Christmas Special

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We were trapped inside the manor for a random blizzard had appeared. Sure its December and its near Christmas, but a blizzard seems like a bit much. Adding to the cold that already is. Luckily I get to sleep in a wonderful manor filled with friends an- "Y/N! Where are you?! I need help in the kitchen!" Baldroy interrupted my thoughts. "Coming!" I yelled as I raced to the kitchen. I opened the door just for a giant cloud of black smoke flow from the room. "What happened? Oh wait let me guess. You used the flamethrower again, didn't you?" I asked him. My ears twitching with annoyance. "Hehe, well.." He said while scratching his neck sheepishly. "I told you a million times it ruins the taste!" I scolded him. "Well, the cookies are done at least." He said while pointing to them. "But they're burnt." I pointed out. "Yeah..." "I have an idea. Lets use the stove, okay?" I said while tossing the cookies out. I set the oven to 350 degrees. Then I put some more cookie batter onto the pan and placed it into the oven once it was ready. "There. Now wait 10 minutes and check on them to see if they're ready." I said and left the room. I went into the living room to see Ciel and Sebastian (mostly Sebastian) putting up the tree. "Need any help?" I asked them. "Yes. Please help me with the garland..." Ciel said while trying to untangle himself from it. How he got stuck in the garland is unknown. I helped get the garland off and started wrapping it around the tree while Sebastian was making it perfect as I went along. Soon after we started putting decorations on it. The Christmas ornaments were red, gold, blue, and green. And some silver here and there. "Oh No, No, No! That tree is far to ugly to be called beautiful!!" Elizabeth cried. "Lady Elizabeth, How did you get here through the blizzard?" Ciel asked bewildered. "I have my ways!!" Elizabeth said. "Do bring in the presents Paula!" Elizabeth called. Paula, her personal maid, brought in a bunch of neatly wrapped gifts. "Now! I'll make the tree all nice and pretty!" Elizabeth said while beginning to take off the decorations. "Oh and Ciel?" Elizabeth began. "Yes?" "Call me Lizzy!" She scolded him. "Y-Y/n!" I heard Mey-rin calling me from the other room. "Coming!" I yelled as I zoomed past Paula. I went into the library to see Mey-rin making a mess. Bows, wrapping paper, and ribbons were everywhere! "-sigh- What happened?" I asked her. "Im not quite sure, no im not!" Mey-rin said trying to make the box she was wrapping as pretty as she could, but it looked as if a kid got to the box and began unwrapping it in a messy way. "Allow me to help you.." I said while sitting next to her and taking off all the paper. "First, you pull some of the paper off the tube, but not cutting it yet. Then you place the box on top to measure if you need more paper or not." I explained. "How do you know when there's enough paper?" Mey-rin asked. "Well, you pull the papers to each side to make sure it covers. Width wise that is. The length is fine. Cause if the box doesn't fit length wise, then turn it width wise!" I told her. I began cutting the paper away then wrapping it. "Then you bend it like so, and crease it, and do the same with the other side." I said. "And finally you put it all together with a nice bow!" I exclaimed showing her the box I neatly wrapped. "OH! I get it now, yes I do!" She said. "Need anymore help?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Confused on anything?" "Nope!" She replied. "Alright then. Im off." I said while walking away. I went back into the kitchen to see how everything was doing and there stood Sebastian showing Baldroy how to do it properly. "How did they get burned this time?" I asked. "He left them in too long." Sebastian replied. -sigh- "Y/N, If you will. Please go see how Finny is doing with the ice sculpture." Sebastian said. "He's making an ice sculpture?" I asked. "Yes. It seems it was a hidden away talent of his." "Very well." I said while exiting. I went to the freezer place thing downstairs. "Finny? Are you down here?" I asked. Getting kinda creeped out by the lighting. "Yes! Im over here!" I heard him shout. I followed his voice to find him in the corner making a medium sized sculpture of a present. "That's lovely looking." I complemented him. "Thank you! Im almost done just gotta add one more...And done!" He exclaimed. "Good job!" I said while clapping my hands. "Need help carrying it?" I asked him. "Ah, no I got it. But if you would get the door for me..." "Ah, right!" I said while running up the stairs and opening the door for him. After he got up the stairs Sebastian was waiting for him and took it away after saying a light, 'Thanks.' "Well, lets go see how the tree looks!" I said while grabbing his hand and running around the manor like a little kid till I got to the living room. The tree was decorated in Light blue and pink balls. Slowly everyone gathered in the room to watch Ciel put the star on the tree. Apparently it was a tradition. As Ciel put the star on the tree, Elizabeth started clapping. "Now we can read a story." She said. "I know one!" I called. I sat in the chair nearest