|Chapter 13| The Case of the Bleeding Fairy (Part 2/Final)

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"M-mo-om..." I stuttered as I slowly dropped to the blood covered ground. As I fell On my knees, The blood soaked through the fabric of my dress. "Y-" Ciel was cut off, "MOOOMM!" I screeched As I ran towards her limp, cold body. I touched her face, As a tear slid down my cheek. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "We were too late." It was Ciel. There was Pity in his voice. I let my bangs fall down, covering my eyes. could feel a dark aur beginning to surround me. "Are you alright?" Sebastian said while coming next to me as well. I looked up, my eye flashing a fiery-like blue. "Y-Yn.." Ciel got up as well, in attempt to calm me he rubbed my back. As if rejecting his touch, I slapped away his hand. He was shocked, by the look on his face. But at the time, I didn't care. Toning in all my senses, Taste, Hear, Sight, Smell, Touch. Each one of them increasing as I became more serious. My sense of smell and hearing increased due to the fact that I'm a cat demon. And I smelt it. Whatever it was, I knew exactly where it was. 3 miles away from this spot. As if acting on instinct, I chased where my nose lead me. "Hey!" Ciel cried out, in attempt to get me to stop. As jumped over every house, most people would assume I was flying by my swiftness. As I neared the pinpointed location of this 'creature,' There was a purple glow, where I assumed she was at. I jumped down from the roof and ran towards its direction. It lead me to a meadow, a circular one. Completely surrounded by trees. This vile thing was in the center of it, the purple glowing light all around her, in a circle. "You Killed my mother!" I shouted at her, as I ran towards this thing. It stayed completely still, Till I was about to kick its face. It dodged at an incredible speed and flipped me over. As my back collided with the ground, the wind was knocked out of me. For a few moments at least. As I got back up, the monster aimed another attack at me, to which I dodged. I jumped into the air, sending a dust cloud from where I was just standing. I was about to make a collision with my foot to its face, till Sebastian called out. "STAND BACK!" I obeyed and jumped back. As I landed next to the pair, the monster began to glow. The light grew gradually brighter, causing me to have to cover my eyes. As the light dimmed, I looked to the place where the thing was. What replaced it was horrifying. It had pale skin, almost white. With long black, stringy hair. As if she hadnt washed it in years. Blood was splattered across her body, some splotched darker than others. Her lipped were stitched together with a red string, but it most likely turned red due to the blood, spewing from her mouth. Here eyes were ripped from her sockets, leaving nothing but large red holes to replace them. Though one feature about her was something I' never forget. The large pair of black and red wings on her back. Copying that of a butterfly's. Blood was pouring through her eye sockets, falling down in her pale body. "A....Bleeding fairy..." I mumbled to myself. "Sebastian, this is an order! Take down this, 'Bleeding fairy' as once!" Ciel shouted, hatred shined in his eyes as he started at the pale fairy. As Sebastian lept forward, so did the Fairy. As Sebastian was throwing knives at the Fairy, who easily dodged, me and Ciel were basically following them. Anger boiling inside me for just standing here, I jumped into the battle. As Sebastian threw a fork at her, I leapt at her. My long, cat like nails clawing forward. I successfully landed a deep scratch on her left arm. The fairy turned around and began throwing punches at me, I blocked most of them, but one did hit me in the stomach. While I was distracting the fairy Sebastian came up on her rear end, throwing multiple knives at her back. As she turned she let out an agonising scream, causing me to cover my sensitive ears. I closed my eyes temporarily due to the headache I suddenly got from the shriek. I opened my eyes back up to see the fairy in front of me, kicked me hard in the abdomen, sending me flying, 20 feet away into several trees. Smashing through the first two and causing the last one to crack. Since I was a girl, and Girl demons are over 30%weaker than the males, we got hurt easier. Meaning, I couldn't get up. Everything slowly turned black. The last thing I heard was the sound of leaves rustling.

As I opened my eyes, I was in an unfamiliar area. Though it seemed as though I've been here before. I felt movement stir beside me. I slowly looked over to see Ciel passed out behind me. I shook him bit before he woke up. "What happened?" I asked. "With the Fairy? Dont worry about the bloody thing. It's gone. Once you passed out the Fairy came after you. But so did Sebastian. Seeing his chance, he swiftly killed the vile thing." He explained while he sat up. "Why am I in here?" I asked. "I didn't want Mey-rin or the other servants wondering why you had passed out or needed the medical attention of Sebastian." "Medical attention?" I asked. I thought demons healed at an alarming rate. "Yes, your wounds were healing slowly. So Sebastian tended to them." He he finished his sentence, Sebastian came through the room. Pushing a cart with treats on it. Along with two tea cups and a tea pot. "Today we have a special blend of Herbal tea and Earl Grey, bought yesterday morning and brewed for 1 hour." Sebastian explained as he poured the two cups of tea. "Thank you.." I said as I began sipping the tea. Sebastian simply bowed and left the room. As If realization hit me, I felt depressed. "My mother's dead..." I said aloud. "Yes. She is. The funeral is planned to be this Friday." I knew for a fact that today was Wednesday, so in two days would be the funeral for the woman that took a poor job at taking care of me for a majority of my life.

Ciels Pov.

I was sitting at my office, beginning to write the letter to the queen. 'Dear Queen Victoria.

I have finished the task that you gave me. The murder was not that from our world. For it was a 'Bleeding Fairy.' I gave full detail on what it looked like and how it battled. 'If we were to encounter anymore of these, know that light is its weakness. Sincerely, Your Guard Dog' I put it in the envelope carefully. after that I sealed it with the Phantomhive stamp and gave it to Sebastian to mail it out.

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