N) her favorite cake would make her happy again," Mey-rin explained, twiddling her thumbs and nervously looking at the butler, expecting him to yell at them at any given moment. Surprising them yet again, the normally annoyed butler was giving them a small smile. Almost a smile anyways. More like just the gleam of it in his eyes. "They is very thoughtful of you bunch." Thinking they would be getting yelled at today, they began to smile as well. "But this area is simply atrocious. I expect the kitchen to be cleaned before that cake is ready." And there was the yelling and orders. "Yes, Sebastian." All three of them said at once. Looking around, the three realized that it wasn't that bad of a mess, and that they could probably do it. "And the cake should be done in about 5 minutes." Sebastians words had somehow made the mess seem to grow in size. Or maybe it was just that they hardly had anytime to clean it up. Rushing around and cleaning as fast as they could, they finally had the place spotless (almost) by the time the buzzer went of. Walking back in, Sebastian took the cake out of the oven and sat it down on a cooling rack. "Dinner will be in 30 minutes, perhaps you could give this to her then?" Sebastian looked over at the three, and walked out. Nodding, the three of them began to get out some things to decorate the cake with. Firsts things first was the frosting. Once done with that, they begane to add some powdered sugar all around, making the cake look crystally-ish with some (color of the icing) showing through the clear dust. "Hmm, maybe we could add some (Favorite fruit, things that would go good on the cake), she said they were her favorite!" Finny said while getting the fruit out of the cooler. Bard began to cut them up into thin slices while Mey-rin and Finny made different colored sugar to sprinkle on top of the cake. After they finished with the sugar they added the fruit. "Somethin's missin'.." Baldroy looked at the cake, wondering what it could be. "How about some (Favorite candy)'s. They are milady's favorite." Sam, (Y/N)'s personal butler came into the room, holding a bowl full of the sweets. "Perfect!" All three said, adding the candy onto the cake. "Now we can take it to (Y/N)" Finny happily picked up the cake and carefully began walking towards the girls room. "Whats a cake without a candle?" Ciel suddenly showed up, holding a (favorite color) candle. "Not a cake at all, young master!" Mey-rin shouted. Once the candle was directly in the middle, they began walking towards the girls room once again. Sebastian joined them once seeing them all in the hallway. Lighting the candle once they made it to her room, Sam slowly opened the door. The room was quiet and dark. Not even the sun getting through the curtains. Walking in slowly they saw a lump on the bed, which they all presumed it was (Y/N). "Milady," Same spoke, lighting a candle on her bedside table. "What is it?" Said a cracked voice, yet they could still hear the sweetness in it. Glancing up, (Y/N) realized that there were multiple people within her room. "Please be happy again!" The three servants suddenly yelled, pushing the cake towards the young girl's face. "Woah! It's so pretty!" she exclaimed, looking at the cake, then to everyone in the room. "Thank you all, so much" She gave a small smile, and blew out the candle. "Why don't we all go eat this together in the dining room?" The (h/c) haired girl said, getting up from her bed. "Milady, why don't you get dressed first then meet everyone in the dining room?" Sam suggested, holding out a dress. "Alright," Getting off from the bed, everybody left the room. Once finished with putting on the dress, the young female walked out to the living room, escorted by Sam. Sitting down in one of the chairs near Ciel, she cut the cake into 8 even slices and gave one to each person, of course, Tanaka getting one as well. "Thank you all so much for this.." (Y/N) spoke softly, looking at her piece of the cake with a small smile. "You're very welcome." MEy-rin said, looking up from her piece and smiling at the girl. Biting into the cake, (Y/N)'s taste buds exploded with flavor. "Holy cow this taste delicious!" She exclaimed, showing the pieces of the cake in her mouth. Once done, she looked up to notice everyone else had also finished their cake, and were staring at her. "What is it?" She asked, "Do I have something on my face?" "Indeed, you have frosting smothered all around your mouth." Ciel snickered. "OH." Grabbing a napkin she quickly wiped her face, only then realizing she had no frosting on her face what-so-ever. "What the heck?! You big meanie!" Frowning, she threw the napkin at Ciel. "H-hey!" Laughing, she once again smiled. "It's so nice to see you smile again, Milady." same said. "I'm sorry, I was just a little upset. Though I don't know why. It's not like she loved me." Looking down at her hand she began to frown again. "On the contrary. If she didn't care about you, then why would she have looked for you when you decided to run away?" Ciel asked. "So she wouldn't have to do any work." She answered back simply, as if it were a matter-of-fact. "Wrong yet again, I had someone watching her for a little while when you first came here. They reported back to me that she was very sad, always going into your room and crying. She even began to buy you some new clothes, in hope that you'd one day return. Now, if that isn't enough to convince you that she did in fact love you, I don't know what else could." Once finished speaking, Ciel wiped his face with a napkin. "I-i didn't know that she...would miss me..I thought maybe....she'd be happy that I had gone...I..I.." A soft sob was heard, and everyone got up to give the girl a hug. Her sobs slowly grew to a full out cry. "There there, it's alright. There's nothing you could've done to prevent what had happened.." Ciel said, rubbing her back gently as she turned to cry on his shoulder. After a few minutes, the cry slowly went away, and the girl just stood there, enjoying the comfort of her friends around her. "That reminds me..Milord, Lady Elizabeth is coming tomorrow." "Aww Sh-" Ciel was cut off by the Author.


Kill meeee... Im sorry for not updating in FOREVER. I just had writers block... eheh..

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