to me and everyone slowly gathered around. Sebastian made a fire in the fireplace then blew out some candles making the room dim. "Now, this story is passed down through generations of people. Its was a tradition to tell it back at where I used to live." I said lowly as memories of my mother filled my head. I wonder how she is doing? Meh. "Its called, The night before Christmas. But, being the kind person I am, I'll add all of our names into it! Or at least when they mention names of sorts. Also, I'll adapt it so its more like my version." I said. Everyone nodded, agreeing with my idea. "There was once a man named, Ciel Phantomhive." At this, Ciels eyes widened. "He has a lovely wife named, Karen- "Why isn't it me?" Elizabeth questioned. "Because. You play the old witch at the end of the tunnel!" I exclaimed. "An old witch?!" She complained. "Fine, fine. He had a lovely wife named Elizabeth-" "HAD?!!" Elizabeth yelled. "HAS**** Now hush child and let granny l/n (Last name) tell the story. Where was I, ah yes. They had 4 lovely kids, Finny, Mey-rin, Baldroy, and y/n. Now, Ciel promised his eldest daughter, Mey-rin, that he would come up with a lovely Christmas poem by Christmas eve to tell the kids. But, Ciel being the owner of the Funtom company had hardly any time to do so. And Christmas eve was that day! So he would need to find inspiration for his poem very soon." I paused to get a sip of water, making some people groan in annoyance. My ears twitched evilly at them. "When Ciel was out in about at the town, his carriage he had broke. Well, a wheel broke off. And he had no way to fix it. Considering the thing it was attached to broke off as well. Ciel had to ask a complete stranger for help. This strangers name was Sebastian. Now, Sebastian was old, smelly, and had a long white beard. It was dirty as well. Ciel assumed he was a homeless considering he had some clothes in his sled he had. Ciel asked the man if he could ride with him back to his home, and he agreed. Once he got home Ciel realized he had the inspiration he need." I got out of my pockets some candy, sugar plums to be precise. "He passed a candy store that was selling some Sugar plums outside, he saw a mouse scramble in a hole. Saw a woman opening her window, and, the sleigh he was in. Once he got home he went to his room and started writing. That night, everyone gathered around the fireplace waiting to here his new poem. Ciel sat next to his wife, Elizabeth. In front of him all his children. He even invited the homeless man, Sebastian, from the streets since he gave him the inspiration which lead to all of this!" I threw the Sugar plums In the air and recited the poem. "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stocking were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes of Saint. Nicholas would soon be there. The children were all nestled all snug in their bed while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap, had just settled down for a long winters nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The moon, on the breast of new fallen snow, gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew it a moment that it must be St. Nick. More rapid then eagles, his coursers they came, and he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name. Now Dasher, Now Dancer, Now Prancer, and Vixen! On Comet, On Cupid, On Donner and Blitzen! To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now dash away, Dash away, Dash away all!! As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky, so up to the housetop the coursers they flew, With a sleigh full of toys and St. Nickolas too. And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof. The prancing and pawing of each little hoof. As I drew in my head, and was turning around, down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound. He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ash and soot; A bundle of toys he had flung on his back, And he look'd like a peddler just opening his pack. His eyes-how the twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry. His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow; The stump of a pipe he held right in his teeth, and the smoke encircled his head like a wreath. He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself. A wink of his eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread. He spoke not a word but went straight to his work. And fill'd all the stockings; then turned with a jerk. And laying his fingers aside of his nose. And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. He sprang to his sleigh, to his team have a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night." (I believe the story was originally made, the poem at least by Clemet C. Moore. []) As I concluded the story everyone's (except for Ciel and Sebastian) eyes were shinning. "I've never heard that poem before," Elizabeth pointed out. "Well. Actually it was made a few years ago. I guess one generation ago. In 1822 I think." "Well that's like, idk 40 or something years later!" Elizabeth said. "Okay...Well time for bed so we can open presents tomorrow!" I exclaimed. "YEY!!" Elizabeth, Mey-rin, Finny, and Baldroy exclaimed.

~Christmas morning~

I hurried downstairs to make the young master some tea. Once It was made Sebastian came and took it. I quickly ran to the servants quarters and woke everyone up. One at a time. First Mey-rin by flicking water on her face and squealing, 'Merry Christmas!' Then Baldory by blowing dust on his face and saying the same thing. And since Finny was last. We all joined in on waking him up, by jumping on his bed and screaming, "Merry Christmas!" of course! "Im up! Im up!" He yelled crawling out of bed. I jumped then sat on his bed waiting for him to get ready. Of course that meant doing something with his hair...Probably the red pins. Once He was done we raced to the living room to see everyone there already opening some presents. Well, only Elizabeth while Ciel was sipping tea and Sebastian and Paula picking up paper and throwing it away. We all sat down and Elizabeth started handing everyone presents. Ciel got like 12 and Paula got 5 and Sebastian got 2. The rest of us got 1. But I was quite happy considering I've never gotten a present before. We all started opening out presents. When I opened mine there was a little plush "I love it..." I whispered as I began to hug it like a child. "Milady. I also got you a present.." Sam said finally appearing. 'He must have been decorating the place..' I thought to myself. "Thank you.." I said. "Y/N. I also got you a present. As the Master of this house hold is of most certainty that I get all my servants a present." Ciel said while Sebastian passed out our gifts. "Thank you! I also got everyone a present.." I said. "Ill be right back!" I yelled as I ran to my room. I got a box out of my bed and ran back to everyone. "Here!" I said while opening the lid, when everyone saw what was inside my tail swished happily. I began passing all of them out. The were each homemade dolls of them. Of course they were made of yarn and stuffed with some spare stuffing. "Do you all like them?" I asked. "Yes. Thank you." Ciel said. "Yes! Mine is simply adorable!" Elizabeth cried. "Yes!" Replied each of my fellow servants at once. "Yes, thank you." Both Sebastian and Sam said. We all began opening out presents again. The present I got from Sam was a cat-like collar thing. "Thank you." I said as I put it on. It jingled of course. Then I opened the young masters present. I froze at what I saw. "Whats wrong y/n? Do you not like the gift?" Ciel asked while putting down his tea cup. I just started at him. Sam peeked at the box from over my shoulder. "I don't believe this attire suits Milady..." He mumbled. "What?" Ciel asked while getting up and coming to look at the gift. His expression was priceless. His entire face was covered with a blush, "T-that's not what I got For y/n!" He stuttered. Then everyone was crowding around me to look. "I believe this was from Grell, -sigh- he did say he put it in a red box.." Sebastian said. "So where is y/n's gift?" Finny asked. "If im not mistaken..." Sebastian mumbled while looking under a couch. "Is this it, My lord?" Sebastian asked while holding up a reindeer costume. "Oi! I got the same thing!" Baldroy said. "Me too, yes I did!" Mey-rin said. "Same! We can all be Reindeer's together!" Finny said. "I bought all my servants reindeer costumes And I a Santa costume." Ciel explained. "Well that makes since. Santa is in charge of the reindeer." I said to no one in particular. "Now everyone get changed, I want a nice staff photo just like last year." Ciel said.


Once we were all together the professional painter started painting. We were there for what seemed like hours. Once he finished he collected his money and left. Sebastian placed it near our quarters. The blizzard seemed to pass over night so that must've been how the painter got here. While everyone was still gathered in one place I ran to the top of the steps and shouted, "Merry Christmas Everyone!!"

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